It Begins With This

A/N: This story is going to be kind of long. I want it to cover everything that happens before RENT. Stuff like when Mark first moves into the loft, when Roger first meets April, and how Benny dated Mimi and Alison. It should be as interesting for me to write as it is for you to read. Oh and some of this is authored by my friend Hayden. Enjoy! As always none of these wonderful bohemians belong to me. So thank you Jonathan Larson.

Chapter 1

It was a moderately warm April afternoon and a young man was napping on the couch of a dilapidated and cluttered loft. He was about nineteen, with short blond curls and deep green eyes. Suddenly the door to the loft opened and a second young man entered.

"You still asleep Roger?" he called as he came in. There was no response from the couch, so the young man tried again. "I got pizza Roger." he called in a singsong voice.

That initiated a reaction. The blond called Roger sat up and yawned. "You say something about pizza Collins?" he asked.

Collins rolled his eyes. "I knew that would get your attention. It's on the counter by the way." Roger jumped up and went into the kitchen. "Benny around?" Collins asked as Roger tore into the pizza.

"Should be in his room." Roger said with his mouth full. Collins shook his head at his friend's manners and went and knocked on a closed bedroom door. "Benny we got food." he called and then joined Roger in the kitchen.

Minutes later a second black young man came into the room. "Hey Collins." he greeted. Then he turned to Roger. "It's about time you got up. You know you could go out and get a job. The rent's due soon."

Roger shrugged. "Don't worry about it Benny old boy. The band's got a gig tonight and the pay should cover my part of the rent." he said going for a fourth slice of pizza. Then he looked at the clock. "Oh shit!" he exclaimed I'm supposed to be at Drew's house in like five minutes to rehearse."

"Roger you are perpetually late." Collins said. "I'm sure they're not expecting you for at least another half hour."

Benny laughed and Roger ignored him as he raced around the room trying to get his things together. Once he had gotten ready (this consisted of him throwing on his shoes and jacket and running his hands through his short hair) he grabbed another slice of pizza and his guitar, then left the loft.

This time it was Benny who shook his head. "That boy is always unprepared." he commented.

Collins smiled. "True." he agreed. "But you have to admit he does liven things up around here."

"When he's not sleeping or eating you mean." Benny said back and helped himself to the remaining slice of pizza.

Mark Cohen was running through the halls of Brown University. He was late, again, for a meeting with his guidance counselor. He slid to a stop outside of the office, almost colliding with a young woman who was coming out.

"Sorry." he said quickly. Then he adjusted his clothes and knocked on the door.

"Come in." called a voice from within the office. Mark entered slowly with a feeling of dread. These meetings were never good. It was especially bad that his counselor, Mr. James, was close friends with his father and reported everything that was said.

"Ah Mr. Cohen." Mr. James said now as Mark came in. "So good of you to show up."

"I'm sorry Mr. James." huffed Mark, he was still a little out of breath. " I was studying and I lost track of time."

"Indeed?" Mr. James said skeptically. "That's surprising considering your grades for this quarter. Have a seat."

The feeling of dread increased as Mark obeyed and took a seat. He had been neglecting his studies lately. "Are they really that bad?" he asked.

"I wouldn't say bad exactly. More like disappointing. You barely passed everything with low B's and C's. That is, everything but your Film and Photography class, which you got an A in." Mr. James said.

Mark breathed an inward sigh of relief. At least he hadn't failed anything. Then he would have been in real trouble with his father. "I'm trying Mr. James." he said simply.

"Well, I'm just concerned that you are being distracted by this filming. Maybe you should drop that class at the end of the semester." the counselor said.

"Oh no that won't be necessary. I'll get my grades up." Mark promised.

"I expect to see a drastic change in the next few weeks or I'll have to notify your father about this." Mr. James warned.

Mark assured him that that wouldn't be necessary and then left the office. He was sick of this stupid school and all it's important classes. He wouldn't even be going there if it weren't for his father being an alumnus and paying for it. At least he had Spring Break to look forward to. He was going to see his best friend Roger in New York for the week. They hadn't see each other since the summer after high school graduation.

Emboldened by this thought Mark hurried back to his dorm to finish his packing. He was leaving the next morning and he wanted to be gone as soon as possible. When he got into his room the phone was ringing.

"Hello?" he answered it.

"Hello Marcus." said his father. Mark groaned inwardly. He hated these conversations with his father.

"Hi Dad." he said. "How are you?"

"I'm fine Marcus. I heard you had a meeting with Mr. James today. How did it go?"

I'm fine Dad, thanks for asking. Mark thought to himself. Aloud he said, "It was fine. He just wanted to discuss class choices for next semester." Technically it wasn't really a lie.

"That's fine then." Dr. Cohen said. "Are you leaving for Roger's place tonight?"

"No, tomorrow morning. I should be home the week after next to see you and Mom." Mark said trying to end this conversation quickly.

"Alright Marcus. I'll see you then." and his father hung up. Mark sighed then continued his packing. He wasn't quite sure he could deal with his father for a whole week.

Roger was just finishing his gig. The crowd was hype and the groupies were all staring at him. He was truly in his element. As he played the final chords of the song he caught the eye of a young girl with red hair. She was staring at him intently and feeling the music.

She's cute, Roger thought and finished the song with a bang.