AN: Hello again and sorry for the delay. Life got in the way and I had no choice but to deal with it. Now that I've finally taken care of my semester planning and settled into my job, I found the time to update this story. Well I won't keep you waiting for too long and thanks to those of you who reviews the last chapter. It really does make me happy when comments are left and it motivates me to write the next chapter. Enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Naruto or 666Satan (O-Parts Hunter). Amara belongs to AngelHinata.


Naruto and his friends and family arrived at his home and quickly got to work preparing for a feast. Tsunade made a few calls to invite over more guests. Naruto and the other genins helped move around some furniture to make room for everyone else. After that was done, Choji went to the kitchen to help his father prepare the food. Everyone made sure Amara stayed out of the kitchen until the food was done. They didn't want a fire to suddenly spring up. Shikamaru was getting bored and asked Naruto if he wanted to play a game of shoji. Naruto nodded with excitement. He had yet to beat Shikamaru, but he was always up for a game whenever he asked. Naruto ran to his room and quickly came down with the game. At that point the occupants stopped what they were doing and watched the two genin try to out play each other.

Never one to pass up a chance to gamble, Tsunade took bets on the outcome of the match. Shikamaru had the most bets, but that didn't stop Tsunade from betting on her son. After all, he could be surprising sometimes. The match dragged on for 30 more minutes, until it finally came down to one critical move. Naruto analyzed the board throughly before finally spotting an opening. Those on Naruto's side watched with anticipation. Naruto might just win! As Naruto lifted the piece and hovered it over it designated spot, the door to the living room was thrown opened. Heads whirled towards the people who had just entered.

In his surprise, Naruto placed his piece on the wrong spot. Shikamaru smirked and made his move.

"I win." he said.

Naruto groaned in frustration. "Arg, I almost had you!"

"My money!" Tsunade wailed.

"Did we come at a bad time?" a red eyed woman asked.

Amara stood up and went to speak with their guests.

"No, it's fine. We were just watching the Shoji match between Naruto and Shikamaru." she smiled. "Glad you could make it."

Yuhi Kurenai, Mitarashi Anko, and Rin smiled in return and walked towards the others. They each congratulated the new genins and made sure to let them know that one of them could possibly end up being their Jonin sensei's. Naruto shuddered at the though of having Anko as his sensei. He didn't doubt her skill as a kunoichi, but she did have a twisted sense of humor. She got a kick out of making him uncomfortable with her teasing. She, however, seemed more the type to take on an apprentice rather than a team. She just didn't seem the type of person who had the patience to teach a team of genin fresh out of the academy with no experience on how the ninja world worked. He did, however, hear from his sister that Anko was capable of summoning snakes, which he though, would be pretty sweet to learn. Naruto then glanced at Kurenai. Now she would also make a good sensei to a team. She was more patient than Anko, plus she had a mastery of Genjutsu, which had earned her the title of "Genjutsu Mistress". Genjutsu was the only area he really wasn't good at and with her mastery of it, Naruto was sure it would benefit him should he be placed on her team. Rin would make an excellent sensei as well. Her extensive knowledge of medical jutsus would come in handy to a team if all of them learned at least the basics. Should someone be injured, there would be someone to treat minor wounds, while Rin would be able to handle anything more serious.

Naruto sighed as he though back to a few months ago when Tsunade had wanted to teach him medical jutsus. He had resisted since Tsunade was trying to get him to become a medic nin. He knew that medic nin were not weak, Tsunade, Shizune, and Amara were proof of that, but he felt he would be more effect as a combatant rather than a healer. Also the reason why she wanted him to become a medic nin did not sit well with him. He knew she was probably just worried about him going out into the world as a full fledged ninja and possibly getting hurt. She was scared he could end up the same as her brother and so she resorted to trying to convince him to become a medic nin to work in the village. He was happy to know she loved him, but if he was going to become Hokage one day, he needed to be a strong fighter to protect his precious people. That meant going up against other ninja, one's that were possibly stronger than him, and defeating them. He was brought out of his musing when Choza made it known that the food was ready. Everyone eagerly set up the table and plates to eat.

As expected, the Akimichi's really knew how to make good food. Naruto was especially pleased with the ramen they made. It was after dinner that Tsunade broke out the sake bottles. The boys were, of course, not allowed to have any. Shizune, Amara, Rin, and Hana decided it would be a good idea to stay sober. They had a feeling that they at least need someone to be able to take some of them home, if necessary.

The party dragged on and before they knew it, it was late into the evening.

"And that's how I sent that pervert to the hospital." Tsunade finished retelling a tale from her genin days. Naruto was amazed at the tolerance the she had for alcohol. She had at least twice more to drink than anyone else. As a matter of fact, everyone else had barely finished 2 bottles and that was with all of them sharing! Tsunade was about to pour herself another cup when she realized the bottle was empty.

"Hey Shizune! Bring us more sake!"

"We're out Tsunade-sama." Shizune sighed.

"What!? Well I guess we'll need to get more." She grabbed Naruto, who had been discussing the possible team formations with his friends. She shoved a wad of bills into his hands.

"Go get us more sake. You know where to go."

"Maybe I should go?" Amara said. "He is a minor after all."

"Naw, he'll be fine. Think of this as a mission. Get back here within 15 minutes or I'll pull out the baby book..."

Naruto paled and disappeared out the front door. Everyone, including Tsunade, blinked in surprise at his speed. There was something they had no idea he was capable of.


Naruto made it to the store and bought Tsunade's sake. He wasn't sure how, but Tsunade had some how managed to convince the store owner to sell Naruto sake. He imagined she threatened him with bodily harm in order to get him to agree. Regardless of her methods, he now also got a discount whenever he shopped for things at the store. He exited the shop and was about to take off again when a voice stopped him.

"Hey, nice to see you Naruto."

The blonde shinobi turned around and found Mizuki standing there with a bag slung over his shoulder.

"Oh Mizuki-sensei, nice to see you too."

"What are you doing out this late at night?"

"Emergency shopping." Naruto said motioning to the bags in his hands.

"Say Naruto, could you do me a favor?"

Naruto tilted his head to one side. "What kind?"

"I need to deliver this," he pointed to the bag," to a friend, but I have to leave for a mission in a few minutes so I don't have anytime. Do you think you can deliver it for me?"

"Sure I don't see why not, but I'v got to get this home home right away." Naruto said anxiously.

Mizuki thought for a moment. He need to get Naruto to agree to go now. It would only be a matter of time before the Hokage noticed that the Forbidden Scroll was missing.

"Tell you what, I have to go to the Hokage tower for my mission, which isn't too far from here. I'll take the bags with me and ask one of the other Chunin to make an emergency run to Tsunade-sama's house. Sound good?"

Naruto nodded and handed Mizuki the bags of sake and he took Mizuki's bag. The Chunin gave Naruto directions to his friends place and Naruto went on his way. Mizuki smirked. Any minute now, the ninja would be gathered to search for Naruto. After all, he made sure that it seemed like Naruto had been the one to break into the Hokage's tower. Genjutsu was very useful for something like that. Mizuki walked towards the tower and along the way, threw the bags of sake in a dumpster.


Tsunade looked at the clock. There was only two minutes left and then she would embarrass her son in front of his friends! Well that really wasn't the reason she wanted to pull that book out. The real reason was because she didn't get too much of a chance to look at it herself. She was always busy with work at the hospital or dealing with Naruto's antics at school that she just forgot to take some time to sit and look back at how much he'd grown.

One minute. She was about to go pull out the baby book when suddenly, there was a poof of smoke and Kakashi appeared in a corner of the room.


"You're late." everyone in the room stated.

Kakashi smiled innocently. At least they assumed he was smiling. It was hard to tell with his mask.

"Sorry to be late, but I'm here to inform you of a problem."

Once Kakashi finished explaining the details, everyone seemed to have sobered up and bolted out of the house and towards the Hokage tower. Kakashi was left in the empty living room with only his thoughts.

'And here I was hoping to enjoy the party.'

He shrugged and also took off towards the tower. When they arrived, a mob of shinobi was already gathered. They all had hostile vibes coming from them.

"This time he's gone too far!" one Shinobi yelled.

"He must be taught a lesson!" another said.

The crowed yelled in agreement. However, they were all thrown off the ground when Amara slammed her heel against the ground, causing a small quake.

"If ANYONE harms one hair on his head I'll make sure that person lives to regret it!" she growled dangerously.

The other shinobi slowly picked themselves off the ground and made it a point to keep their mouth shut. They did not want to know what Tsunade, Amara, or Shizune would do to them should they continue to make bad remarks about Naruto. The Hokage shook his head and took a out his pipe. Tsunade made her way over to her sensei and looked at him.

"How can you be sure it was Naruto."

Sandaime lit his pipe before answering. "The towers security camera's clearly show it was Naruto who broke in and stole the Forbidden Scroll."

"That's impossible!" Tsunade said. "He's been with us at our home up until a few minutes ago when I sent him to buy something!"

"Then I sense foul play. Find him and maybe we'll find the real culprit."

All the ninja nodded and took off into the night.


Naruto reached a clearing with a small hut. He went to the hut and knocked on the door. No one answered. He frowned and knocked a little harder. The door fell off it's hinges. Naruto jumped back in surprise, but then peeked into the hut. There was nothing there. It seemed like the place had been abandoned long ago. Naruto frowned at this new development. He was sure this was the right place.

'Something is off kit.'

'I know, but why would Mizuki-sensei send me here?'

'Perhaps it has something to do with that bag your carrying.'

Naruto took a seat in the middle of the clearing and placed the bag on the ground in front of him. He looked at the bag for a minute before deciding to opening it. He was surprised to find the contents of the bag.

'The Forbidden Scroll!'

'It seems you've been tricked.'

Naruto shoved the scroll back into the bag and slung it over his shoulder. He needed to get back to the village and report this to the Hokage. It would be troublesome if he was found with it out in the middle of nowhere. They'd think it was he who stole it! Just as he was about to go, a voice stopped him.

"Found you!"

Naruto whirled around to find Iruka standing behind him with a scowl on his face.


"What are you doing out here with the Forbidden Scroll!"

"How did you know I had it?" Naruto questioned. It was impossible for him to know he had scroll. Heck, he didn't know until a few seconds ago!

"You were caught on security cameras breaking into the Hokage Towers, but Tsunade-sama insisted it couldn't have been you since you were at your home for the greater part of the evening."

Naruto's widened in realization. Mizuki had set him up.

"Iruka-sensei, we need to get back to the village and inform the Hokage that..."

He was cut off when shuriken flew between him and Iruka. Naruto and Iruka immediately jumped back from each other and looked for their attacker.

"I'm afraid I can't let you or Iruka return to the village...alive."

Naruto growled. "You bastard!"

Mizuki smirked. "You know something kid, I never really liked you. As a matter of fact, no one in this village has ever liked you."

"SHUT UP!" Iruka screamed. "You aren't suppose to speak of it!"

Mizuki ignored his plea and continued. "Even noble Iruka would admit to hating you if he were strong enough to admit it to himself. Do you know why?"

"That's enough!"

"The reason is because you are the demon fox that attacked the village twelve years ago!"

Naruto said nothing and stood motionless as he stared at Mizuki. He didn't do this because of shock since he already knew, but it was more the fact that he was trying to come up with a way to subdue Mizuki and drag him back to the village so he could clear his name. Seeing as Naruto did nothing but stand there and look, Mizuki decided to end it.

"Don't worry, I'll rid you of your cursed life and gain respect for killing a monster!" Mizuki proclaimed as he threw a giant shuriken at him.

Naruto was prepared to counter, but was caught off guard when Iruka pushed him to the ground. As a result, Iruka took the blow from the weapon. Naruto stared up, wide eyed at his sensei.


"I'm sorry that you were cursed with such a fate. If it's any consolation, I don't hate you for my parents death." He said as tears streamed down his eyes.

Naruto gently pushed Iruka into a sitting position and carefully pulled the giant shuriken out of his back. He whirled around and threw the giant shuriken back at Mizuki.

"I already knew...Iruka-sensei." Naruto told him quietly. "And thank you."

Naruto glared at the now traitor-nin. "Mizuki, for revealing an S-class secret within the confines of Konoha, your sentence shall be..." Naruto made a hand sign and the forest was filled with his clones. "Death!"

Mizuki stared in horror. A few of the clones charged at him. He quickly disposed of them with the extra giant shuriken he had. He then made a desperate charge towards the real Naruto, but had not chance as the rest of the clones congregated upon him. It was over in less than a minute. Naruto banished most of his clones except for five. One was sent to find Tsunade while the others guarded the unconscious Mizuki.

"Are you alright Iruka-sensei?"

Iruka winced slightly, but smiled. "I'll be okay. It's nothing life threatening."


"Naruto, you've become a strong shinobi. I think you can make your dream come true."

"Thank Iruka-sensei, that means a lot to me."

"How long have you known about..."

"Oh the fur ball, for awhile now. He wouldn't stop talking to me so I had no choice but to acknowledge his existence. He can be soooo annoying sometimes."

Iruka sweat dropped. How could he call the Kyubi no Yoko a fur ball like it was nothing? He didn't have time to ponder that question since at that moment, Tsunade and the others arrived at the clearing. Naruto was scooped up in a hug by Tsunade then bonked on the head for making her worry. Naruto smiled sheepishly and told them what happened. Amara took care of Iruka's wound and the others made sure Mizuki was properly restrained before heading back to the village. As they were leaving, Naruto looked towards the dark forest. He had just gotten the feeling that someone was watching him. When he could find nothing, he shrugged it off and continued on his way.

A pair of eyes watched the group of nin leave. The black and red eyes of the observer drifted between Naruto and Amara. Then it disappeared back into the darkness of the forest.


AN: Yay, it's done! Hopefully I won't take forever next time. Hopefully. Oh and before I forget, here is a description of what Amara is like. I know I haven't done a good job of describing her thus far. This was done by AngelHinata by the way (Amara is her original character):

Name: Amara Uzumaki


Skin color: Pale not tan at all

Eye color: Blue

Hair color: Golden blonde with shoulder length curl hair but her hair is tied in a bun with beads on the rubber band.

What she wears: A light green kimono with a light pink trim and high heel shoes that Tsunade wears. She has a black forehead protector around her right thigh under her kimono.

Statis: Medic Nin, Jounin

How she heals and what weapons she use: mini kunai, poisen gas, healing methods, chakra healing, super strength, sword techniques.

more info: Was brought up by Tsunade when her parents died. Tsunade and Shizune taught her everything she needed to know to become a ninja and medic nin. She used to be friends with Itachi before he murdered his clan. She still doesn't know all the details of what happened to him after he left the village. She has the same seal on her forehead the same as Tsunade but it doesn't show that much.

Anyway, please review but no flames! Until next time!