Hey sorry it took me so long to update. Well read and review.

Information about everything

Somewhere outside of the mystic runes, bunch of little red robots was building a big lair for Dr. Eggman. Dr Eggman was standing in a large room looking out the window.

"Looks like everything is going good. But just to make sure…" He wall out of the room and started walking down a hallway. After a couple of doors down, he walks into another room. It look was a round room with control all around it. And in the middle of it was a big chair. There was red robots on the controls. Dr Eggman sat in the chair. "How the building coming along?"

One of the robots spun its chair around "Everything is going towards plan."

"Excellent." Then he looks at a security computer screen and there was robots lying down with sparks coming out of them. "Hey what happen?"

"Someone is trying to get in." Another robot said.

"Succor the doors!"

A robot press a button, and a computer voice on saying 'Commencing lock down.' All the outside doors shut and robots ran around the outside looking for the intruder.

"It's too late," a robot said. "Whatever attack those robots is inside the lair."

"Then Go look for it!" Dr. Eggman yelled.

All the robots quickly go out of there seats and left the room.

"If it's Sonic or any of his friends, my work is would be ruin!" He slammed his fist on the chair. "Why dose all my genus plans always has to get ruin by him?"

"Maybe your plans aren't that genus after all." Said a voice.

Dr. Eggman looks around and saw no one. "Rouge is that you?"

"Who the hell is Rouge? We never met before."

"Who are you show yourself."

A chair turned around, sitting there was Shade with her arms, and legs cross. "There I showed my, I'm Shade and I have some questions for you."

"Do you know who I am?"

"No not really. Just a guy who weirs stupid Goggles."

"I'm Dr. Eggman the greatest scientific…"

"Yah, Save it."

"What are you doing here, and… who are you? Shadows sister or something?"

Shade got out of the chair and yelled. "I'm Not Shadows sister you son of a bitch! I'm his clone!" She was angry.

Eggman was shock Shadows clone, Is that possible?

Shade calmed down. "Well so much for a low profile." Shade sat back down in the chair. "I want Info."

"About what?"

"About Project Shadow."


Shade stood up. "Why Not!"

Eggman flinch, but cleared his throat. "Because last time I gave out information about Shadow to some one they turned out to be a spy."

"Im not a spy."

"That's what the spy said."

"Fine I give up you win." Shade walk toward the door. Eggman watch her closely as she moved. "Shade then stop in front of the door. "Hey, have you ever thought of a underwater lair?"

"No why would I do that?"

Shade geneses at him. "Sonic can't swim." She walk out the door. Shade made sure the door was closed. Then once it did she look into ever door she could fine. "Come on. One of these doors has to lead me to a computer or something." After several doors, she found herself in a large room. It was the same room the Eggman was in earlier. Only the window was now a computer screen and in the middle of the table was a keyboard. "Here we go." Shade walk towards the desk. "Hmm I wonder what happens if I typed down Project….Shadow." Then the screen went blank and the word 'Password' came on the screen. "Password! I don't know the…." She then thought for a while. Then Type done 'Maria'. Then thousands of things pop up on the screen. As she was looking, The slide doors open. Shade quickly grab a stapler and through it. The stapler stop in mid air and some one grunted. Then Shade ran up, tackles something to the ground, and held it down. "You invisible I know it. Show yourself, I know your spying on me."

"I was not spying on you!" a voice said. Then a guest of wind came, and then feet started to appear, then legs, a body, arms, hands, and a face with a horn on the forehead. "I was on a mission to find out what Eggman was up to until you came in the room so I disappear."

"So you don't work for that Goggle guy?"


Shade then got off him and walk up to the computer. She typed something on the computer. Then a disk pop out. Shade grab it. She walk towards the doors, but then stop.

"What is you name boy?" Shade ask

"Espio the Chameleon. What's yours?"

"Shade the Hedgehog." She started to walk again. "The computers all yours Espio." She walk out the door.

"Hmm that was weird. She reminded me of Shadow somehow. Oh well I better get back to what I was doing." But before He could walk back to the computer, the alarm went off. "Damn. I bet that Girl set it off. I better get out of here." Espio ran out the door and down the hall. But once he came to a corner, Shade was laying on the ground nock out. "Hey are you okay?" Esipo kneeled down and look at her. "I better get you out of here." He pick her up and put her on his back, then started running. "How did this happen to you?"

Shade was in a room again. But this one was took up a lot of space. There was a walkway that lead to a huge power supply. In front of shade was a girl with Bat like wings standing on a platform in front of a computer with six chaos emeralds.

"Who's this girl?" Shade said.

"Legend has it when all the seven chaos emeralds are together, a miracle happens and there mine all mine." The girl said.


"I don't think so." Said a voice. Shade turned around and saw Shadow. "So It was you Idea that whole time. Or was it a Direct order from the president? Now I know who you are. Your that government spy Rouge the bat."

"Rouge the Bat. That goggle guy mention her name. She must have been the spy he was talking about."

"So you did your homework. Big deal." Rouge said

"You are one pathetic person." Shadow said

"Look who's talking. You don't even know who you are." Rouge jump off the plat form. She pulled out a newspaper and showed it to shadow. "Here are the results of the ultimate life form. But this photo looks different then you. So who or what is standing in front of me."

"What did she mean?" Shade ran up to the newspaper and look at the photo. It had a big looking Lizard on it with some pipe on the side that led to a power supply on the back. "Is..is that the real ultimate life form?" She look at Shadow who had a disturb look on its face. "Then what is Shadow."

After that a big white flash came.

Well there you go. Now Shade has something to think about of a while. Well tell me what you think. Review Please. Pease out.