((A/N: Hello everyone! ((waves)) I'm here to bring you my first ever YukixKyo story!

I just thought I'd experiment with different pairings for a bit.

um, I Do Not Own Fruits Basket!

and here it is!))


It was heartbreaking.

Something deepwithin him broke as he watched the other stare away with cold, crimson eyes. The eyes that once held confidence and anger were now drained of everything, but cold loneliness. The fire that once burned was put out, never to be ignited again.His heart bled as he watched the other walk by, head down. This wasn't right.

But there was nothing he could do about it.

He opened his mouth, finding that he had nothing to say. 'This wasn't right.' He blinked back tears that yearned to fall. 'This wasn't Kyo.'

but the rat was supposed to hate the cat.

he wasn't supposed to care.

His jaw clenched painfully as he stood, hands formed into tight fists. 'He's going to die this way.' He thought to himself as he followed the broken feline. "Kyo!" He exclaimed. A dark blush covered his cheeks when the other glanced toward him, not quite looking him in the eye. "Please" He pleaded. "He wouldn't want you to be like this." Kyo's face darkened, anger clouding his vision. "Do you actually think he gives a damn about me anymore?" He yelled, grabbing the Rat's collar.

'he doesn't, but I do.'

Before the rat could utter a word, the cat continued, "Apparently not!" He stated, eyes becomming teary. "Apparently, he cares more about that-" He choked. "T-that.. bitch.." He slid to the floor, tears hanging from dark eyelashes. They wouldn't fall. Yuki knew this all too well, and yet, something deep inside of him still wished for the cat to vent his anger and hurt.

it didn't matter what the rat was supposed to do.

he wanted Kyo to be happy.

"But why do you care anyway?" The cat snapped. The blush returned to Yuki's face, but this was no time to be shy. He breathed deeply, collecting his thoughts. "Because -" He stated quietly, sitting gracefully in front of the other. "I love you." Kyo's head instantly snapped up, eyes wide. He stared for only a moment, before jumping to his feet. "Don't lie!" He screamed, pulling the rat up with painful force.

He needed to know.

-even if he didn't return his feelings,

he needed to know.

"No, I'm not." Stated the rat, staring deeply into the cat's eyes. Yuki was released and the cat took a step back, blush matching his eyes. "I've loved you all along." He stated, pain evident in his violet eyes. "But you and Haru.." He trailed off. "I didn't want to ruin that." The cat stared away hatefully. "No, he did that himself."

He was beautiful.

Beautiful in a way that made you want to cry.

"He didn't know what he was giving up." The rat replied. "He wasn't worthy of you." Kyo only stood there, looking away. He closed his eyes, choking on his words. "I don't love you." He stated quietly, tears threatening to overflow. Yuki smiled painfully, cupping the cat's cheek. "I know." He whispered, beginning to walk away.

The cat couldn't love the rat.

-It was unnatural.

He didn't get far however, as a tan hand grabbed his wrist. "I don't love you now-" Kyo choked, staring into beautiful, violet eyes. "But.." He stared down, cheeks flushed. "I could give you a chance." Yuki smiled, wrapping his arms around a now, very flustered Kyo. He smiled as the cat accepted his embrace. "I would like that." He stated, taking in the other's scent.

It was unnatural,

but so was turning into animals.

((A/N: The End! ((grins))

I'm sorry for any ooc! -This is my first time writing YukixKyo!

By the way, if you were wondering who Haru left Kyo for, it was Rin. (I hate her)

I hope that everyone can forgive me for betraying KyoxHaru! ((bows))

Please Review And Tell Me What You Thought!))