Don't Ask; Don't Tell

By: Takara R. M.

Summary: It's Seventh year…. Harry wants to be with the one he loves... especially for the Valentine's Day Dance… but there's a slight problem: society is homophobic. Miracle: It's a song-fic! HPDM, slash...

Author's Note: This is it! That LAST chapter! That means: COMPLETE! So… enjoy!

Disclaimer: This is very demeaning! No… I do not own Harry Potter or anything for either the books or movies! And I do not own the song! It's from the musical Zanna Don't. I suggest you all go see it… or at least get the sound track! Jai Rodriguez (from Queer Eye for the Straight Guy) is the main character:tear: why did he have to be gay? Oh why:sniffles:

:D I did have to change a line or two in the beginning of the song! But that is it!

Genres: Romance, Humor (a little)

Rating: Only rated PG-13! Can you believe it! No Bunny Action! Hehehe…

WARNINGS: OOC-ness (I think there is a little bit in here….), Dangerous Muse, Slowly click away... (laughing… you do not want to know who my muse is!) .

Chapter Three: Life Is Beautiful

Valentine's Day – Morning

Great Hall – Breakfast

Hermione ignored Ron as she watched Harry eat his breakfast. Harry had been a bit more social since their little impromptu talk. Hermione glowed happily as Harry laughed at a joke Seamus was telling. Everything was calm now. Well, almost everything.

Ron was getting fed up with Hermione. He had been talking to her for the last ten minutes and had just asked her a question, but her eyes were glued to Harry. Ron had noticed how happy and talkative the two had become and he was starting to think that his 'girl' had feelings for their friend. Ron was not happy with his thoughts.


The girl kept humming happily as she ate and her gaze never left Harry.


The girl nearly jumped from her seat. "Wha-"

"Why are you looking at Harry?"

Hermione tilted her head questioningly. "If you haven't noticed, our dear friend Harry has been in a lull that he seems to be coming out of. I'm just happy that he's happy."

Ron made a small disbelieving noise. "Right."

The brunette narrowed her eyes toward the red head. "What did you want?"

"Is seven-thirty good for you?"

"For what?"

Ron sighed in exasperation. "To meet in the common room so that we can go to the dance."

"So that we can go to the dance?"

"Yes. We."

Harry was watching them now, a worried look marring his previously good mood.

"Ron, as your friend, I think you should as Luna to the dance."

Ron turned toward Harry. "Why? I don't like Luna and I'm sure that she is probably going to go with that ghost she's been talking about. Besides, I'm going with Hermione."

Ron abruptly found cut fruit, whipped cream, and freshly squeezed orange juice plastered to his robes and seeping through to his clothes underneath. Harry had to stifle the laughter that threatened to over take him.

"I am not going with you. Last time I checked, you didn't even ask me! I have a date thank you very much. Maybe if you had asked me a few days ago, I might have considered it."

Harry braced himself for the world renowned Weasley temper.

"You have a date!" It was clearly not a question. "Who? Is it Harry?" The brash young man turned on his friend. "Is it you? Did you ask her? How could you! You knew I was going to go with her! Why did you ask her? How could you! You –"

"Oh, will you bloody shut up!" Hermione now had the attention of the entire hall. "I am not going with Harry. I am not going with you. I am going with my boyfriend. Do you understand that? B-o-y-f-r-i-e-n-d. Boyfriend!"


With one good look at the blank expression on Ron's face, Hermione turned and fled from the Great Hall in a huff with a very handsome young man from Ravenclaw trailing after her. Harry and the other Gryffindors pointedly went back to their breakfast and little conversations.

If I see you, and I sit across the room

Across the hall, twinkling silver eyes met sparkling emerald ones in a silent acknowledgement.

That is how I kiss you.

Valentine's Day – night 8:30

Are you an angel?

No. Just a man.

You healed me. How?

Through an open mind.

You are an angel.

Harry stood with Draco outside the entrance to the Great Hall. Everyone else was already inside. Ron was in the back with Luna and her ghost friend. Hermione danced happily with her Ravenclaw boyfriend. Everyone was merrily dancing or chatting. Even the professors were enjoying the good mood.

Outside, two girls walked up to the waiting boys. One was a Slytherin and the other, a Ravenclaw. With a quick exchange of words, all four were ready to enter the Great Hall. The Slytherin girl, Tara, and the Ravenclaw, Skye, stood before Harry and Draco respectively. As the double doors opened, the boys released their clasped hands and followed the girls into the dance.

Heads turned as a whisper went through the sea of bodies. Ginny pushed her way forward to get a good look at the girl who stole her 'love' from her. Pansy did like-wise and was a bit offended and shocked to see the foursome.

Draco whispered to his group to keep moving and expertly led them to an empty table. After two long songs had finished, people slowly began to make their way onto the dance floor. Harry and Draco stayed with sitting with their 'dates', talking and laughing heartily. The more Ginny watched, the angrier she became. What did the Slytherin girl have that she, a Gryffindor, did not?

An hour passed before the group stood to dance. The dance was a lively one that required everyone to group together in fours and switch partners.

Ginny became even more jealous as she watched the couples dance. The Hufflepuff she ended up having to ask to the dance was now in the mist of a card game with his fellow housemates, leaving her all alone.

After the dance was over, the group went back to their table to eat, talking and laughing. Hermione led her boyfriend over to the table to join them. Ron watched with shielded eyes from his place, glaring sharpened, cursed daggers at the Ravenclaw, all the while, never noticing Harry or his group.

The six sat and chatted, getting up a few more times to dance. The two couples had plans to split of and spend the rest of the dance with their real dates. After Harry's breakdown, he and Draco both agreed it would be best if they just came out. Maybe Harry's fame and glory would help the wizarding world accept them. They went with the girls, though, since Hermione had already planned it out that way and she was really trying to help them out.

Yes, that was their grand scheme. Well, not really. It was rather simple actually. They were at a dance, so why not dance?

It was right as the great clock struck two minutes before midnight that the happy group was greeted with three unhappy people. Ginny was ready to tear Tara's hair out and Pansy was rip Skye's eyes out. Quite the unlikely allies.

Ron was pissed at Hermione. He just knew he had made a huge fool of himself, but felt better placing the blame on Hermione. The red head did not have a chance to pick a fight, however, as a younger red head beat him to it.

"What do you think you're doing?" Ginny was quite a vicious Weasley.

Tara gave Ginny a questionable look before answering, "I am enjoying a school dance with my date and friends. Why?"

"You mean with my date?"

Tara turned her head to look Skye's way who shrugged and shook her head. "I am sure there is a miscommunication here," she stated turning back to Ginny.

:There is no miscommunication!" Pansy invited herself into the conversation. Ron was just standing there in confusion, having finally noticed the other occupants of the table. "And you!" Pansy turned on Skye. "Who the hell are you and what did you do to Drao?" she screeched.

Skye looked so confused. "Do? I didn't do anything to Draco. Why would I want to?"

"I know you did something to him! Why else is he here with you?"

Skye and Tara exchanged looks, Tara choosing to answer. "They're our friends and this is a school function. Why shouldn't we be with them?"

Ginny huffed, pushing her chest out, and draped herself over Harry. "These men are claimed, honey."

Draco sneered in disdain as Pansy mimicked Ginny's actions and draped herself over him. "For every part of him you touched, I'll make sure is a day of torture for you."

Tara and Skye burst out laughing as Harry Draco both shoved the 'girls' off them. Hermione and her boyfriend joined in and no one heard the clock chime midnight.

"We're not their girlfriends!" Skye giggled.

"What?" Both girls asked at once.

"You're not here as their dates?" Ginny questioned.

Draco raised an eyebrow at Pansy as the girl attached herself to his arm. He was quite fed up with the conversation. He gave Skye a wink, earning a giggle from her and a growl from the thing attached to him.

Ginny and Pansy watched with wide eyes as Draco offered a hand to Harry, saying, "Shall we?" Skye turned to Tara mimicking Draco's actions.

If they did not have the attention of the entire student population before, they certainly had it now. Wide eyes looked on in shock and disbelief as the two couples danced together. A gasp rang out as long delicate fingers brushed up against slightly tanned skin. A few fainted when strong hands buried themselves in fair, elfin hair and lips met lips.'

That is how I kiss you.

Hermione, wrapped in the arms of her boyfriend, sighed in content happiness. Life would be hell tomorrow, but for now….

Life is beautiful…


Ok, So I couldn't resist using a line from Cabaret (the musical). That last line there… it was just a perfect fit!

You all know what to do! This Story is COMPLETE! Meaning: I am stopping here! This is the end of the songfic! There is nothing left!

BUT! That does not mean you do not have to review! On the contrary! It means you definitely have to review now! So…..