A/N: Omr, I'm so late in updating this -shame- I've been hooked on FMA fanfics, so it took me a bit to get back into the YGO gear. I've also got some other stuff to take care of, so hopefully this'll hold yalls interest until I can get those done and update this again. Sorry again, I'm making it my New Year's revolution to not put things off.

Disclaimer: Don't own YGO. Wish I did though, I could buy all the mangas and DVDs with the money...

Chapter 9: The Want

"'Kura, wake up…"

Bakura groaned, digging his face further into something warm. "Mmm…" he grumbled.

"Bakura...wake up…"


"'Cause my dad just got home."


"He's a homophobe and will probably—"

Bakura sat up and shuffled around until he looked as if he were a normal visitor sitting on Joey's bed rather than a 'respected other' snuggling uncharacteristically up to the blonde. Joey chuckled.

"That was fast." he said, rubbing his nose. Bakura yawned and shrugged.

"Hm." he muttered. They were both quiet for a moment, listening. Footsteps wandered about outside the closed door, treading dangerously close a few times. After a few on-and-off expectancies of the door creaking open, Bakura's tolerance was slowly dying down. Joey, however, was perfectly fine with just leaning on Bakura, smiling softly at the warmth. Finally, after the footsteps trekked away from the door again, Bakura hissed one harsh sentence, "I can't take this anymore!"

With that he snatched Joey's lips in his, longing and desperate. His hands gripped Joey's head, pushing him forwards to make it all the deeper. At the moment he didn't really care if they ended up making out with Joey's dad right outside in the living room; all he wanted was Joey's lips sliding against his in a rhythmic dance, creating shoving friction between their mouths. He craved the taste of Joey's tongue, craved it so badly that he nearly forced the blonde's mouth open to get it.

Joey only followed Bakura's tactics, falling into it but a knock at his door hurled him into reality and he regretfully tore his lips from Bakura's. Bakura gave him a questioning look.

"What the fu—"

"Joey, are you awake?"

Bakura froze in his spot above Joey. During the kissing he had climbed on top of the blond and there wasn't an excuse in the world to get out of that if they were caught. Joey, thinking more than usual, called out, "Yeah!"

The knob jiggled, and the door eased open. Mr. Wheeler came in, finding nothing wrong with the situation. Joey was sick in bed and a friend of his was sitting next to him in a chair with a hand to his forehead. Normal.

"So, who's this young lady?" he asked, pointing to the 'girl' with long white hair and noticeable hips despite the large pants 'she' was wearing. 'She' twitched.


"Hm? Didn't want me knowing about your girlfriend?"

"No, it's not that, it's—"

"I'm a bloody man!" Bakura burst out, turning around as he jumped to his feet. Mr. Wheeler jumped back from the mere glare he was getting.

"Bakura!" Joey scolded in a high voice. Bakura flinched again.

"But he—"

"I don't care! You don't yell at my dad!"


"No 'but's, Bakura."

Mr. Wheeler only stared as Bakura deflated and pouted, crossing his arms and legs when he plopped back in the chair. Joey, however, was looking quite triumphant.

"Um, well, I guess it's nice to meet you, Bakura."

Bakura mumbled something back, but he couldn't hear.

"He said 'same here', pops." Joey lied, giving Bakura a warning glare. Mr. Wheeler shrugged and walked out, closing the door. Once both teens heard the TV go on full blast, they gave each other looks.

"He fucking hurts you! I have a right to talk back to him!" Bakura said immediately. Joey rolled his eyes.

"You do, but you can't just ruin the non-drunkenness moment just because you're overprotective!"

"So?! If you wanted you could stay with me!"

"Bakura, you know I—"

"Ryou wouldn't mind at all!"

"How do you know?"

"Because he's my hikari and if I don't mind then he sure as Hell won't!"

Joey let out a loud, tired sigh. "Bakura, yer givin' me a headache."

Bakura stuck his tongue out. "Bleh!" he said. Joey glared at him and closed his eyes, brow furrowed. Bakura stared at him for a moment, thinking. "Do you want any Advil or something?" he asked finally.

Joey cracked open one eye and a small grin. "Yeah. It's right there next to the tissues. I can take it dry."

Bakura took the bottle labeled 'Advil' and turned the top to open it. He did this over and over, gradually getting frustrated that it wouldn't open. He shut his eyes to keep his cool, a bead of sweat forming near his temple. He growled and his fingers were turning red from the amount of pressure they were exerting on the bottle cap.

Why wouldn't the damn thing open?!

His eyes snapped open and he glared at the bottle, making angry grunts and hisses as he kept trying to remove the cap with sheer force. At last he let out a frustrated yell and held the bottle out to Joey, his head hung down in defeat.

Needless to say, Joey was laughing his ass off.

"Bakura!!" he choked out, wiping away a tear and taking the bottle from Bakura. Bakura glared at him, blushing just a tad.

"Shut up." he muttered. Joey grinned and squeezed the tabs on the sides of the cap and turned it, causing it to come off easily. He tipped it to coax some of the little red pills out, tipping it back up when he got the two he needed. He closed the bottle and handed it to Bakura, smiling sweetly.

Bakura looked at Joey flatly. For a minute he just stared, ignoring the plastic bottle he had battled with just seconds ago. His mouth opened as if to retort, but shut it and took the bottle back. Muttering a few curses under his breath, he dropped it on the side table, not really caring that it fell on its side and nearly rolled off the surface. Joey snickered and swallowed the pills.

"You're so cute, 'Kura." he said adoringly. Bakura blushed and looked away.

"No I'm not." he grunted. Joey made a thoughtful humming sound.

"Either you're cute or you're clueless, 'Kura. Which do you prefer?" he asked 'innocently'. Bakura glared at him. Then he stood and climbed on top of him, hands on the head board to trap Joey's head. Joey, heart racing at their position, blushed profoundly. Bakura's narrowed, mischievous yet solemn eyes were staring intently into his. He felt a heat rise between them as Bakura lowered his face to his, lips parting just slightly.

"I'd prefer it if you'd shut up and let me kiss you." Bakura whispered lowly, brushing his lips softly against Joey's as a tease. Joey whined, wanting more than just the brush. Bakura grinned a mildly toothy grin, his sharpened canines standing out like vampire teeth, and Joey found it one of the most effective turn-ons he'd ever imagined. That evil, sinister grin made his stomach churn and his body plead for more.

"'Kura…" he breathed. One brush of their lips affected him so much it almost hurt to not receive more. Bakura had no idea how easily he could torture the poor blond just by touching him, just by the meet of their skin. He was putty in the pale yami's hand, maybe even more liquefied.

Bakura's lips came down to capture Joey's in a kiss, gentle at first but had quickly become fierce and wanting. Their tongues danced together, their lips rubbed against each other, and their hips started to come closer and closer on their own. Joey's rough fingers dug into Bakura's hair and scalp, pulling him as close as he could. Bakura's long, slender digits weaved into Joey's golden tresses, guiding his head to tilt up so he could gain more control over the kiss. Their pelvis's began to attempt to fuse together it seemed as their lower areas ground together harshly.

Every chance they could they took a breath, but it was long before they actually needed to pause making out to breathe. Groins throbbing, hard and pressed close together, they moaned in unison, faces flushed and diaphragms heaving. At first their foreheads were touching, but the hot air around them was constricting Bakura's oxygen intake and he threw his head back, mouth open to pant and moan when he rubbed against Joey yet again. Joey, whimpering pitifully, began to tug Bakura back down.

"Bakura…'Kura…" he begged. Bakura dipped his head down almost immediately, crushing his lips against Joey's. Joey moaned deeply, kissing back wildly and rolling his hips upwards. Bakura began to clutch at his hair now, going along with Joey's hips but at a rougher, dominant pace with a pleasuring force. Taking one hand from Joey's neck he began to fiddle with his pants, his hardened manhood thriving to escape from its cloth confinement. But his fingers were shaky and hesitant, more so when they grazed against the tent that was poking up from the covers.

Joey, partially aware of what Bakura's hand was having trouble to do, started to pull back from the kiss. Bakura would always snatch his lips back, however. It took some struggling to finally get it through Bakura's mind what Joey was trying to do. Red, clouded eyes gave the lustful but scared brown ones a curious look.



Bakura's face went blank for a moment, his hand stopping at Joey's covered erection. He'd forgotten about that man who was watching TV in the other room, who might have heard the moans and groans and could have been thinking about coming to check it out. Bakura sighed a rattled breath, touching his forehead with Joey's, his hand fingering the blonde's neck lovingly, stroking the mass of gold hair.

"I forgot…" he whispered, placing a gentle kiss on Joey's nose. Joey smiled, reaching up to kiss Bakura's chin.

"If he weren't here…"

Bakura grinned, chuckling lowly. After kissing Joey's lips once more he sat up, straddling Joey's hips a little better. They never let go of the other's neck in a subconscious wanting to be closer. Bakura glanced down at their 'excitement' and chuckled again.

"What're we gonna do about this?" he asked, subtly pulling the covers from Joey's. Joey blushed, looking down as well.

"Well…I have no idea…"

Bakura bit his lip. "I don't know about you but I'm so hard it hurts…" he admitted, a small blush on his cheeks. Joey, not used to being told such personal things, laughed nervously.

"Yeah…but you've got pants on. I'm only in boxers. That might have something to do with—Bakura! What're you doing?!"

Bakura's previously unoccupied hand had wrapped around 'Little Joey' beneath the covers. It had managed to come through the slit in the boxers, therefore making it easier for Bakura to grab. He smirked and ran his hand up and down Joey's length, causing the blond to moan loudly.


"There's no other way."

Joey looked away, biting his lower lip. His hands held on tighter to Bakura's neck, signaling he made his decision.

He gave a small smile. "Just as long as I get to do you."

Bakura grinned. "Of course."

A/N: Just some yaoi goodness for yall. My Christams present to you (or whatever holiday you celebrate...). Hope you liked it.