Katara rummaged silently through the various fruits in the food sack. She rested her fingers on a soft fruit and pulled it from the bottom of the bag. She manueved the cap off her watch pouch and bended the water around the ripe pear to wash away any loose dirt. She replaced the cap to the pouch and brought the soft flesh of the fruit to her mouth. A trickle of the ripe juices ran down her chin and she wiped it away calmly. She licked her lips quietly enjoying her snack.

She looked around the camp. Aang was packing up the tents, prepairing for departure soon. Toph was lazily resting under a tree, enjoying the cool shade and taking a break from their hectic life. Sokka was down stream messing with his fishing pole trying to grab some fish from the small stream. A frustrated cry could be heard from his direction every now and then signaling no prevail to catching his precious meat.

Aang finished packing the tents and sat on the ground. Momo crawled onto his legs and Aang absently petted him.

Katara bit again into her pear, the sweet taste lingering in her mouth even after the fruit was gone. She was drawing closer to the core of her snack. Katara felt a pair of storm grey eyes staring at her silently. She ignored his gaze and continued eating.

Momo climbed from Aang's lap seeing Katara's pear and wanting to finish it for her.

Katara looked to see only the core of her fruit resting in her hands. She lifted the core to her mouth and began to suck on the middle of her fruit to take any remaining flavor from her pear.

She again felt Aang's gaze resting on her form. She looked over to him only for a moment; just long enough to deter his gaze and cause a slight blush to rise to his cheeks. Katara looked down to Momo who seemed almost begging to have the core of her pear. She gave it to him; Momo chirped happily and took it away to finish the fruit.

Aang stared at Katara still looking at the small drops of pear juice resting on her lips. He felt his heart ache, wanting nothing other than to take her lips in his own; To taste the sweet pear on her soft mouth. He mentally argued with himself for a moment, debating on wether or not to follow his sudden impulse.

Katara saw Aang slowly rise and walk towards her; stopping only inches from her face. He bent down and placed a gentle kiss on her lips. Katara shocked at first, did not pull away from Aang's sudden movement but simply enjoyed the moment, knowing well that she had feelings for him.

Aang pulled away with a deep blush on his cheeks, both he and Katara speechless. Aang, looking like a fish out of water, had his mouth moving trying to form words but no sounds came out. He pulled at his collar trying to lighten his crimson blush. He quickly retreated to busy himself with some task not involving Katara.

She let out a breath she didn't know she was holding in. And simply stared lovingly at the back of Aang's head, doing who knows what to avoid her.

Much sweeter than a pear, she thought to herself, a slight blush grazing her cheeks.

Ah, a little almost fluffy drabble. It just randomly came to me at about 11:00 while eating none other than a PEAR! I know it is kinda random and I think my sentences are WAY to long, but oh, well. Hope you enjoyed it. Please review!

Disclaimer: I don't own the awesome Avatar...sadly; but it is on my Christmas list!