A/n: Thank you for reviewing peoples! Many would like this continued so I'll go on with this plot. Hope you still like it. Sorry for the SUPER of late update. I was out of town and couldn't get access to the internet until a week ago.

Disclaimer: I don't own much this time. TT.TT The characters all belong to Eion Colfer and the main plot belongs to Shakespeare, although any alternations to the Romeo and Juliet plotline is mine. MINE!

Mr. Fowl- Artemis Fowl Senior
Artemis- Artemis Fowl Junior

RECAP: After their meeting above ground at the Halloween Party, they both resume to their original lives but still hope to find each other agian. Opal is still after Artemis's heart after he tells her to give up.

Artemis Fowl: Romeo and Juliet Style
Chapter 2


"What do mean there's no such person as Holly Short?" Frustrated he sat back on his leather chair.

"It's true," insisted Juliet Butler, "I couldn't find any leads to anyone with the name Holly Short in Europe, Australia, Americas, Asia, and even Africa. Either, one: she is living in a very secretive area or, two: she has lied to you about her name."

He thought about that before, but when he remembered her ageless, glowing eyes, he immediately dismissed that thought. There was only truth and curiosity in her orbs that night. But it wasn't likely either to be in hiding from society. Didn't Holly have bank accounts, credit cards?

He silently motioned for Juliet to leave, where once again, he was alone, like every other day in his life. He loved his parents but they weren't there to always share his happiness, his smiles.

Truth be told, he hadn't stopped thinking about her. Artemis wasn't used to anything interfering with his extremely tight schedule--especially not women. There was little conversation shared between them. He hadn't yet hear her laugh, hear her shout. They'd shared a brief, somewhat intimate touch and he hoped to continue what they started, but now what? Without contact information, how was he going to see her again?

He cursed silently. The thought of asking for her number never crossed his mind until now. So much for being a genius.


Holly sighed as she studied his picture again. Obtaining the multi-billionaire's photo wasn't difficult with internet and a computer. He was all over the place: Peoples, Wall Street, Mercury, and even Seventeen. A teen idol and business men. And only 18!

Holly grumbled knowing that she was hundreds of years older than he was. Age doesn't matter, she convinced herself. Love with conquer all. If there even was love between them.

She found herself curious about the mud men's lifestyle. Is he right or left handed, does he take showers or baths, does he sleep on his back or on his side. The biggest question that bothered her was if he was thinking about her. She was thinking about him everyday so why shouldn't he?

He's not thinking of me, she would often conclude. Holly shook her head roughly like a child. No. Must think happy thoughts: he's thinking of me and he wants to see me now.

Holly quickly slipped the photo of Artemis back in-between her notebooks as the professor walked by her desk, eyeing her suspiciously. She returned an easy smile and pretended to be intensely giving attention, when really, her mind was floating at the surface where a certain someone lived.


"Honey dear. Opal's here to see you."

He looked up from his laptop to see his mother's gentle smiling face accompanied by Opal's in the background.

"She would like to speak to you," hinted his mother as she walked out the room. Artemis only closed his laptop annoyingly waiting for Opal to speak up.

"What is it with your sudden appearance Miss Opal? Is there anything that I may be assistance to?"

"We need to talk."

Artemis resisted a smirk, " Isn't that what we're doing now?"

"I meant I want to talk about that girl. The one who was all over you at the party." This time he smirked, inside, wondering whom was all over whom.

"Does my private affairs concern you?"

"Yes it does Artemis. I want to protect you from her."

"I don't see the reason why. I'm in no danger as long as Butler and Juliet are around." Artemis knew of course that she wasn't referring to any physical harm.

"You haven't heard from her have you?" Opal brought up.

Artemis tried to hide the surprise in his voice and professionally did so. There was no other way that Opal would know that he hasn't been in touch with Holly.

"Juliet told you of that I suppose." Artemis got up from his chair and circled Opal noting how her round dark eyes gave her a somewhat innocent look. Oh the irony of that, he thought. She was as sly as a fox.

"Yes. Juliet told me. Don't blame her."

"I won't blame her." Artemis stood leaned against the wall across from Opal where he studied her whole petite figure. "It wasn't her fault that she was sweet talked by our Miss Opal here."

"What I'm saying is that she's playing you Artemis. She doesn't really love you. She just wants your body, your touch, your money. She's like all the other lowlifes out there."

"Aren't those the reasons why you are after me? Besides," Opal opened her mouth to protest but Artemis spoke again, "if Holly did ask me for those things, I would of gladly handed it to her."

"You sound like a love stuck teenager Artemis. Stop acting like a child and forget her already. She's not coming back to see you. There must be a reason why she hasn't called, hasn't knocked. What if she was in an accident and died. What if she forgot about you? What if she found someone better? Are you going to wait your whole life for this one girl?"

Artemis understood Opal wanted him to stop waiting for Holly. In his mind, Artemis had already declared Holly as missing, but his mind refused to forget her and held onto every memory of their night together. He wanted to talk to her again, feel her. He wanted to believe that Holly was out there, thinking about him from dawn until dusk, but each day made it unlikely for her to reappear back in his life.

He could wait. He was waiting for her for weeks already but no news of hers have reached him. He could wait for a few years. Even decades wouldn't hurt if it was true love. Artemis chuckled out loud puzzling Opal. True love, was there ever such thing? Did anything as innocent as that ever existed?

Artemis had feelings for her, he was certain of it. That was the only reason why he was pouring thousands of dollars per day just to track down her whereabouts. But why wasn't Holly trying to find him, he questioned. He began to doubt Holly's feeling. But by that look in her eyes that night, he was sure that she wanted him as much as he wanted her.

Opal was walking towards him now. Her face was already blurred with tears. Artemis thought, what an actress she was. She clung to his shirt and cried in his chest. "Please forget about her," Opal pleaded. "She doesn't want you. She doesn't love you as much as I do."

Artemis's shirt was wet with tears but that didn't bother him. What really disturbed him was the emotion that he was feeling as Opal wept in his arms. Her warm, soft body pressed into him like Holly's. Unconsciously, Artemis wrapped his arms around Opal's shoulder, inside wishing that it was Holly he was holding and not Opal.

Opal lifted her eyes to look into Artemis's. They were studying her as if trying to dig up any detail that connected to Holly. He found few, but that was already enough for him to believe it was she. The moment he lost control was the moment their lips touched. Artemis kissed her impulsively, releasing all his anger, his annoyance, and frustration he had bottled up for the last few weeks. His body and mouth longed for Holly's small frame and Opal's body would do for now.

Opal tried to resist the urge to kiss back Artemis as fiercely as he was. He was there, kissing her, loving her like she always imagined he would. He was rough, impatient like she was, but she didn't let it show. She didn't want him knowing that she was that desperate for him. She pretended to be shy, nervous, but Artemis seemed to see through her. He jammed her body against the wall and locked her in place, his groin pressed hard against her. His hands dived into her body, desperate and urgent.

"Don't play hard to get, Opal. It doesn't suit you." he whispered as he spread rough kisses down her smooth neck. His hands were fondling under her shirt, teasing her. Artemis played with her ear, nipping and biting.

"Seems like you missed a spot here," he murmured in her ears. He was implying Opal's tan because the skin was still pale behind her ears.

Opal only smiled slyly. "Artemis?"

"Hmm?" He was working on her dress's zipper, as he answered.

"I love you."

His body stiffened slightly as he heard her. He didn't want to hear those words from her mouth. She wasn't the one he was waiting for. Artemis dropped his hands to his sides and walked away. Opal was speechless. He couldn't just walk away without finishing.

"I'm sorry Opal. I don't want to hurt you. Just go."

Opal was frustrated, "Go? Go where! I belong here with you."

"Don't assume things Opal." He started getting back to work when Opal slammed his laptop down.

"Artemis, listen to me. I love you and I won't back down easily. It doesn't matter if you don't love me back. I'll do anything for you as long as I can be at your side. That's all I'm asking for. I'm serious."

"I'd never doubt that. You're my cousin and I don't want to use you. You don't love me actually. You just want me. There's a difference."

"No! I love you and want you. Listen, I just want to be someone that can share your anger, your frustration. You can let all your hate on me." She hesitated before speaking again, "I can be a replacement for your Holly."

He looked up to the lady who was begging to stay by his side and held his palm at her cheek.


Suddenly, Juliet Butler burst into the room panting. "Artemis! Mr. Fowl has- has fainted! He's on the ground. His heart stopped beating!"

Hearing the disastrous news sent Artemis sprinting out of his studies with Opal and Juliet tagging behind.


"How's my father Dr?"

"Hm.. He's lucky he's alive," replied the doctor. "You guys brought him in just on time."

"What's exactly wrong with him," asked Artemis. His father was always the strong and healthy one in the family. There had to be a good explanation for the incident.

"Ah.. I don't think he explained to you yet. Mr. Fowl Sr. here has heart cancer."

Artemis's world seemed to spin. "No-- That's not possible." Artemis pointed to his father who was sleeping in bed. "He's really healthy. There's nothing wrong with him. Just last week he was running the marathon with me and Butler. Just yesterday he was laughing and dancing at a party. He eats a balanced meal everyday and exercises every night. How did this happen?"

"Sorry, but you must calm down." The doctor placed his hand on Artemis's shoulder, a friendly gesture, but he shrugged it off. Frustrated, Artemis kicked the wall and sat down with his head buried in his hands.

Mrs. Fowl wiped a tear from her eyes and thanked the doctor as he left.

"You knew about this mother?" mumbled Artemis in his hands.

Mrs. Fowl nodded sadly. Opal came to comfort her. "He didn't want you children knowing. He wanted the family to be happy."

Artemis scolded himself. Why hadn't he noticed? Why has he been foolishly searching for a women when there was a sick father at home? He placed the heels of his palm to his forehead. Was he blind to be seeking out riches outside when he had a caring family at home? How could he be so stupid?

"Artemis," whispered Mr. Fowl weakly as he sat up in bed with the help of the nurse. Artemis hurried by his side and held onto his hands.

"Yes father?"

"I know what your thinking Artemis, but it's not your fault. I have, at most, half a year left to live. I want those 6 months to be filled with happiness and without any regret."

"You're not going to die Father. I will find the best doctor to cure you. There's still some time."

Mr. Fowl shook his head in disappointment. I was diagnosed with this illness years ago. You think I haven't tried other doctors? I went all over America, Australia, Europe, in hope of finding a cure. I donate millions to the Heart Foundation. I don't want to risk surgery unless the chance of success is over 50. Your mother knew of this also, but we wanted to live on in happiness. That's the reason I didn't tell you."

"I understand."

"You don't look like you do. You still look shocked son. Listen, do you want to make me happy?"

Artemis nodded.

Mr. Fowl smiled. "That's good then. My last wish is to see you get married."

"M-married? To whom father?"

Mr. Fowl chuckled, "To Miss Opal of course."

A/N: Hehe.. End chapter. So this is how Opal and Artemis's marriage gets arranged. The sequence is out of order but there will still be a balcony scene in the next chapter. Review pleaseto let me know that someone is reading this fic cause it would sound weird to be talking to no one! Constructive criticism appreciated too.