Author's Notes: Well, this is the final chapter. Everything ends here so I hope you enjoyed this fic and I hope you review! Thanks!

TakenChapter 4

"They're running the results now for who owns the gun," Nicole said and pulled her phone out of her pocket. "We need to get this new vision information to Antonio."

Jess let go of her partner and walked toward the evidence tables. "Whoever owns that gun must own the stethoscope."

"That's what we're hoping," The crime scene investigator said, walking up behind them.

Nicole shut her phone after listing clues to Antonio and joined the two by the evidence tables.

"Did you find anything?" She asked the investigator.

"The gun is registered to a Dr. Randolf Kilner. His background is ridiculous. Big time surgeon, one of the best. Also, a convicted rapist. He went up against the grand jury, got off clean because of lack of evidence and no witnesses. Few years later, went in for heart surgery himself. The man was dying. Somehow his girlfriend found out about him raping someone and turned him in again. He served fifteen months in prison and then moved away."

"Wow," Jess said. "This guy is definitely dangerous."

"But why would he take Dr. Campbell?" Nicole asked.

"That's the thing. He was the chief of surgery at Rittenhouse hospital. When he was dying, Dr. Campbell was the one to operate."

"Are you kidding me?" Jess asked.

"Afraid not," The investigator said.

"Who was the woman he raped?" Nicole asked, her eyes growing wide.

The investigator paused and looked at the two women. Jess grew anxious. "Dr. Luisa Delgado."

"Holy shit," Jess mumbled. "Well, that explains that."


"Oh my god, oh my god, oh my god," Lu mumbled as she stumbeled backwards into her office. She couldn't believe this. He was back. Her heart raced as she pulled Nicole Scotts FBI business card out of her purse. "Oh my god," She said again and started dialing, her hands shaking.


Nicole and Jess hurried to Rittenhouse to investigate, leaving the previous crime scene for the other investigators. They found Dr. Delgado pacing in her office alone, refusing to step towards the evidence.

"This man raped you?" Nicole asked.

Lu nodded. "I can't believe this. It's like he'll never go away. He haunted me and then when he was let off and still working here, I went crazy. I almost lost my job, my son, my friends. Then he finally left me alone. That was until he came in the ER and I was the one holding the two paddles that would bring him back to life. Needless to say I couldn't do it so I was immediately off the case. And then Andy was assigned to him and she didn't believe me until finally he admitted to raping me but then she was prone to doctor-patient confidentiality so I was screwed. I had spent years afraid to turn any corner in fear that he would be there waiting for me. I had to do something. Andy gave me the idea to talk to his girlfriend who hadn't even known that he worked at Rittenhouse, much less raped a woman he worked with." Lu was still pacing and talking very fast as Nicole and Jess listened patiently. "She turned him in, the girlfriend did. When he was sentenced to prison, I thought it was finally over."

"With all my sympathy and respect, Dr. Delgado, we need a shorter version. Dr. Campbell is still in his control and we have to find her. Do you know anything else?" Nicole asked politely.

"Not that I can think of," Lu said. "His motive had to be because she gave me the idea to tell on him or maybe just because he knows she's a friend of mine."

The agents nodded. "Do you have somewhere that you can go tonight where you won't be alone?"

"I've already called a friend, she's on her way to get me." Lu responded.

"Very well, we'll contact you as soon as we know more."


Antonio walked into the FBI station in Philly. Nicole and Jess were waiting for him by a set of computers.

"What do you got?" Nicole asked.

"Well, Jess, you've given some pretty random clues. I've plugged in basement, spaghetti, violens, Philadelphia. Anything that might give us location. This is what came up. A few hotels, restuarants, stores. Nothing out of the ordinary."

"What about baseball bat?" Jess asked.

Antonio took a seat in front of the computer and typed in all the information.

"There's a old, closed building near the old baseball field in the park. It was an italian resuarant named Violo's. They had a live violen every night and their special was a spaghetti plate," Antonio said amazed.

"Can you see a floor plan?" Nicole asked.

Antonio played with the computer for a second and then looked at the two. "It has a basement."

"It's also about five miles from where they found Dr. Campbell's car," Jess added. "Let's go."


Andy jumped at the sound of a large, concrete door opening. She licked her chapped lips and prayed to God it was somebody besides the only person she'd been seeing for the past three days. There was still no light even with the door open. She heard a bat tapping against a rough hand and footsteps inching towards her. Then came the voice that had been echoing in her head.

"I enjoyed destroying your friends life for that small amount of time."

Andy's breath increased, pain shooting through her broken ribs. Her swollen, black and blue eyes widen as she felt him lower his body next to her and his hand rubbing her thigh, moving up her ripped skirt.

"I just hope I have as much fun with you as I did with her."

Kilner flattened Andy on the floor and placed the baseball bat over her throat to hold her down. She shook with tears and tried to move her legs away from him. He gripped her thigh, digging his nails into her skin. Andy was holding onto the baseball bat, trying her hardest to pry it away from her neck. It had taken him days to break her down into weakness considering who she was. She kept moving her leg, kicking him away from her as she screamed.

"NO," She yelled and swung her fist into his face.

"Bitch!" He said, cupping his eye and then slapped her. "You wanna play rough? Fine," He said and pushed the baseball bat harder into her throat, cutting off her circulation. Andy pushed her hardest but couldn't fight him anymore. The darkness was spinning and she felt him on top of her, increasing the pain. He was going to rape her and then kill her and she couldn't stop him. All those years of defense training and she couldn't do anything. He was too strong and she was too weak at that point.

She wanted to scream for help but nothing came out. Kilner was in his last phase before finally raping her and she laid there still, not breathing.


Nicole walked down the basement steps quickly, several agents following her, one of them being Jess. They all had their guns at the ready with flashlights for aim. She found the door open and inside was something nobody wanted to see.

"Freeze, FBI," She yelled and walked into the room, her gun pointing to Kilner's head. He froze on his knees and started to raise his hands in the air. His fist grabbed the baseball bat that was once placed on Andy's neck and swung it around to hit the gun out of Nicole's hand. Jess took aim and fired from across the room.

He flew backwards from the gunshot and Nicole retrieved her own gun from the ground. She repositioned to hold her weapon towards him.

"Get him out of here." She said towards the other agents. "And get the medical team. He's beaten the life out of her," She said, placing her gun back in the side of her pants as they carried him away.

"Dr. Campbell?" She bent down to the unmoving victim. "It's ok, you're safe." She said as Andy looked towards her.


Lu knocked on the hospital room door and walked in slowly. Andy was lying in the bed asleep with Milo sitting by her side in a chair.

"Milo you've been here for three days straight," She said and sat down next to him.

"I can't leave her," He said, holding Andy's bruised hand.

"How is she?"

"They say she's doing better. No permanent damage, not physcially anyway." He responded. "Everybody's been to see her. Her parents are at the house with Les and the girls. They come everyday, bring food, ya know." He paused and sat silently. "How are you holding up?"

Lu shrugged and held back her tears. "I just feel so horrible about it. But Kilner is gone now, definitely this time. He can't ever hurt anybody again." They paused again. "The funeral is tomorrow. I hope nobody shows up." They laughed slightly. "He doesn't deserve anything more than to rot in a hole six feet under."

"Not even that," Milo added and rubbed Lu's shoulder.

"Do you think she'll ever forgive me?" She asked, a quiver in her voice.

"I'm sure Andy will be more worried about everybody's saftey rather than holding a grudge against somebody who wasn't even to blame," He responded, looking at Andy sleeping.

"She's amazing, ya know?" Lu said.

"Yeah, I know."


Six months later.

"Thank you," Andy said, accepting the glass of wine Milo offered. They were standing on the balcony of their hotel suite in Hawaii. She took a sip. "It's nice to finally take this vacation with you."

"Yes, it is. I'm just glad you were up to it."

She nodded, recalling the last several months of recovery. "I wouldn't miss it for the world," She said with a smile. "Although, my therapist didn't think it was such a good idea."

Milo shook his head. " disappointing." He said sarcastically.

She laughed as he wrapped his arm around her waist. "I love sunsets, especially here," She said.

"Hawaii is beautiful."

"No," She responded. "I meant right here," Andy set her wine glass down and wrapped both arms around him, leaning in and putting her head on his chest. "Milo, I can't tell you enough how much I appreciate you giving me time after all that happened."

"I'd do anything for you Andy. Even if it was about four months of no dating, no kissing, no sex, and a bunch of other stuff." He smiled. "It doesn't matter though."

"It doesn't?" She asked, looking up at him.

He shook his head. "I'd wait forever for you."

Andy closed her eyes as he lifted her face to his and kissed her passionately. After a minute, they looked back at the sunset.

"Wait here, I have something for you," He said, walking away from her. She smiled and continued to sip her wine. He returned a few minutes later, one hand behind his back.

"Andy, we've been through a lot together," He started and she nodded. "And yet here we are, still crazy about each other."

"Completely in love with each other," She said unexpectedly.

He took her hand and brought his other arm from around his back. Andy looked at him, her jaw open in surprise.

"Milo..." She said as he opened the small box to reveal a beautiful diamond ring.

"Andy, will you marry me?" He asked.

Her eyes watered and she looked from the ring to him. After a few seconds, she nodded.

"Yes, of course I will. I love you."

That night, Andy, after six months of suffereing, didn't have one nightmare, not one second glance behind her or into a dark corner, nor did she have any insecure thoughts. She was with someone who she knew would protect her forever. She was with Milo.

TakenChapter 4

Author's Notes: OF COURSE, I had to put the Andy and Milo adorable love scene in! It was a must! And it was in rememberence of Richard Biggs (RIP). Well, I hope you guys liked this story! Review and maybe I'll write another one! Thanks!