
I just want to thank those who are reading. I hope that you will read and tell me what you think. I hope you like this chapter.

Also, the italic parts are lyrics to songs. The first part is 'All My Life' by KC & JoJo. The second song is 'Let Me Fall' by Bethany Joy Gaelotti, and subsequantly the title of this chapter.

Summary: A one-night stand turns into so much more for these would-be destined lovers. Fate brought them together for a night; but love will keep them there forever.

Chapter 5

"Come on!"

Brooke knew it wouldn't be long before she caved. Lucas pouted, his bottom lip protruding outward as he attempted to drag her into the sweaty crowd. He gently tugged on their entwined hands, taking a step backward onto the dance floor.

She groaned. "I've seen you dance Luke…it's not a pretty site," She told him gently, offering a half-smile. He pouted again, this time for real. She chuckled quietly, nipping his bottom lip with her teeth.

"Pretty please?" He tried again, his lips a few centimeters from her ear. She gulped loudly, knowing that he probably heard her. "Besides," He shrugged, "I seem to remember someone enjoying dancing with me last time…"

"I also remember being completely smashed," Brooke challenged playfully, finally succumbing to being led into the crowd. He looped his fingers into her belt loops and began walking blindly into the mass of dancers, his eyes never leaving hers.

He finally stopped, somewhere in the middle of the multitude. He pulled her flush against his chest, his hips slowly swaying to the music. He placed his hands against her hips, forcing her to move with him, despite her protests.

"I prayed for someone like you…"

Brooke slowly wrapped her arms around his neck, willingly dancing with him now as he sung along with the song. His breath was hot against her neck, distracting her from the hoard of people around them.

"And I thank God…That I finally found you."

Although slightly raspy, and horribly off tune, Brooke couldn't help but enjoy his voice crooning out the words in her ear. She rested her head in the crook of his neck, breathing in his smell. An odd stinging mix between spice and his own sweet scent; she'd recognize it anywhere. It had become a comfort, just knowing that he was there.

"All my life…I prayed for some like you…"

The music was slowly fading out, as well as most of the couples on the dance floor. He didn't move. He held her against his chest, revealing in the feel of his fingers against the soft skin of his neck as she played with the small hairs. She shuttered at his touch, her eyes fluttering closed, enjoying the sensations as he kissed her earlobe tenderly.

"Yes, I pray that you do love me too…"

Brooke tensed against his chest at the words, jarring Lucas from his peaceful stupor. He pulled back slightly, his brow knitted together with a questioning gaze. He bent his knees subtly, brining himself down to her level, his finger sweeping a stray hair behind her ear.

"What's wrong?" He murmured quietly, his other hand still clamped around her waist, holding her in place. She slowly let out a shaky breath, offering him a half-smile before shaking it off.

"Nothing," She assured him, her hand gently caressing the side of his face. Her thumb lightly traced his lips, watching as they curled into a smile. His smile. The one that had her heart thumping against her chest.

"Ya know what," She mumbled lowly, "I'll be right back." He visibly frowned as she pulled away, knowing something was wrong. There was a new tint in her eyes, something he couldn't quite read. "I just got to use the ladies room…"

He nodded in consent, reluctantly letting his arms fall from her waist and to his sides. She gave him another wobbly smile before backing up, disappearing among the heap of dancers.

Lucas felt someone clasp his shoulder as he stood at the front of the dance floor, waiting for Brooke to return. Nathan stood next to him, watching the stage as the band set up their equipment. "Hey bro," Lucas greeted.

"So Brooke brushed past me pretty quickly a few seconds ago," Nathan began, his voice loud so Lucas could hear over the thumping of the techno song that was bursting through the speakers. "She seemed a little upset. You do anything?"

Lucas absently scratched the back of his head, "I don't think so." One minute they'd been dancing, the next she was running off. "Did she say where she was going?"


Haley spun around in her chair, coming face to face with Brooke. She glanced at the door, wondering how she had gotten back there. She'd specifically told the manager not to allow anyone, besides Nathan, back into the room.

"This is your fault," Brooke accused as she dropped onto the raggedy couch. Her hand filtered through her hair, smoothing it back. "You with your analyzing and your questioning…"

"Hey," Haley swiveled the chair in her direction, waving her hand to gain her friends attention. "You wanna go back to the beginning so maybe I can know what I'm being blamed for?"

"I was having a wonderful time with Lucas, " Brooke blew out in frustration. "It was perfect; we were dancing, enjoying each other. And then your stupid words kept creeping into my mind!"

"And that's my fault?"

"Yeah! You said them!" Brooke exclaimed. "And now I can't get them out. It's all I think about. It won't stop."

"You still didn't answer my question," Haley reminded her gently. Brooke nodded inattentively, her eyes focused on nothing in particular, just staring into space. Nathan poked his head into the doorway smiling gently at her before telling her it was time to go.

Haley stood up, patting Brooke on the shoulder as she walked by. "Hey Hales?" She paused with her hand on the doorknob, turning back toward her friend. "How did you know? I mean, I've never…"

"You just do." With that she left the room.

Standing on her tippy toes to see over the crowd, Brooke let out a groan when she couldn't find him. She watched at the attention turned toward the stage, her friend standing in the middle with her guitar, belting out the words to her song.

Suddenly she felt a pair of arms wrap around her waist and her back come into contact with something hard. Spicy sweet. She melted back into him, the corner of her lips tugging upward into a smile.

"Hey you," He murmured into her ear.

"I've become much too good at being invincible."

His fingers landed on her slightly swollen stomach, sending a tingly feeling shooting up her spine. His calloused fingertips almost tickled as he drew little circles, chuckling into her hair when she shivered.

"I'm an expert at play it safe,
Keep it cool."

One hand rested on top of his, stilling his soothing actions; the other rested against his rough cheek. She gently craned her neck, her eyes meeting his. He winked, the smirk making her stomach flop.

"But I swear, this isn't who I'm meant to be…
I refuse to let my life roll all over me".

For a second the sound of Haley's voice faded out. The people swaying and moving to the music washed out. He grinned down at her, his lips touching briefly to the corner of her mouth.

She couldn't help but remember a silly quote that he had read her from one of his many books that were crammed in his office. He had seemed so passionate about it that she didn't have the heart to stop him. He even got that little crinkle between his brows, the one he got when he was concentrating on something.

'As happens sometimes, a moment settled and hovered and remained for much more than a moment. And sound stopped and movement stopped for much, much more than a moment.'

He gave her a half-smile, his eyes questioning her subdued behavior. She could vaguely feel his thumb rubbing over the back of her hand in an attempt to soothe her. Her mind was running a mile a minute, yet at the same time, everything seemed so slow.

"At least I know I lived,
Just a little."

'Do you love him?' Haley was in her head again. She could hear the question over and over. Her mind was working in slow motion. With his free hand he gently pulled her lip free from her teeth.

"Pretty girl…"

"I love you." She knew. She just did.

"It's October again
The leaves are coming down…"

The music suddenly filtered back in. Her mind seemed to race to catch up, brining back all the people around them. Her heart sped up, pumping blood throughout her body swiftly.

His lips pressed into hers, knocking all other thoughts from her mind. She cupped his cheek, pulling him against her more. She could feel his finger's wrapping around the hand on her waist, squeezing tightly.

"One more year's come and gone,
And nothing's changed at all."

He slowly pulled back, his eyes fluttering open to find her's staring back at him. He knew what that new tint was. Love.

He released her cheek, allowing her to turn back. Gently he rested his chin against her shoulder, closing his eyes once again. The rapid beat of his heart tuned out the loud applause of the crowd as Haley finished her song.

"I love you too." He placed a loving kiss right behind her ear, his hand intertwined with hers, resting against her stomach.