Pregame- author's note!

This wasn't meant to be as long as it has turned out to be but I suppose I'm full of more chibi sweetness than I thought! It is completely finished, typing and all. That's because this is the first story I have just typed up.

This story was inspired by the story by Flare Haynekie called : a little bit of love! A little bit! I love that story!

This story is from my need to have Albel control chibi Fayt and was also influenced by the story above about how Albel and Fayt turn tiny which is adorable but I thought, it would be nice also if Albel stayed as an adult- hey, I am not a pervert, nothing sexual happens! Well… it's all cute and domineering and is about one samurai's path to find the 'aww' within. A tiny bit of angst, but what else was expected from me? Plus, the chapters are shorter than usual.

Game One- Fayt is tiny!

Albel and Fayt were training, and as usual Albel was talking very little to the bluenette- in fact- Fayt was thinking about that very fact. Albel was personal, and liked his space and solitude. It was clear that small talk and trainingwere all he seemed to have for the boy.

But no matter what anyone else said, Fayt knew that Albel liked him.

But how on earth could he tackle Albel on such an issue? How could he really tell Albel how he felt? Really, the problem was, he was just as reluctant to share his feelings as Albel, and when Albel was silent, when Albel wanted to be alone, Fayt followed him in this and let him be, and said nothing to him.

"Fool!" Albel's voice yelled to him, bringing him back to the fast, furious pace at which they were sparring- but Fayt's thoughts had distracted him.

As expected, the merciless warrior had spotted such a lapse of concentration as an opportunity to strike, whilst the blue headed warrior's guard was down- but had not expected the boy to remain unguarded- and so as Fayt's senses awakened too late and the crimson scourge drew close, it was Albel- in his furious assult- who swerved his blade to grind the fight to a halt.

Fayt's shock was blatant- as was Albel's embarrassment, the blade of the katana had missed Fayt's face by a fraction, and spared his life. Albel's blade recoiled in shame but the proud warrior flushed a furious red; as he went up to the young boy in outrage.

"What the hell do you think you're doing, maggot!" he thundered, Fayt drawing back timidly, his eyes looking up at Albel, with a hurt expression- Albel had never called him a maggot before. "Bah! If you're not up for training properly then get lost, hmph, I'd rather train on my own than look after some little kid!" he snapped, his blade touching the floor and his eyes flashing darkly before he turned his back away.

Fayt was left and dismissed, had he just been abandoned? And why, if not, did his heart hurt this much?

Even though he always kept his true feelings away and held them away, he was always in control- he could always repress them.

But this time- rejected, alone- he'd lost his best friend, he'd been left by himself- and he didn't know what to do. Maybe Albel felt that Fayt wasn't his best friend- or maybe Albel didn't like him after all- maybe his friend was only there for training, even though he liked Albel a whole lot, lots and lots.

"Sniffle," Fayt let out, followed by a small pathetic hiccup. "Sniff…mmph," his eyes scrunched up as water seeped from them.

"Didn't you hear me! Get out of here!" Albel barked, obviously too furious to register this emotion.

"Why? What did I do wrong!" Fayt exclaimed. "You're just being mean for no reason- I wasn't mean to you- I'm always nice to everybody who's my friend!" Fayt piped up bravely, looking up at the back of the samurai, who turned slowly, at first irritated.

"What the hell are you babbling on about now-!" Albel began, when his eyes failed to meet Fayt's form and they moved down, his face froze, pupils shrank in horror and shock.