The darkened sky of night blanketed the night in total darkness; the cloud's refusing to allow the light of the moon to even reflect on earth's beautiful surface. The canopy of the tree's made things pitch black to where no human being could adjust to unless having spent hours in the all consuming shadow's. The environment was like one out of a scary story, where things go bump in the night and huge monster's come out to devour innocent children that dare each other to step into such a place as a mean's for fun. This time of day; this place, was perfect of Itachi Uchiha. The pale perfection of his skin, hidden under a cloak as black as his surroundings, reflected what little light escaped at all; his red entrancing Sharigan eyes being no different. They pierced the night, scaring what ever wanderer crossed path's with him into believing the legends that kid's were told to keep themselves tucked in their beds. Itachi, however, found this less amusing as he did childish. Though, they were right of fear the assassin of the Uchiha clan.

These thought's caused the features of the flawless man to hold a smirk as he neared his destination. He was about to scare another soul into the next world and, maybe, perhaps kill it himself. Itachi ran a hair through the side of his jet black bangs as he looked down at the small village of Konoha; the thousands of lanterns and other lights suggesting that a festival was being held. His eyes narrowed in disappointment, his lips curling back into a small sneer. It seemed that not all was going to go according to plan. Slipping on his ANBU mask, the missing ninja discarded his cloak onto the branch of a tree. Reaching into one of the huge pockets, Itachi pulled out a silky blue kimono top.

It seemed he was going to have to play the villages little game of find the mouse for a bit. Fixing his shirt so that it tucked into his snug black pants, he smirked, tossing his cloak back; as if to leave it behind. "I assume you won't be back for a few days?" A second voice whispered to the twenty three year old assassin.

"Yes, that's correct Kisume. I assume you will not screw up the plan?"

The soft rustle of skin scrapping against clothing was his only reply; clearing his suspicions of the man shaking his head. "Then I shall see you here no later then three day's from now at dawn. Be ready for, trouble."

"Hai I shall, Itachi-sama." The shark like man whispered from the darkness.

Itachi canceled his Sharigan before he leaped down upon the village, ready to prey upon his unsuspecting victim.

The music of flutes and other instruments blasted as the cheering and talking of the crowd grew louder. The noise was almost enough to drowned out the music. Naurto Uzumaki watched his surroundings, his ear's hurting from the sound but the smile on his face gave away that he was having a good time. Hurrying over to his first game of the year, Naruto looked into a fish bowl. "You gonna give it a try runt?" The game keeper grunted at him, a smug smirk on his face as he handed a small net to the boy.

Naruto smiled and handed over a coin to the game keeper and accepted the small net that was no more bigger then the size of his index finger with a net only a two inches wide and flat as a pancake. "Just scoop up as many as I can right?" The blonde asked as the man turned his back to the boy to go to another customer.

"Yeah, you get to keep how many you catch."

Naruto rolled up the sleeves of his orange coat and smirk. 'Piece of cake!' he bragged to himself, dipping the net into the water carefully and eyeing the fish, trying to pick which on to go after. 'That one!' He exclaimed, his eyes widening at the biggest fish in the tank. By this time, the game owner had come back over, laughing lightly as he saw Naruto's excited and determined expression. "No one's caught that fish for three years. I've brought 'er every year an' no one can catch 'er."

"Well this is the fish's unlucky day!" Naruto shouted confidently, getting a few stares from his loud mouth.

Twenty minutes later, Naruto walked away; without a fish in hand and a small pout on his face. "This sucks…oh well, I didn't want a damn fish to take care of anyways! Believe it!" He told himself, though the pain of disappointment hit his ego so hard, he couldn't keep the smile he had for more then a few seconds.

He was so out of it, he didn't see the fish in the bag that was suddenly stuck in his face until he was nose to nose with it. "Whaaaaaaaa!" he screamed falling back into the carrier, whom thankfully caught him with his other free arm.

Naruto turned to insult the man before he saw the fish he held out. It was the same one that Naruto had been trying to catch for twenty freaking minutes! "If you came to bra-", he started but stopped when the bag was dropped into his hands.

Naruto looked at the bag to the man. He couldn't see the man's face because of the mask he wore but he felt as though he knew the person behind it. "Th-thanks mister!" Naruto said, smiling with his goofy grin.

The man merely nodded lightly to show that his gratitude was taken, making the younger boy cock his head to a side in confusion. 'Is this guy a mute or something?'

Though Naruto would soon find out.

(End of Chapter. Please R&R!)