Súndavar wiped tears from his eyes. Rune looked so peaceful, laying there on the bed. Her hands were clasped over her stomach, a single black rose bloom held in her still fingers. Súndavar touched her cheek.

Shay stood silently behind him. Tears streaked her face openly. Her blue eyes shone with sadness.

Arya scattered black rose petals over her. Her face was sad, and tears danced in her eyes, threatening to fall.

Eragon stepped forward. "Rune—" he stopped, regaining his composure. "Rune was special. She was different. I think she gave something to each of us, something of herself. Such was her destiny. She was filled with wonder for the world around her. All those gathered here would be dead if not for her."

He stepped backwards. Shay approached the bed carefully. She laid her gift—a dagger engraved with a snake and a dove—by Rune's side. "I didn't know you for long," she said. "But I shall truly miss you. I owe you my life."

Katrina smiled sadly, stepping towards Rune. "I shall remember you forever. Yawë, my friend."

Each came forward, offering a gift or a few words. Súndavar was last.

"I hoped to share my life with you," he whispered. "I hoped that someday there could be an us. Perhaps my hopes were in vain. But know that I will love you forever. I'll never take another. I promise." He leaned over, kissing her lips lightly. They were still warm.

Súndavar drew away, startled. "She…"

Eragon approached. He touched her cheek. "She's warm."

Angela felt her neck for a pulse. "Nothing. She isn't breathing."

Arya looked afraid. "Andlát slytha," she whispered fatefully.

Shay turned to her. "What?"

Arya shook her head. "Nothing. Rune is dead."


Galbatorix rocked slowly back and forth in his chair. "It seems my plan has gone awry."

It seems so.

"Rune is not the girl she once was. That girl would not have put up resistance."

She is different. She is no longer a child, Shruikan said.

Galbatorix nodded. "I have no more use for her. She will have to be disposed of."

Shruikan didn't respond. He didn't agree with Galbatorix. Rune was living her own life. She had every right to.

Galbatorix grinned devilishly. "I believe I can arrange a few fatal accidents for her. That is, if she still lives."

Shruikan heaved a dragon sigh. Yes. I suppose you can.

Taking a dagger off his desk, Galbatorix began flipping it expiramentally. He was going to enjoy this. Yes, he would enjoy it very much.


Súndavar touched the egg, feeling its humming in his veins. It was beautiful, wonderful. He wished he could just sit there, touching it forever.

He loved everything about it, from its green color, laced with deep black, to the smoothness of it. Something about it comforted him, though he wasn't sure what. He envisioned the baby dragon nestled inside, so perfect, flawless.

Just by touching the stone, Súndavar felt he could lose all his troubles. His sadness faded, although his heart still ached, it was bearable.

Súndavar didn't know what it was that drew him to the egg, but he was glad.

The egg squeaked.

Súndavar drew away, startled. The egg squeaked again, beginning to shake.

Súndavar watched in awe. A small crack started at the top of the egg, then ran its way down. More appeared, crisscrossing the shell like lace.

The shell broke open. Green and black scales appeared, wrinkly and soft.

Súndavar gaped at it. Sitting in front of him, watching him with calculating, yellow eyes, was a baby dragon.


Eragon grabbed Arya's shoulder, once everyone had left. "Arya, what was that you said?"

"Andlát slytha," Arya whispered. "Death sleep."

"What does it mean?"

Arya looked away. "Such a sleep is uncommon. It's happened twice in history."

"What does it mean for Rune?"

Arya shook her head. "Tell, me, Eragon. What did Rune say, when she opened the door?"

"Gath lif iet un Eragon vor," Eragon recited. Rune's last words were fixed in his mind.

Arya nodded. "There is no light way to say this, Eragon, so Ishall be blunt. You carry a great burden."


"Rune lives."

Eragon frowned. "That's sick, Arya. Don'ttoy with me. What do you mean?"

"I jest not. Rune lives on. Inside you."

Eragon shook his head. "I don't understand."

"Rune's words bound her to you in a way no one can undo besides you. Her soul—it is inside you. Sleeping. Waiting."

"How do I wake her up?" Eragon asked, the enormity of this sinking upon his heart.

"I don't know," Arya admitted sorrowfully.

Eragon blinked. "I will restore her," he said. "Vel eïnradhin iet ai Shur'tugal."

Upon my word as a Rider.


The story continues in:

Son of Wrath and Fire