Disclaimer: I don't own Inyyasha… but… copy my stories and DIE! MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!

"SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIT! SIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!" Screamed Kagome as she ran! Her cloths were tore all over, Miroku and Sango were back at Kaede's village… and Shippo… Shippo had just saved her! She held Shippo to her as she ran… tear's streaming down her eyes. Inuyasha had been acting weird… ever since there defeat of Naraku… and the FINISHED jewel going back into her body.

It had started when Kikyo had become with a human body again… and gone into withdrawal over what she'd done. Inu had blamed it on Kagome… and showed nothing but rage ever since! Though tonight… he'd snapped. He had tried to forcibly claim her! Shippo had come just as he was about to finish tearing her cloth's off! Shippo had gotten beat and knocked out… but Kagome had managed to get them both out of there! Heck! She only was able to… because Shippo got him OFF her!

She ran and ran… until she ran into a village of Yukai! As soon as she entered the village… all movement stopped. They all stared at the girl who'd unknowingly… run right through a cloaking barrier. There was one Inu-yukai that scared her. HE seemed to have been talking to a leader heatedly… when all commotion had stopped. It was Sesshomaru! She looked straight at him… fear and determination to face him apparent in her gaze. He wondered why. She had never shown a fear of him before… except in earlier day's (when he was trying to kill her AND Inu).

Then she heard a young girl's voice say. "Are you alright? Rin would like to know." It was a now 10 year old Rin. Kagome put on her best fake smile… and said. "I'm fine. I just am trying to get away from… RIN! RUN! NOW!" That last part had been completely laced with worry, and fear for Rin.

Inuyasha was getting closer by the second! And Rin wasn't moving from her spot. Sesshomaru could sense his brother coming… but also knew (by her scent and sound of her voice) that Kagome believed him a danger to Rin… and possibly… herself. Then… he noticed her cloth's… and he instantly knew! He emidietally let out a low growl, and got the unmoving Rin into the care of Jaken within (literally) seconds! Then he noticed Kagome had no weapons. She'd obviously left in a hurry! He glanced in her arms and emidietally thought. 'He must have tried to save her. So THAT'S how he managed to get hurt. He is very honorable… and at such a young age too. It is my so call little brother who has no honor…'

Sesshomaru was brought out of his thought's when Inuyasha came bursting towards a now fleeing Kagome.

Normally she'd stand her ground… and recover from any wound's that she received. However… this was different. Her virginity AND Shippo were at stake here… and she couldn't risk it! Her very Honor was at stake! That's when the thought hit her! 'I need to fight or this will never stop! BUT HOW!'


It was the day she left her time for good…

"Mom? You wanted to speak with me?" said Kagome.

Her mother looked at her nervously and said. "Yes. Now you know that you're a very powerful miko… right?"

"Hai mother. I do."

"This is hard but… and I had thought that you'd be older when I told you…Oh Kagome! WE'RE NOT HUMAN!"


"We're 'Elemental Moon' Yukai! We can control the element's using our emotion's and/or the moon's power! And on top of all that… we don't even belong in this time! YOU'RE the TRUE ere to all our kind… in the Feudal era! They ALL will know you for our family is the ONLY family to have HOLY POWER'S!"

Kagome was stunned.


As soon as the memory had ended… Kagome's ore turned from blue to pink, her nails turned into silver claw's, she turned determinedly to Inuyasha… and her eye's turned silver with pink on the rim's. Her Raven hair grew almost to the ground… with silver streak's and… her ear's pointed into demonic ear's. Inu still didn't seem to notice… at least… not until she lifted into the air, surrounded by all of the element's (Shippo had dropped, awakened, to the ground screaming her name) combined. Then… suddenly the element's that were around her all disappeared… into her body… and a pink crescent moon appeared on her forehead... within a silver full moon marking. She had finally transformed… and on the night of the full moon too.

Then she blasted Inu with all her power… almost killing him… and fell to her knee's crying (Shippo trying to comfort her). After about a minute… Kagome picked (a passed out) Shippo up and weakly said. "Let's go. Mother never trained me… or even told me about this… until last time I saw her." As soon as she stood… she fainted from the strain of it all.

Sesshomaru was mesmerized when she began to transform… and felt his normal curiosity or the girl reaching new heights! It didn't help that her scent told him that she was in heat. He couldn't leave her on her own… to be claimed when she was weak! 'No! I'll just take her to my castle. It's only an hour's walk away from here anyway. Then maybe… I'll get some answers about or from her…' He was brought out of his thought's when he saw her begin to grow faint. Before she could faint though… he surprised everyone… and caught her! Then he walked over to the leader saying. "The marking on her forehead… mean's that she is royal. It is a marking I haven't seen in 12 year's. I will take her to my castle and get answer's from her there… Rin. Jaken. Come. We are leaving."

Purefire16: I got writer's block on my other stories… and decided to throw meany Inu out of Kagome's love life… and mix it up a bit… by adding someone else. Usually I write Kag/Inu… but I've been reading a lot of Shesshomaru/Kagome fic's… and decided to write one.

Now what do you want to happen between them… and how? And what kind of peril's and romances (with eachother) do you want to see?