Disclaimer: I own nothing. If I did this would be what happened not the other way round.

A/N: I wrote this on the plane coming back for the states which is where I saw this episode it is yet to be aired over the pond.

Good old New York City. The buzz that had captured the NY street this early afternoon was inspiring. Lindsay found herself inhaling when she saw the street party. This sort of thing was entirely new the petite Montana native.

'Spring time in New York City.' The dark haired detective fell into step beside her and Danny Messer. He shifted his crime scene case to the other hand the other inconspicuously slipping briefly in Montana's hand. She allowed a quick smile to play the corners of her mouth before returning her attention back to Detective Don Flack.

'So what we got.' Lindsay quickly spoke before she had the urge to kiss Danny in front of there friend.

'Security Guard. Found stabbed to death at the bottom of the stairwell. As usual no-one saw or heard anything.' Danny grinned, that was the friend he knew so well, always blunt and to the point.

'Yeah. Well when has life ever been that easy.' Danny and Lindsay's supervisor stood in the doorway of the building they'd been walking toward.

'I thank both of you for coming to this DOA.' Mac said briefly before turning and leading them through the vast lobby, where some dozen paintings hung in there respective places. Expecting no more gratitude from there boss the two younger CSI's and detective followed him. All three took the time to survey there surroundings. Danny took in the sectary who was talking on the phone looking increasingly distressed giving the impression she wasn't enjoying whoever she was talking to. Flack noted the many emergency exits located in the room. There were three in total. The last two however were obviously fake. He could see the brick behind the fake door. Why contractors put a price on people's safety he'd never know. Lindsay glanced behind her where the echoes of music were slowly fading with every step she took. Since arriving in New York she'd had a wild ride. One she hoped she'd never forget in a hurry. Apart from of course all the nightmares that came with the job. The kind that limited her sleep every night. The kind she hoped to overcome. Her daydream was stopped short a few hundred words when she walked into Mac. He gave her his famous stare and all she could do was smile back and apologise quietly turning bright red in the face.

'Well Monroe here's the camera. You know the drill. He handed her the big black device and stepped cautiously over the body. Flack was reading notes from his pad and pausing only to breathe. Danny crouched down next to him his eyes examining the evidence that lay before him.

'There may be some latent prints.' He stood up brushing dust from his navy slacks.

'I'll go back to the van and get the electro static dust lifter. His colleagues stopped briefly to acknowledge him before turning back to do there jobs. Mac was knelt down beside the security guards abdomen noting the blood pool in relation to the body.

'He wasn't moved.' Lindsay nodded her eyes continually flicking around noting every tiny detail. Her eye fell on the first step.

'We've got a blood pool gentleman.' She stood and hooked the camera over her shoulder. Mac walked over and bent down getting a closer look.

'Okay then.' Lindsay continued her journey up the stairs crouched down so as not to miss any evidence that may arise.

'Monroe.' Mac called her name. It fell short of her ears. 'Monroe.' He repeated her name but louder this time. She snapped out of her trance and turned her head to look at him. Mac motioned toward her pistol using his own which was nestled in between his two hands. Eager to see where the trail led too Lindsay quickly did as she was told and continued. But now she was concentrating on what lay ahead not below. At the top of the stairs the blood led to under the door. She opened the door with one hand and Flack stepped in quickly scanning the corridor for suspects. Haven been given the all clear from the detective Mac and Lindsay re-holstered there weapons and proceeded as they had done before. Ahead of them a ladder lay on it's side. This would've caught Mac's attention before but this was where the trail ended making this there primary scene. Lindsay took her flashlight from her jacket pocket and shone the beam around the corridor. It came to rest on the open ceiling tile.

'Mac?' Lindsay looked cautiously over to her supervisor and stepped forward toward the ladder insure of what she should do next.

'Help me out.' Mac, with Lindsay's help righted the ladder to it's feet. He quickly climbed the steps and stopped once he'd reached the top. During all this Flack had gone back down the corridor and was currently interviewing an office worker. Flack thanked the man and moved onto the next door giving Lindsay an eye-role.

'Anything?' Lindsay smiled and returned her attention to the older man on the ladder. She could've sworn Mac had gasped but this was Mac Taylor he never showed emotion.

'Lindsay get Flack to call in a suspicious package.' This time it was her turn to gasp. She hurried the few steps over to Flack who's eyes widened at the news.

'You got it.' He drew his cell from his pocket and started frantically punching in numbers.

'Call Danny get him to clear the street.' Mac ordered Lindsay who had taken too standing in a state of shock. Lindsay shook her head as she hit Danny's number into speed dial. She knew it would come in handy one day. It dialled for a good two rings before Danny's monotone greeted her.

'Messer.' Lindsay could hear the street music in the background.

'Danny, there's a bomb.' Mac hadn't confirmed this with her but using the evidence she'd come up with a reasonable explanation.

'What. Montana are you serious.' Danny stopped in his tracks and breathed in deeply. It was at this moment Mac had hit the fire alarm behind her causing her too jump. He then heard Mac's voice sternly through the phone.

'You hear that?' Lindsay uttered quickly. Her breathing had fastened so Danny assumed she'd started running.

'Yeah, clear the street. I got ya.' He was stuck on what to say next.

'Linds, I know you won't leave til everyone's safe but be safe. I don't wanna loose you.' He told her down the phone.

'I love you too Messer.' With that the line went dead. Danny took out his badge and ran up to the nearest person and told him to run. Meanwhile however back in the building his collegues where doing the same thing.

'NYPD clear the building.' Mac needn't tell everyone why. Since 9/11 if a cop tells you too run. You run and that was certainly what these people were doing. IT took less than two minutes for the entire floor to be cleared.

'How many people in the building.' Lindsay pulled a women aside who had at least ten files in her hands.

'Erm. It's a Sunday so about two dozen.' Lindsay nodded her thanks before running back to Flack who was checking the remaining offices.

'Clear.' Mac shouted at them from the top of the corridor.

'Were clear.' Flack shouted back. Mac nodded to show he'd gotten the message.

'Okay let's go.' Mac turned and Flack and Lindsay followed.

'Hey what's going on.' A man slightly taller than Flack appeared in the door just behind Lindsay. She turned back around.

'Get outta here.' She shouted at him pulling him by his sleeve and back toward the stairs.

The impact of the explosion was enough to through Lindsay sprawling back into a wall.

A/N: Shall I continue or not? R&R. Much appreciated. Oh and this is my first CSI:NY ff so try to be kind.