thanks for all the reviews. I really, really appreciate them. chapter four is now done,as you can see and I hope you like it :D

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I woke up in the middle on the night. It had to be late because it was still dark and the only light was the moon filing through the window. (cliché I know) it was then that I realised that there was a knife held to my throat.

Funny how that always happens to me.

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Chapter 4

My eyes sprang open to take a good look at my assailant.

"What the fuck!

"Ah Miss Susannah, how nice for you to finally wake up and join the party, however do you really think the swearing is necessary?" Maria whispered sweetly.

"Yeah some party you got going" Anyway what's with the 'how nice of you to wake up and join the party' sarcasm really doesn't suit her, makes her sound like a complete idiot.

"You will keep quiet and only speak when you are spoken to" I could feel her spit land on my face as it flew from her mouth.


She tightened her grip on me with her pair of undoubtedly unshaved legs and leaned closer to my face, her nose being only inches from my own.

"You will listen to me unless you wish to receive an unfortunate and untimely death"

Maria tugged on my hair and pressed the side of the blade harder on to my throat. I didn't respond this time because ONE: sarcasm just didn't seem to be fitting and TWO: any slight movement would result in a short drop and a sudden stop. Not literally because Maria wasn't really trying to hang me, I just meant it metaphorically or is it figurativley, you know what I mean right?

"Funny how just a little persuasion can reach the desired effects" she climbed off meand sat on a chairbut still held the knifeagainst my throat.

"What do you want Maria?" I growled, I didn't mean to growl, it just came out like that. Everytime I get woken up early my voice goes realy unsexy, not thatI had a particularly sexy vioce to start with.

"What do I want? Well I want many things, theres a whole list infact, but first and foremost I want you to leave and never return. Then I want your precious Hector to feel so 'heartbroken' about your sudden departure that he feels he can't live without you and must rid himself of this world, he shall then burn in hell and stay there for the rest of eternity. You don't know how much satisfaction I will feel when I kill him"

That's dark for a hooped skirt, Pettit coat, bonnetwearing bitch.

"Why do you want to kill him anyway,he hasn't done any thing to you" I said.

""Hasn't done anything to me! I'll tell you what he hasdone to me. He humiliated me infront of his family, running away from his marriage to me. Then he tries to kill my Felix!" I didn't point out the fact that what Jesse did was self defence and Diego had been sent to kill him on Maria's orders.

"And what if I refuse to comply with your demands?"

"Then missy you will end up just like your Hector. So be warned, I want you gone by the end of this week. Now if you tell him about our little agreement I will not be held responsible for my actions and be forced to kill you as well"

I refuse to tolerate some Skank blackmailing me but before I could tell her where she could stick her cheap threats she was out the door with an infuriating little waggle of her fingers. All Ican say is Kelly Prescott is no match for Maria, and thatI wan't to chop of all her hair and tie her to a pole in the middle of a field like Clark Kent wasin Smallville (minus the head shaving)but thats a whooooole different story.

I lay there for I don't know how long contemplating what I had just heard. Today it is Friday or it was an hour ago meaning it is now Saturday. The end of the week is Sunday which is tomorrow….tomorrow! Shit.

Of course I am going to tell Jesse about this, yeah Maria is a bitch but I highly doubt she has the strength and nerve to kill to people. Especially when one is 6'4" and the other has developed their body into a powerful weapon (don't laugh I am very strong for a woman, I kick box and took karate when I was a kid.) For Christ's sake she even sent Diego out to do her dirty work last time and he hardly has the capabilitynow toeven wipe his own ass now, let alone kill someone.

I'll tell Jesse when I next seen him.

Finally I drifted off to sleep but it felt like the momentmy head landed on the pillow and my eyesclosed I was being woken up to do my chores. I know how riddiculouslystupid is that? The sun hadn't even risen yet and I ammeant to bea guest. i guess they don't wan't me just sitting on my ass all day.

But being the kind, helpful and wonderful guest that I am I got out of my bed and changed into some work clothes that Marta had given me, simple and beige with a apron on the front.

Everybody was already awake and busy with their jobs. I was assigned to milking the cows, or squeezing some cow juice as I like to put it with Josefina.

The barn is on the other side of the ranch near the stables. It's actually quite spacious inside. Half of it is dedicated to the cows and the other half has a huge pile of hay with a hay loft above it. I am pretty sure that would make a great diving post. ChildishI know, but i have always wanted to dive into a pile of squishy stuff. Like ther was this advert wherethese people jump of an eight story building just to show how soft this toilet paper really is.

I am very ashamed to say that I have never milked a cow before so I just stood there staring at this big fat black and white cow.

"Is something the matter Suze?" Josefina asked.

"Err… I have never milked a cow before" I said quietly. Neither have I ever been on a farm before or been in a close proximity to a cow before, but she really didn't need to know that.

"Oh well it is quite easy really, look I'll show you" She pulled out a bucket and sat by the cows udders on a little stool.

"Right, first you take hold of a teat and squeeze it in a down wards motion, like this see. Then you take another teat and squeeze it in the same way. Get a rhythm going, squeezethem both at the same time, that way it's quicker"

No way was I going to do that, it's like cow molestation! I don't want cow molestation to go on my permanent police record, breaking and entering is enough for me. I reallythink that Ishould calm down a bit, jeez Simon it only one frickin' cow.

"Here now you try". Sitting down reluctantly I took a hold of one of the teats (you know they should call it cow boob it would be a hell of alot simpler and easier) and squeezed it, a jet stream of milk sprayed me in my face. i must have looked a sight, with milk dripping down my cheeks.

"What did it do that for!" I screeched.

"Suze you bent the teat, keep it straight and aim for the bucket. I'm surprised that it didn't kick you"


For another hour I slaved away milking the cows. Josefina had walked off mentioning something about feeding the chickens and collecting some eggs

"Good morning Susannah" someone wrapped their arms around and naturally I screamed. The cow jumped up and kicked the bucket sending it flying into a wall.

"Damn you, you stupid animal!" I turned round and looked at my attacker – why am I always being sneaked up on? – and there stood Jesse in all his 19th century glory.

"Querida are you ok? I'm sorry I didn't mean to scare you"

"Yeah I'm fine" I said brushing dirt of my skirt, hey that rhymes"but that cow sure as hell won't be when I'm finished with it" Jesse just laughed.

"Hey it's not funny, I'll make you into beef burgers as well if you don't shut it" he laughed again.

"Sorry" Only he didn't look to sorry.

"You better be. Now what did you want?" So what if I was being rude,if you hadn'talready noticed I was angry.

"Do I need a reason to come and see my beautiful girlfriend? He smiled his gorgeous 100 watt smile.

He wrapped his arms around my waist, I just stood their not hugging him back, Nuh uh,I can't be won that easily. Then he leaned in and kissed me on the lips ever so gently. Ah what the hell. I kissed him back and opened my mouth to let his tongue enter, exploring already conquered depths. I ran my hand up the deep ridges of his chest and felt him squirm slightly.

His hands rested on my hips. My arms wrapped themselves around his neck and let my hand stroke his hair that curled at the nape of his neck.

After our slightly heated moment of passion Jesse slowly pulled away and reasted his head on my foreheadthen spoke,

"Actually I did come to you for a reason, breakfast was ready ten minutes ago"

We walked across the yard and opened the door leading to the kitchen. Once inside people were giving knowing looks; I put my hand up to my hair to see if it was alright. The bun that I had put up this morning had now become a messy bun. God that's embarrassing. Does everyone know what we have been up to? Surely his parents would go completleynuts saying that he was being far to foreword but they were completely fine about it, granted Mr de Silva wasn't in the room.

"Jesse" Coralia said "in honour of you return home we have organised a party for you"

"A party?"

"Si Jesse a party, you know with dancing and food "Marta said sarcastically. Coralia scowled ad her oldest daughter and continued speaking.

"I have already invited the Van Morrison's, the Hopewell's the Hampton's and theRamírez de Arroyo's.

I think that's everyone, Marta, Josefina I need to know who you guests are by lunchtime so I can send their invitations. Also Jesse you need a new dress coat. I doubt you old ones fit anymore, you have grownfar too tall" she smiled at him and continued.

"Gracias mama" Jesse said

"Susannah your new dress is on your bed, the measurement are from the dress that Marta gave you. I hope you like it"

"Thank you"Ireplied politely then asked"Excuse me Mrs de Silva but when is the party if you don't mind me asking"

"Sunday dear"

My face visibly paled and I literally fell the colour draining from my face. "Susannah are you ok? Jesse asked worriedly

"I'm fine, just peachy". He didn't seem very convinced but let it drop.

Sunday that's when Maria is planning her 'vengeance'. I know I shouldn't be scared but Maria is a vicious and manipulative whore. How did I manage to forget to tell Jesse when I said I would the next time I saw him? I had every intention of telling him in the barn.,I just happened toget a little distracted. I'm going to tell him tonight.

Yeah, tonight.

That chapter was very errm…….. cowish don't you think? LOL.

Was it good, bad, amazing or completely and utterly boring?

R&R, you know you want to!

Laure x