Yo, this is white wolf and emdgamaster. We were bored so we decided to make a random story so here you go.

Complete randomness

InuYasha and the gang were walking into Kaede hut.

"Hi lady Kaede." Sango said.

All of a sudden a squirrel runs in and starts to attack InuYasha's face.

"What the hell! Get this Fucking thing off of me!" InuYasha yelled

Miroku grabs his staff and starts whacking InuYasha Yelling, "DIE YOU SQUIRREL!" As Miroku is whacking InuYasha his staff broke into two. "I knew I should have paid more money for this thing."

Meanwhile the squirrel jumps off of InuYasha and lands on the ground. "MWHAHAHAHAHA tremble as I am Naraku pet squirrel, FLUFFY!"

"Wow you don't see that ever day." Shippo said

"Awwww it cute." Kagome said

"Don't rub it in." Fluffy said. "Now InuYasha you must DIE!"

Fluffy attacks Miroku and he screams and starts to role on the ground. Yelling, "Stop, drop, and role! Stop, drop, and role!"

"Umm Miroku that's for fires. Not killer Squirrels." Sango said

"Your next girl!" Fluffy jumps and he was about to attack Sango (Me:We like Sango so we aren't going to let the squirrel attack her, who should we do? ED: Lets do Miroku some more!) The squirrel ties Miroku to a chair and he pulls out a TV (don't ask) and he turns it an to the Weather channel.


"Oh no! Fluffy is forcing Miroku to watch the weather channel! What should we do?" Shippo yells

"We have to turn it off some how!" Kagome said

"Its called a remote." InuYasha said.

"How do you know this stuff?" Sango asks.

"How do I not know this stuff?" InuYasha replied

Meanwhile the squirrel is enjoying Miroku being in pain. "Fell the burn!"

"If I don't make it tell my mother I love her!" Miroku said.

"We don't know your momma." InuYasha said.

"Oh I don't know her either."

"Then why did you tell us!"

"I'm bored! What do you expect, I'm watching the Weather channel!"

"Don't make me switch it to the History channel!" Fluffy gabs the remote and changes it to channel 12547875645625647514984575469156125475619215542476.

"Man do you have satellite or something?" Kagome ask.

"Actually I have cable."

"Hey look its me!" Miroku yelled. Everyone looks at the TV and sees themselves.

"What the…" Shippo said.

Kagome look outside the hut and saw a bunch of camera man filming them from the window. "What are you doing here get out."

"Aww man." One camera guy said, "lets go."

"Now InuYasha get the remote away from him!" Kagome said.

"I would love to if I knew where it was."

"WHAT!" Fluffy looks around and sees Kirara with the remote watching animal planet. "HOW DID SHE GET THAT!"

"My question is how he got the TV." Shippo said

"Kirara give me the remote." Sango said

Kirara growled at her.

Then InuYasha took his sword and through it at the TV.

"NO That was 616,462,423,252,164,224,113,612,123,103,621$!" Fluffy yelled.

"Where did you buy that?" InuYasha ask.


"Wow Naraku sure is rich."

"Okay you are getting annoying" InuYasha said. He went up to fluffy and grab him. He walk out side and through him far into the woods.

"Why didn't we do that in the first place?" Sango ask.

"Because we that dumb."

Meanwhile with Koga, The squirrel lands on Kogas "Hey look meat!"

"Don't eat me!" Fluffy screamed

"Hey I just found a talking Squirrel, I'm rich."

So Koga becomes rich and they live happily ever after the end

Okay, that was really random. I think my friend and I had to much sugar today. We hope you enjoyed our randomness because I know we did! We are going to write more about the Naraku pet squirrel Fluffy. In a different story. Please Review.