What Wars Can Do

Ch 1 Introductory

This fic is more in a mideval time period. There aresix nations in this story.

1) Fire Nation
2)Wind Nation
3)Ice nation
4)Lightning Nation/Thunder Nation
5)Light Nation
6) the most feared of all the Dark Nation

Takuya Kanbara
Clan: Fire
Position: Prince/Warrior/Rider
Character info:
Around 16 years old,Takuya is good with the blade. He knows how to control fire as well. He can be very stubborn and annoying, but is very caring, brave, and courageous. He hates to see people upset, and will try to cheer them up. He is very bad about thinking before acting. He is a very skilled dragon rider and has a dragon named Blaze.
Weapons: Red-handle sword
Ability: can Control Fire
Favorite thing to do: Ride his dragon

Zoey Ortega
Clan: Wind
Position: Princess
Character info:
Also around 16, Zoey knows how to defend herself with a sword. She is very tough and smart, but she hates to be treated differently because she's a girl. Though she is rough on the outside she feels incomplete on the inside even with aperfect family, perfect life, a perfect home.
Weapons: Doesn't usually carry one
Ability: unknown
Favorite thing to do: exploring new places.

(Don't need to know much about the Kings and Queens.)

Clan: Light
Position: Citizen
Character info: 17 years old. Quiet, alone, confused. Ever since his nation was destroyed by the Dark nation he has been living in the Fire nation where they gave him a room in the palace. Takuya is his best friend and Kouji trusts him with everything. Takuya also teaches him how to use a blade.
Weapons: Sword
Ability: can create light.
Favorite thing to do: Practice sword fighting

Clan: Wind
Position: unknown
Character info:Zoey's best friend, can be nice and sweet, but is very sarcastic. Can handle a bow and arrow and shoot bulls-eyes in target practice. She is very smart, and curious.
Weapons: Bow and Arrow
Ability: Fortell bad things occasionally
Favorite things to do:Bow and Arrow practice.

Dark Riders and Dark army
Clan: Dark nation
Position: Warriors/Soldiers
Info: Take no prisoners and are merciless
Weapons: Too many
Ability: none
Favorite thing to do: Kill

That's all you need to know right now.

Begining of chapter

"Master! Master!" cried one of the Fire kings advisor's.

"Yes what is it!" the King ,Norman Kanbara, replied aggitated.

"The Dark nation has demolished the Ice Nation and is heading to the Wind, must we do something?"

"Hmmm...Send my son to ask if they shall need reinforcements and that is really all I have to offer at this point."

"Yes sir." the advisor bowed and continued on his way.

Takuya was sitting in his room staring out the window. He wanted something to do.

"Come in."

"Young prince, the king requests that you tell the queen of the Wind nation that the Dark nation is going to attack them and we will offer reinforcements." the advisor said.

"Ok, tell the servants prepare my dragon while I get ready."

"Yes Takuya."

Takuya got ready and went to the dragon stables. Takuya was wearing a red tunic, boots, and a belt which he carried his sword in.

"Good work servants I'll take it from here. Oh, here's a little something for you."Takuya said handing them two gold pieces each which is like $30.00.

"Thank you master." they said bowing and they left.

"Hey Blaze, how are you doing." he said untieing the dragon.

The dragon was silver and red and stood about eleven feet tall.

"We're going to the wind nation is that ok with you?"

The dragon nodded.

"Good lets go." Takuya said taking off.

At the wind nation

"Nice shot Kristen." Zoey said make a bulls-eye inBow and Arrow practice.

"Thank you and now lets see what you can do." Kristen replied.

Zoey shot it or tried to but didn't even hit the target.

"You need more practice."

"At least I can handle a blade unlike some people."

A shadow then past by them.

"What was that?" Kristen asked.

"It's a dragon heading toward the castle. Seems to be the fire nation. I'll go check."

"Suit yourself. I'm staying here."

Zoey entered the castle and went to the throne room to throne room where her mother was, but she got there to see a boy around 16 in a red tunic talking to the queen (her mom).

"I'm sure you are aware that theDark nation is heading your way will you need reinforcements?" Takuya asked.

"That would be most helpful." the Queen ,Rachel, said.

"Good. I'll be on my way."

"Oh, Takuya will you be able to take my daughter, Zoey, because I don't want her to get hurt during the battle and her friend Kristen."

"I'll be glad to, but I can only hold one more person on my dragon, so I'll send Koji to pick up her friend."

"Glad to hear it." Rachel said "I'll call her right now. Zoey!"

Zoey checked her hair before going out there.

"Yes mother."

"Zoey, Takuya the prince of the fire nation will take you to the fire castle to stay for a couple nights while the battle is going on here."

"Ok. Shall I get ready."


Zoey packed all she needed and went down with her bookbag.

"I'm ready." Zoey said.

'Wow she's pretty.' Takuya thought.

"Umm...here do you want me to take your bag?"

"No. I'm quite capable of taking it myself." Zoey stated.

"Well, sorry for asking."

"You should be."

"Just get on."

Takuya and Zoey got on Blaze.

"Take care honey." Rachel called.

"Bye mom." zoey called back

"Hang on." Takuya said.

The dragon took off and caught Zoey off guard which made her hold on to Takuya.