Title: Beer Bad
Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN. All recognizable characters and situations belong to their respective owners and I make no profit off of playing with them.
Rating: PG-15
Pairing(s):Buffy/Dean, Sam/Dawn, Faith/Xander, Willow/Oz
Spoilers: BtVS post Chosen, SPN season 1 "Provenance"
Summary: Answer to Jinni's woke up in Vegas challenge. Dean and Sam are on a Hunt in the city of sin when Dean wakes up after a night of heavy drinking to find himself married to none other than Buffy Summers, the best friend of the brother he had to give up and a Vampire Slayer.

A/N: Sorry it's been so long between updates, real life has a habit of getting in the way and to be honest I forgot about this account. Here is Chapter 14, enjoy and remember to leave a review.

Chapter 14 The Difference Between Black, White, and Red

Self consciously Buffy pulled off her shirt wincing as the material caught at the ragged cuts on her abdomen. She attempted to pull it over her head but sharply breathed in as the wounds stretched as bleed harder.

"Here." Dean's voice was soft his hands gentle as they moved over her bare skin slipping first one arm then the other out of the shirt before pulling it over her head.

He sat close to her on the bed and his eyes moved from her sating black bra to the cuts gruesomely decorating the tan skin of her sides.

She watched his eyes as he concentrated on her barely blinking when the alcohol soaked hand towel over the broken and torn skin. It burned sure but she was mesmerized by the way his throat worked and his jaw tightened.

It had only been a short time but was it possible that he already cared?

He reached from the wrap his eyes meeting hers and he stilled their eyes locking.

Dean was the first to break contact clearing his throat as he looked back down at the bandage in his hand and moved to wrap it around Buffy's midsection over the cuts on the bruised skin.

"How you doing Sammy?"

Sam looked up from his lap top where he was typing away furiously shirt halfway unbuttoned as Dawn taped down a bandage over the hole in his shoulder grumbling under her breath.

"Huh," Sam stopped typing "Oh, fine, it wasn't that deep."

"I meant the research genius." Dean challenged even though he had been asking about his brother's injury. He didn't like to be too obvious though.

Sam's lips tilted in the corners seeing right through his brother's gruff talk "What I can get from the database Dawn showed me is that Zeeman's wife was a Slayer, she was activated at the age 0f 18 and died at 20."

Dean snorted "Well that blows."

"That was the average lifespan of a Slayer," Dawn told them as she moved to Sam's back where the piece of wood has gone through "three years then was pretty good."

Dean looked from Dawn to Buffy tying the ends of the wrap together "So what's the average now?"

Buffy looked down watching as he put away the supplies telling him honestly "We don't know. We're sort of learning as we go."

While Dawn had been showing Sam the Council database she had told him about how over a thousand Slayers worldwide had been activated and how they trained them.

"So Faith and Buffy are Vampire Slayers?" Sam attempted to change the subject wanting to get away from any talk of death.

"The original two." Faith grinned saucily as she walked into the room followed by Xander who was weighed down with a take out box filled with greasy fast food and drinks.

"And you're…?" Sam inquired of Dawn haltingly.

She shared a quick look with Buffy before smiling nervously "A normal girl who knows a couple of magic tricks."

"So you're not a witch?" Dean demanded and there was a bite to his voice.

Dawn's eyes widened "Me, oh no, not at all. I can manage a couple of spells sure but I have nowhere near the training to call myself a witch. Even now all I want to do is crash; real witchcraft is dangerous and draining."

Xander having caught the edge to Dean's voice supplied "And not evil in any way, Witches that is, Dawn's not evil too but witches aren't." He smiled setting the food down on the table "Sure, you get the occasional witch that wants to relive her glory days of cheerleading by stealing her teenage daughters body but most witches are firmly in the not evil category."

"Sure they are." Dean sounded unconvinced "I suppose there are some non evil cuddly vampires as well and demons that aren't destruction seeking murderers."

Xander snorted thinking of Clem and began sorting through the food. Dawn brought a hand up to her mouth to hold in a very immature giggle. Faith and Buffy shared a look unable to suppress the grins on their faces and Dean and Sam watched in horror, more horror on Dean's part.

"Oh you got to be kidding me." He growled and stood making a beeline to the food breathing in the scent of greased meat and salty fries.

Buffy, still smiling, accepted the dark blue shirt Faith had got out of her bag for her and gave the other Slayer a grateful smile when she saw that it was a button up.

"We're really not." Xander's voice wavered between amusement and petulance at the subject that always managed to annoy him. Vampires with souls irked him in a way nothing else did.

He joined Dean in his search for the most unhealthy fuel in the pile passing Dawn a Caesar salad and putting the larger burgers off to the side for Buffy and Faith.

Slayer metabolism let the girls eat like garage disposals. The bill for feeding the mini Slayers was ridiculous.

Dean dug into the food with the relish of a man you fully appreciated the finest Crazy Joe's Diner had to offer.

"Hey guys I think I have something." Everyone turned to Sam a fry hanging out of Dean's mouth and Xander's already open to take a bite out of a burger. Sam rolled his eyes at his brother's behavior before telling them "According to the database Zeeman's daughter might have been a potential Slayer, the first disappearance at the hotel was a representative the Council sent about the girl. Some signs even point to Nelson Zeeman playing with some pretty powerful and dark forces."

Dawn looked over his shoulder and her brow furrowed "Oh wow some people said they saw shadows in the hallways," at the blank looks meeting her statement Dawn clarified "in the middle of the day before the windows were boarded up."

Dean swallowed grabbing a beer out of the six-pack "So maybe when he died his spirit got mixed up in whatever he was screwing with and that's why he's a little more active than the average Casper."

Sam nodded following his brother's train of thought "Like the spirit of the old lady in Nebraska."

"Casper wasn't evil." Buffy supplied interrupting their reminiscing and when they looked at her she shrugged "Friendly Ghost. The. Not evil." At their blank looks she rolled her eyes "Just saying, so this spirit, how do you get rid of it?"

"Aren't you guys supposed to be the experts?" Dean demanded. They had this whole organization and everything, apparently they even got paid.

"We mostly deal with demons and vampires, the occasional cult that tries to end the world, spirits, not so much."

"Oh," Xander looked excited grabbing his own beer "Remember that James guy sophomore year, or was it Jim, Jimmy, anyways Mr. Killed His Teacher That Broke Up With Him and Wanted to Be Forgiven?"

"I remember hearing something about that," Faith grabbed the burger Xander had set aside for her "Didn't him and his lady possess you and Angel during his Angelus days?"

Buffy frowned "He did, but we didn't exactly get rid of him. We just played through the scene so they could resolve things and they went away." She remembered the whole finding herself kissing her evil former boyfriend.

"But there was a spell you guys were going to try," Dawn offered "you never got to finish it so it could have worked."

Dean listened with avid interest snorting "Where in the hell did you guys go to school?" He shook his head "Interesting as this is we usually dig up the corpse and salt and burn the bones." He had never been too keen on witchcraft. The witches they had ran across tended to want to reap bloody revenge on whoever wronged them and weren't above trying to kill anyone that got in their way.

Buffy shrugged "Or we could do that I guess."

Sam closed his lap top and started to pace as something occurred to him. Buffy and Dawn moved to the food and Dean looked up at his brother.

"What's crawled up your ass?"

Sam took a moment to glare at him darkly before telling him "The corpse of Zeeman's daughter is in the hotel, her spirit is restless too and we should still take care of it, give her some peace."

Dean took a drink before shaking his head "So let me get this straight, you want us to go back in the house where you got a piece of wood in your shoulder and my wife got her stomach shredded so that we can give little girl ghosty some peace?" sarcasm dripped from every word.

"Dean, we can't pick and choose the people we save."

"Last time I checked ghosts weren't people." Dean shot back.

"Dudes, yo chill," Faith had already polished off her burger and was working on some fries grabbing a beer for herself "As much as I like a good throw down there ain't much we can do with this Zeeman guy but burn his bones, we can deal with ghost girl after."

Sam sighed frustrated "She could get violent too and the sooner we take of this the better, besides usually spirits come after us when we try to burn them, if someone else is there it could work as a distraction."

Dean watched his brother seeing how much this meant to him before determining grudgingly "Fine, but Buffy and Faith go nowhere near that hotel again."


"What, we don't get a say in this?" Buffy's voice rose and she put her burger down half finished "Slayers here." Her eyes flashed at the thought that she was going to have to sit on the sideline.

"That's sort of the problem honey." He spat the endearment like a curse "The guy's wife was a Slayer and so was his daughter, the daughter he killed if you're forgetting that, so you aren't exactly his favorite kind of person."

Seeing a fight brewing between the two Dawn interjected "Guys, are we sure the whole salt and burn routine is going to work? This Zeeman guy isn't exactly a run of the mill spirit is he? For all we know he could be connected to the hotel."

Everyone stilled at the thought before Dean's eyes lit up and he turned to his brother expectantly.

"We're not going to burn down the hotel Dean." Sam growled.

Dean pouted "Why not?"

"We can't solve everything by burning it down."

Dean remained unconvinced "And I repeat, why not?" It made the most sense. If the spirit was connected to the hotel torch it and no more spirit.

"We could try a spell, I'm pretty sure I know one that will work." A soft voice offered from the doorway and everyone turned to see Willow leaning against the doorframe a short and slim man beside her.

"Will." Buffy smiled standing to hug her best friend and her eyes slid to the newcomer "And I see you brought back a souvenir." Her smile was warm "Hey Oz."

He gave her a small nod "Hey."

They stepped more fully into the room and Willow looked from Xander to Dean before asking bluntly "So is there a reason why you're legally dead?"

Dean was startled but he recovered quickly "Shape shifter, so you do spells too?"

She nodded "I'm a witch."

Dean frowned "Oh." Before grabbing for his beer again "If we're not going to burn the place down I say we still salt and burn the bones. If it doesn't work we can think of something else." His eyes moved from Willow to the new guy Oz. "So who in the hell are you?"

Oz dug his hands into his pockets looking comfortable "Name's Oz, I'm with Willow."

"With, with, like in the intimate sense?"

"It's complicated." Willow's smile was strained and she turned to Xander "So your brothers aren't evil or anything."

Xander smiled shaking his head "Nope, just compulsive liars. They're Hunters, they hunt thing." He mimed chopping something with his hand and stopped looking embarrassed when everyone stared at him.

Dean smirked "And I can play a mean game of pool." He gazed suspiciously at the Oz guy "Now that the who's who is out of the way can we get back to the case." he moved to sit beside Buffy and she moved her chair closer to him as she finished off her burger and debated whether she wanted to risk a beer again.

Her eyes locked with Dean's and he grinned.

"Scared of a little alcohol Princess?"

Buffy rolled her eyes "The last time I drank I got married."

Dean reached for her hand holding theirs up so that the light caught the rings "And look how well that has turned out, I'm quite the catch you know" he gloated before adding "and you're not too shabby yourself."

He tuned back into the conversation going on between Willow, Sam, and Dawn and didn't even complain when they agreed to try the spell while burning the girl's bones.

"So how does this spell work?" Sam asked curiously.

Willow bit her lips "It's not a spell exactly, more like an exorcism." She warmed to the subject her eyes lightening and Dean could see Sam geeking out "We find the hot spot in the hotel, the place where all the bad mojo is coming from and we create a Mangus-tripod."

Dean shook his head "Yeah, I'm not following. A what?"

She moved towards them and grabbed a fry ignoring Xander's pout as she put in the middle of the table "Say this is the hot spot, one person would chant here." She grabbed three more fries and placed them around the other one "And three other people will chant in other places around the hotel forming a triangle. It's supposed to bind the bad spirit and keep it from doing any more harm."

Dean shook his head reaching for his beer and going back to looking at his delectable wife "Sounds like a plan Red."

He caught Xander's eyes and his brother took a drink saluting him with the bottle before going back to sorting through an impressive collection of daggers that apparently belonged to his badass girlfriend that was hanging over his shoulder watching him with an eagle eye. While doing that he reached for one of the fries.

Dean grinned asking "So if this plan doesn't work do I get to burn the hotel down or not?"