Bounce Me Back

Disclaimer: Naruto is property of Kishimoto-sama. I'm making no profit in writing this.

Pairing: SasuNaruSasu and possible others.

Summary: They meet, and instantly regret it. It's the beginning of a confusing year for the both of them; overflowing with confrontations, feelings and trials. A life of basketball and questions. Who will bounce the other back on track first?

Warning: Spelling (not native speaker, after all) AU. Language & basketball – yes, I warn you, however, of my poor knowledge of it! ^^ I will try my best.

A/N: Thanks to everyone who reviewed up till now, I'm very thankful to get such great input. I'm doing my best to respond to you all, but some of you are anonymous or have private messaging disabled. So… thank you for taking the time to read and review.

Anyway, more Sasuke and Naruto interaction! Woho, right? I hope you'll enjoy this chapter!

Chapter 12: Q u a l i t y t i m e

It was unnaturally quiet, even for a library of this magnitude. The librarian sat by her desk a few aisles away, chewing on the end of her pencil while reading a thick book on self-help. Having spent most evenings in the library for the past few weeks studying for the several tests that were approaching, Sasuke knew her habits and routines by heart, as well as her taste in literature. The lady also knew his demands, which was to be left alone.

A small, yet distinct, beep resonated next to him on the wooden desk and he halted in flipping pages to glance over at the shiny phone. The green light was blinking back, blaring at him teasingly. The phone had gone off probably a dozen times and that was only the past day or so. He grabbed it, considering his actions before giving in and opening the text message.

Uzumoron (message received: 10:38): YO~ SRLSY! I haven't textd u in like 1hour! I'm bored

Sasuke sighed, wondering why he even bothered, and put the phone down. He went back to reading, regretting ever getting Naruto that stupid phone. Only a few minutes passed before his phone again indicated a new message had been received.

Uzumoron (message received: 10:43): Bastard I dunno why ur not answering meh. Been waiting for like ten minutes. or twelve. not sure. answr me ohkay!

Sasuke returned to his books again, only managing to read half a page this time.

Uzumoron (message received: 10:52): ur mean. WHY DON'T YOU ANSWER MEEEEEEE!

This time only four words, before the damn phone went off again.

Uzumoron (message received: 10:53): hey whaddup? Dunno why but ur ignoring meh. PLZ ANSWR!

Sasuke's senior Kabuto came sauntering over to him and joined him by the table, eyeing Sasuke suspiciously as he grabbed hold of the phone once again. Sasuke could feel his stare on him, knowing full well Kabuto was irritated – mainly with this ever growing association with Naruto, but also the time and energy spent avoiding his texts and calls as of late.

After that fateful day at the hospital, Sasuke quickly made arrangements for a hand phone for Naruto. He had a friend of the family, conveniently still at work, setting up a subscription and managing the payment in the company's name. Kakashi, coincidentally both an employee at his parents' company and part-time teacher at his school, had been more than pleased to fiddle with the company's money again and complied, as long as he was filled in on the story.

Sasuke then had to explain that it was for a moronic, somewhat friend who almost got himself killed by not having a phone. Kakashi hadn't stopped laughing for a whole ten minutes. He then proceeded to congratulate Sasuke on making his first real friend, before bursting out in laughter once more. There was no being polite when it came to Kakashi so he'd disconnected the call immediately.

When finally equipped with a phone, Naruto was able to reach him at any time and he certainly took advantage of that by sending him random text messages with no real content. It seemed Naruto was enjoying it too much to stop any time soon, even if it meant irritating Sasuke. Maybe he considered it a bonus.

Nevertheless, Sasuke had more than once threatened to take the phone back. It worked for about a day or so, before Naruto went right back to sending him cheeky messages again. Sasuke couldn't lie to himself, though. Naruto's newfound interest in him was… kind of exhilarating.

The phone beeped.

Uzumoron (message received: 10:59): Please

"If you are that annoyed, why don't you just answer him," Kabuto suggested and looked at him squarely when another beep was heard. "Or shut your damn phone off?"

Uzumoron (message received: 11:06): Pleaseee!

Sasuke rivalled the seniors glare. "How about no?"

"It's distracting, Sasuke. You have more important matters to attend to."

He huffed and began typing back. "I'm not distracted."

"I disagree."

Sasuke couldn't care less and pushed the send button. He threw a defiant look at his senior and pulled his textbook closer. "I can multitask."

Talking about Naruto made his thoughts return to the day in the hospital and the moment when Naruto was crying his eyes out, right there in front of him – seemingly embarrassed. That moment had stuck with him ever since, even though the two of them never brought it up again for fear of opening a can of worms, releasing something unstoppable. Mutual understanding was key-word here. Yet, Sasuke still wondered. He hadn't had a clue that what he said had hit that close to home and would trigger such a profound reaction in Naruto. Not before the blond had tears bursting from his eyes and riveting down his puffy cheeks. He certainly hadn't wanted him to start crying. He'd never seen the boy cry, not to mention ever showing any sign of real weakness in front of him.

It had been strange seeing him like that, somehow light… maybe even frail. A side of him Sasuke hadn't seen before. Naruto mostly came off as strong, driven by his emotions – yes – but still strong and extremely pig-headed.

Like an engine roars, so does Naruto communicate with others – through his vibrant selection of words, sounds and antics. He's usually so piercing.

But at that moment, it was almost like he shifted gear and slowed to a pace fit ordinary humans. And when he did, Sasuke couldn't help but notice how different Naruto looked all of a sudden. His whole demeanour was just ethereal – the shrouded celestial version of himself.

Sasuke had been lost for words at the sight of him.

It wasn't until later, when they were well on their way out of the hospital, that Sasuke could relax again and it was because the old Naruto had returned. He would be lying to himself if he said he wasn't happy to see him. The normal Naruto was easier to deal with, even though the slightly more mature version intrigued him.

He was back to childish remarks and easygoing banter, never reluctant to throw in an insult or two as long as it would rouse a reaction in Sasuke. He seemed to bask in the casualness of their newfound closeness. Sasuke might even be willing to go as far as saying that what they had was starting to look a little bit like friendship. At least, that's what Naruto claimed. Sasuke wasn't completely convinced and needed time to wrap his head around the fact that he was spending time with such a moron on a daily basis. Most of the times, Naruto was the one to seek him out and not the other way around.

If Sasuke went to Naruto, it was purely on a whim. Or to get back whatever the idiot had taken from his room.

Naruto, on the other hand, always found a reason to invade Sasuke's space. He would sometimes claim he wanted to 'hang out' – a social phenomenon Sasuke rarely indulged himself in – and sometimes invite Sasuke to buddy up with his other friends. Occasionally, Sasuke would consider it, but always stuck with stern no.

A few minutes later Naruto replied to his text message and the usual beep brought him back from his reverie. Sasuke read the message, his lips forming a smirk, while Kabuto rolled his eyes and drummed his fingers impatiently against the tabletop.

Uzumoron (message received: 11:12): Your rules suck! But okay, I'll try stopping that… abbre… abbrevia… sumthing! Can't promise no slang though, kinda getting into it u know. Can't promise not to bother you either, hehehehehe! Only for now. K? When you're done studying text me, k? bye

"Focus, Sasuke."

Not answering, he put his phone down next to him and gave Kabuto a blank stare. The senior had been relentless lately, urging him to meet up with him for tutoring lessons. He didn't need tutoring, but Kabuto thought otherwise and bossed him around. He kept reminding him that he had no time to slack off, if he wanted to succeed. The thing was, Sasuke wasn't sure anymore if that was what he wanted – or if he ever did. Gone were the days he almost considered Kabuto a close friend. Something about the guy was irking him now. His insistent pushing was starting to rub him in the wrong way.

"I'll focus better if you would leave me alone for once," he said and Kabuto straightened in his seat. "I don't know what you're expecting from me, but at the end of the day I'll do what I want. You know my scores and that there's no possible way for me to fuck things up now. You're beginning to sound obsessive… Kabuto."

"Obsessive?" The senior clicked his tongue and tightened the pony-tail. "There are a lot of people counting on you and you know it."

"What?" Sasuke jerked, dropping his book with a thump on the table. "What did you just say?"

The chair screeched as it was pushed back. Kabuto leaned ominously over the table, looking at Sasuke over his thick rimmed glasses. "Up for a smoke? No? Fine, forget it." He shrugged and Sasuke quirked a confused brow. "Now, be a good boy and do your homework."

Sasuke scowled. "What are you talking about?"

"Don't be childish, Sasuke. You can't tell me you weren't studying for the exact same goal," Kabuto chuckled and rolled his shoulders in an odd way. Sasuke felt a strange chill running through his body by just watching.

He suspected he knew what Kabuto was talking about. But the implication was too far-fetched. It would mean Kabuto, all along, had purposely sought him out.

"I've devoted my precious time to prepare you, Sasuke. There's no harm in that, especially when we want the same thing." Kabuto smiled reassuringly; however, it only made Sasuke uneasy. "I still want the best for you, let me help you."

His eyebrows rose in confusion. "With what exactly?"

"Securing your position in the company of course! Sasuke, I'm helping you achieve your goals here… with my help you'll be ready to take what's rightfully yours. But, you're going to need people on your side when the time comes, you know that don't you?" Kabuto leaned in closer, almost whispering. "I have those people, literally, on speed-dial. We'll get you there and all you have to do is play along. You've got to focus."

Sasuke frowned. "I can't believe you. If this has been your goal all along, you must be the sneakiest asshole I've ever met. What do you think you'll gain from helping me? Ever considered I don't want you help?" said Sasuke and rose to his feet, Kabuto's face only an arm-length away. All he wanted was to lash out and punch him in the face, but he kept his composure.

"When the time comes for me to step into office, I'll show the board I'm the perfect man for the job."

"Simply diligence won't do, Sasuke." Kabuto laughed. "Believe me when I say; you are the perfect man to lead the company even though you've only recently turned eighteen. You've got the skills necessary, and my people know that and are willing to utilise your talents. A lot is at stake here, however, not many are willing to risk putting everything in the hands of a kid fresh out of high school. Regardless of the fact that you are who you are, with the dexterity you possess and with the luxury marque for a last name. At the moment, the Uchiha Corp. is being run to the ground. We believe it's soon time for you to step up to the plate and save this sinking ship," Kabuto said whilst packing his things in a slow manner.

"Let's just say I'm working for someone who has been denied the most beneficial alliance between our two companies because no one at the Uchiha Corp. has been willing to see the greatness that could be achieved through combining our forces."

Kabuto suddenly leaned over and patted Sasuke on the shoulder, his eyes never leaving Sasuke's. He tried reading them, but it was impossible.

"I know you will see the merits of collaborating in the future and that's exactly why I'm going to do whatever it takes to get you to the top. Together we'll save your company, Sasuke. You just have to play along.

The hand on his shoulder squeezed tightly before the senior slowly withdrew completely, and Sasuke watched as Kabuto turned and walked away without a word. He listened to the sound of his shoes disappearing behind the bookshelves, the door of the library squeaking when opened and closed with a dull thud. He then slumped back into his chair and rested his forehead on the closed book in front of him.

What was happening?

Why did it feel like he signed a deal with the devil just now?


Today was great.

Naruto decided today was great the moment he woke up and saw the thin coat of snow covering the dull grass. With a spring to his legs, he jumped down from his bed and got dressed. Dragging Shikamaru out of bed had been quite the struggle, but when mentioning a late brunch even the lazy boy dragged himself out of bed and pulled on some casual clothes. Together they retrieved the hungry dog from across the hallway.

The trio now sat at a table in the crowded campus café, sipping on their favourite drinks while waiting for their food to arrive. Naruto heartily slurped his orange juice through a straw with loud sucking noises, looking awfully content, while excessively fiddling with his cute phone strap in the shape of a ramen bowl. He had been checking the phone constantly ever since waking up. Today really was a great day. Not only was it Saturday, which meant he could enjoy a slow morning, but Sasuke had actually begun answering his messages. Naruto grinned around his straw.

"Dude!" Kiba exclaimed all of a sudden. "Stop doing that!"

He looked up from his phone, finding his two friends staring at him from across the table. He held his hands out in defence, almost dropping his orange juice and his phone. "I'm not doing anything."

"Yeah you are!" Kiba pointed at the phone in Naruto's hand angrily. "That! You're like all over it, all the time."

Naruto gave Kiba an unimpressed glare and shrugged, putting down his drink and leaning back in his chair. "So what?"

"It's ruining my appetite!" Kiba shouted, but Naruto knew his friend was overly dramatic and it made him chuckle. "Ever since Sasuke got you that phone, you've been… kind of… I dunno… weird."

Naruto burst out laughing, and then turned to the waiter who came over with their food. The three boys instantly put the topic on hold, turned their attention to their meals and more or less inhaled the food. They were all patting their full stomachs only minutes later. Shikamaru took a sip of his third coffee, before eyeing Naruto. Sensing the look, he looked up and quirked a questioning brow but his clever friend seemed to hesitate.

Kiba also noticed the sudden awkward tension, nudging Shikamaru in the side. The lazy boy sighed and decided to speak up finally.

"Kiba's right, you are kind of acting strange lately," he said which earned him a serious of nods from Kiba. "Don't get me wrong, we're happy you're doing well. I didn't think you'd be this hyper, this soon, after leaving the hospital. But… I mean…"

"Spit it out, you guys…" said Naruto, growing impatient.

"We thought you hated Sasuke!" Kiba interrupted with a sudden shout and put so much such stress on the name that his friends jerked next to him.

Several other guests turned in their direction at Kiba's outburst and Kiba's face flushed in embarrassment. Naruto was sure the entire café must have heard and grinned back at his friend. He had known for some time that Kiba and Shikamaru were confused with the sudden change in his handling of Sasuke. Even the girls had given him strange looks as of late. When the murmur from within the café died down, the boys could relax once again.

"You said he was a bastard and you always got cranky around him. Something's up, right?" Kiba pouted and crossed his arms over his chest. "Aren't we hating him anymore? You gotta tell us these things."

Naruto took another sip, not just to buy himself time but also to enjoy the juice, which tasted so great his toes curled. "I don't get cranky, he just infuriates me sometimes, and he's still a complete bastard most of the time. But, no I don't hate him… not anymore."

"Are you sure?" Kiba asked, confusion written all over his face, leaning over the table. "I mean, this is Sasuke we're talking about."

"He's antisocial and actually quite mean," Shikamaru added and Naruto couldn't help but snort.

"Oh, I know. Sasuke is all those things."

And more, he felt like adding.

He carefully looked at his friends, appreciating their unsubtle way of showing their concern for him. It was actually kind of cute. They had absolutely no tact. But, Naruto liked the straightforwardness of his friends. If only Sasuke could be less complicated, life would be much simpler.

"Actually, guys, there's something I should tell you," Naruto began, and the boys exchanged a confused glance. "Sasuke and I –"

The door to the café suddenly burst open and Sakura came trampling inside and rushed up to them with her entourage, Hinata, closely following behind.

"Is this where you are hiding? I've been looking all over for you!" Sakura exclaimed and gave the boys' an once-over.

She then proceeded to unabashedly pull herself a chair and joined the boys around the table, while Hinata cautiously did the same – giving Naruto a sweet and apologetic smile. Naruto responded in tune and sent her a brilliant beam, which had her sweet, otherwise fair, face redden. He almost felt bad.

"Shut up, dude!" Kiba bitched and groaned loudly. "Naruto was just about to spill the beans and you –"

Sakura ruthlessly knocked Kiba's head into the table and Naruto, wide-eyed in shock, was sure he heard a crack.

Sakura, however, didn't care. "Don't call me dude, or I'll hurt you."

"You DID hurt me, you… you… maniac! Ow! O my god, I think you broke my nose!" Kiba cried and held his hands over his bruised nose.

"Kiba…," Hinata whispered and tended to the boy, handing him a napkin almost immediately and nurturing the already swollen nose with tender care. Kiba's face flushed without delay, and batted away her gentle hands in embarrassment.

But, Naruto didn't care. He wasn't really paying attention anymore, because right outside the café windows a lone, yet distinctly familiar, figure whooshed by – appearing and disappearing just as quickly. At the same time, his phone went off with a satisfying ding.

(message received 12:54): I'm done. Still bored?

And his face lit up like fireworks.

Hastily Naruto pocketed his phone, and while grinning from ear to ear he rose to his feet. His friends stopped arguing and fussing to watch his sudden actions and Naruto laughed awkwardly, scratching the back of his head.

"Yeah, uhm… sorry guys. Something came up, so I gotta go."

However, before he got the chance to leave, Kiba exclaimed angrily: "Fuck you! You're keeping secrets and it's seriously starting to piss me off. You were gonna say something earlier and now you're rushing off to somewhere. What's the deal?"

"Oh, are you meeting up with a girl, Naruto?" Sakura squealed and punched him jovially on the shoulder – not realising how much it actually hurt. Naruto cringed again and backed up, far enough to be out of range. "Exciting!"

"No, he's meeting up with Sasuke," Shikamaru interjected and the entire table went quiet, unnaturally so. Naruto was sure he stopped breathing for a second. "Or am I wrong?"

Naruto scanned his friends and saw shock and disbelief in their eyes, maybe even betrayal in some of them. It wasn't like he was obligated to tell them anything, but they had been there for him when he needed his friends by his side. Even Sakura had become precious to him, even if their initial meeting hadn't gone that well.

"Yeah, you're right," Naruto eventually admitted. "I'm hanging out with Sasuke."

"I thought –" Hinata began, but Naruto didn't let her finish.

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it's all kind of sudden," he said and sighed. "I know what you think of him and I just didn't know how to tell you that we've become… well, somewhat friends."

"Friends? You fought like cats and dogs just a few weeks ago," Kiba grumbled, narrowing his feral eyes in suspicion and crossing his arms over his chest. "This is bullshit…"

"Dude, he got me a phone… we've been texting for a few weeks. What did you fucking expect?" Annoyance was clearly heard in Naruto's voice.

"How the hell should I know? Out of guilt, maybe!"

"Kiba!" Sakura roared and the boy shrunk under her raised hand. "Shut up."

Naruto rubbed his face sighed deeply. "Actually, I'm not even sure that we're friends… all I know is that I want to be and I'm going to be friends with him." Slowly he raised his eyes to look into Sakura's wonderful green eyes that were searching for something in his. He didn't know what she was looking for, but he was surprised to see that she wasn't angry with him. Maybe she began suspecting some time ago. After all, she had been there when he ran from the hospital in search for Sasuke. But something told him she was hurt, maybe it was the quivering smile she was fighting to maintain. But he knew what he had to do.

I can't sugar-coat this…

"I've changed my mind about him. He's still an arrogant bastard and douche sometimes, but he's kind of cool too," he said and gave a small smile. "Don't tell him I said that, though!"

At that Kiba let go of his initial anger, guffawed loudly and suddenly rose to his feet, causing Naruto to jerk backwards in surprise. The other boy rounded the table and thumped Naruto on his shoulder. "I overreacted, sorry 'bout that… do whatever you think is right. I still think he's a pain in the ass, though. Now go and work your magic, Naruto!"

He then gave Kiba a light hug and smacked him hard on his back. He was happy his friend was uncomplicated – sure he easily lost his temper, often making ill-advised choices and jumping to conclusions but he was also easily won over. All it took was some devilish charm and some clever reasoning, and Kiba would chop and change. When he released Kiba from his hold, he couldn't help notice the offensive colour that was spreading across the boy's face and pointed to his sore nose. "You'd better get that checked out."

"I doubt he will," Shikamaru said. "He'll use it to his advantage to score girls, saying he won in a fight or something."

"But everyone knows he always loses, right?" Sakura chuckled and ducked the plastic straw that was thrown her way.

Eventually, Naruto waved good-bye to his friends and exited the café.

There wasn't much that would keep him from going to Sasuke at this point. He was feeling the excitement running through his body, as if he was expecting something much more thrilling than just 'hanging-out'. Naruto was well aware, however, that so was not the case and even if it was, he would probably freak out and bail before reaching the brunette's door. The suggestion in itself was both mind-boggling and scary… and much, much too rash.

Having answered the boy's text message, he headed towards their dorm in a rapid pace. The snowing had increased and by the time he reached the dorm, a thick layer of snow covered his shoulders and the top of his head, wetting and weighing down the blond tresses. On the trek upstairs he could feel the melted snow running down his nape.

Three confident knocks was all it took before Sasuke opened the door, letting Naruto inside without a word. Naruto could feel the dark eyes looking him over for a second and turned just in time to catch the scowl, most definitely not a happy look, marring Sasuke's face.

Naruto narrowed his eyes in suspicion, wondering what the hell that was for.

Nonetheless, he followed Sasuke inside as he was led into the dimly lit room. Naruto grabbed the towel that was handed over to him and observed as Sasuke took a seat on his swivel chair. Sasuke watched him as he rubbed his hair almost dry and swept down his neck. Naruto tried not to show how much he revelled in the towel's smell – it smelled like Sasuke's clothes – or how Sasuke's gaze affected him.

Before either of them said anything, Naruto surveyed the room and to his liking no school books were out this time, nor were there any cleaning utensils. There was, however, a very familiar orange basketball peeking out from under his desk, partially hidden behind the waste basket. Reminding himself to mention it later, he took a seat on Sasuke's big black bean bag – really working his butt into it, and giving off a satisfied groan when he found the perfect fit.

"I never pictured you as a bean bag type of guy, you know," Naruto eventually said and relaxed further into it with his legs spread wide. Modesty wasn't really part of his vernacular. Lately, each time he'd been in Sasuke's room, he'd sat in the black, heavenly bean bag.

Sasuke scoffed and spun his chair around to look at him, raising a questioning brow at Naruto's shameless pose. Naruto took no heed to the glare that followed, and spread his legs wider and scratched his belly to prove his point. He laughed when Sasuke turned up his nose and spun away.

"Did you buy it yourself?" he continued. "It's really comfy."

"Fat boy."

Naruto almost choked on his own spit. "Excuse me? Did you call me fat just now?"

"It's a Fatboy," Sasuke said and sniggered evilly when he turned back to look at Naruto's affronted face. "It's a brand. And no, I didn't buy it."

Naruto pouted. "Oh, okay… Whatever. So, it was a gift then? Nice!"

At this Naruto almost didn't catch the tightening of lips and almost missed the tensing shoulders and he wondered if he said something bad – although, he couldn't imagine what could be so bad about the Fatboy being a gift. He frowned at Sasuke's evasive look and crossed his arms over his chest, waiting for his answer. When nothing came, and all Sasuke did was rummaging through a drawer in his desk, his patience ran dry.

Before he got the chance to speak up though, Sasuke's chair squeaked as he pushed away with his foot to gain speed and rolled across the floor to Naruto's side. In his hand that he stretched out toward Naruto was a photograph. His eyes instantly went to the bleak photo and to Sasuke, and then back to the picture before he took it into his hand. Sasuke remained close by as the blond examined the photo.

As far as Naruto was concerned it was a picture of an Uchiha, it had to be. Those dark eyes, framed by equally dark and long eyelashes, and refined jawbone had to belong to someone related to Sasuke. Even the body resembled his, only slightly taller and more gangly. Sasuke had a more muscular and toned body. Yet, the person in the photo had a look about him very similar to Sasuke's, an aura so strong it even emanated off the paper and would, without a doubt, cause a stir in anybody he came across. Naruto saw the resemblance and made the connection instantaneously.

"Why are you showing me this?"

Sasuke was quiet and Naruto's eyes returned to the picture in his hand.

Naruto noted the date at the bottom and together with the approximate age of the nameless person he found no other solution. Sasuke had just given him a photo of a relative, probably his brother. He racked his brain for any memory of Sasuke mentioning a brother, and came up short. It wasn't like Sasuke to talk about family, and Naruto realised suddenly that he knew close to nothing about Sasuke's personal life. This insight of his extremely thin connection with Sasuke struck him hard and his stomach turned. How can he expect to be friends with him if he doesn't know basic stuff like if Sasuke has a brother or not? Actually, up until lately, gaining information on Sasuke has been difficult – too much time had been dwelt on himself, and for that he felt bad.

"Because, you would ask eventually anyway," Sasuke answered finally and retrieved the photo, his eyes lingering on the figure before he rolled back to the desk and put it back in the drawer. "That's my brother and he gave me the fatboy. Figured it was easier to just show you."

Naruto contemplated making fun of the serious atmosphere that hung in the air, because it was uncomfortable to say the least and he wanted nothing else than some light-hearted bickering, but he reconsidered. Watching Sasuke's stiff back he could only imagine what face he had on, but it was probably a miserable one. It felt like Sasuke had just shown him a fragile piece of his history, and Naruto hadn't a clue what to make of it. All he knew was that he had to treasure it and nurture it carefully.

It felt like if he messed up now, there would be no fixing it.

"You're right, I would have asked and probably nagged until you caved in," he said eventually and smiled when Sasuke turned back to him. "Are you two close?"

The look that flashed across Sasuke face made him wonder if this was a touchy subject with Sasuke. Maybe there was some tragic history between them, like a family feud. Yet, he knew that Sasuke hated when people sucked up to him and tip-toed around him, so he pushed forward anyway.

"I don't have a brother, so I could only dream. It must be nice."

"It's not," said Sasuke. "Mine sucks."

Naruto gulped in trepidation, thinking he might have ventured too far into a dark place after all. He tried to cover up his bad nerves with a laugh. "Why… he's a bastard or something?" he tried to joke. "Then it runs in the family… eheh, heh."

At this Sasuke gave him a glare that softened surprisingly fast and mellowed to a humoured look, which all but took Naruto's breath away. "You could say that," he breathed out. "Even worse than me."

"Hah! Is that even possible?" Naruto let out a pleased laugh and liking the sudden relaxed look on Sasuke's face. "Then he has to be one big asshole."

"Yeah, he is…"

Naruto swallowed slowly and looked down at his own fiddling fingers, drawing patterns on his jeans.

"Dude, we don't have to talk about him." Naruto chewed on his bottom lip, finding Sasuke's eyes and holding them. "I mean… I'm digging the fatboy and all, but it's not gonna change anything. I'd come anyway."

At first Sasuke was stone-faced and quiet, but then he snorted. "You'd come?"

Naruto balked at the question, realising suddenly the lewd innuendo of what he said. It could – totally – be misconstrued.

"Ah! I- I mean... NO! What?" he fumbled as he rushed over his words and felt the heat spread over his entire body in embarrassment. By now he had a blooming blush across his cheeks. "I didn't mean it like that!"

"You moron."


He should have countered that with something smart, but he bit the inside of his cheek instead. His heart was beating hard and fast in his chest, he could feel it in his ears as it pounded away. It was a mystery Sasuke didn't recognize the roaring sound to be the racing heart of a petrified and infatuated boy who almost let slip his secret. Sasuke couldn't hear anything, Naruto hoped.

He settled for something neutral. "So, what do you wanna do?"

"You were the one who wanted to hang out," was Sasuke's response. "You decide – just nothing stupid."

Naruto harrumphed. "Well, you're the one who agreed…"

"I'm starting to reconsider."

"Bastard," Naruto muttered good-humouredly and rubbed his chin while thinking. "How about basketball then?"

"I said nothing stupid, stupid." Sasuke scoffed at Naruto's annoyed face. "It's snowing too much. You were practically dripping when you got here, remember?"

"That's why you looked pissed off?" Naruto laughed. "I thought I'd done something wrong."

"You did, by wetting my floor."

"Oh, when will you learn…," Naruto sing-songed and waggled his eyebrows suggestively, grinning from ear to ear in a smug manner. "I get everything and everyone wet."

Sasuke gave him an unreadable look, and said nothing. Naruto gulped, wondering if his joke was so bad it didn't even merit a response. He almost began panicking.

But then he caught the blush.

It spread evenly across Sasuke's cheeks and nose, travelling like wildfire down his neck and speckling his squishy ear buds that Naruto was absolutely positive was as soft and yielding as they looked. The pinkish hue stood out on his fair skin, making him exquisitely glowing, from Naruto's perspective down on the bean bag.

He began to sweat. The jeans became uncomfortable and his loose-fitting tee-shirt began to stick to his clammy body. His mind reeled too fast to keep up. Innuendos of different sorts kept popping up in his mind, progressively dirtier by the second. Did Sasuke know how absolutely out of character this blush seemed? Did he know how absolutely burning hot he looked? Did he know how badly Naruto wanted to find out?

Ill-kept, sizzling anticipation throbbed within him. His mouth ran impossible dry. Too dry. And he needed water, or something to quench the sudden thirst. Sasuke had to be oblivious to the absolute command he wielded over him, or he would have run by now – after he clogged him down and called him disgusting of course, and forbidden him to ever come near again.

Panic now. Don't panic!

He swiped along his pant leg with one sweaty hand and scratched behind his ear with the other one, anxiety literally boiling within him. It had to stop, otherwise Sasuke would find out and that would be catastrophic!

Even if Naruto startlingly realised his liking for boys apparently stretched beyond that of simple friendship – no ifs ands or buts about it – Sasuke had shown no signs of interest or desire for any boy, as far as Naruto was concerned.

In fact, while Naruto's sole interest lay in Sasuke – and Sasuke alone – in whom Sasuke's interest lay was without a doubt a mystery. Had he ever cared for a girl in the same way Naruto had begun to care for Sasuke? Had he ever felt... arousal?

He almost choked on his own spit.

Arrrrrrousal... FUCK!

Naruto sprang up from his seat in panic. But he ended up tripping over his own legs and falling flat on his face, quite ungracefully, on the floor by Sasuke's feet. Keeping his head bowed, body awkwardly positioned in a half-squat half-tumble with his ass up in the air, he didn't dare look up. It was too embarrassing to face Sasuke and that hothothot blush of his.

It made him hot to even think about how hot Sasuke looked.

What it was that made Sasuke that hot, he couldn't tell. The combination of his features and his personality, perhaps. Perhaps it was because Sasuke could be the personification of toughness on the one hand, and emanate such empathy on the other – even though the latter was far rarer. The fact that Sasuke could beat his ass to the ground – if he chose to – could absolutely be one of the reasons as to why Naruto felt such unadulterated attraction. Sasuke wasn't some wimp. He'd give him a run for his money for sure.

Maybe that's it.

Sasuke is strong; headstrong and commanding. No doubt about it.

Did he fancy the dominating qualities in a person? But that's just madness. There's no way. Right? Right?

Then what? Was Naruto a pushover; a complaisant dispositioned person, in comparison to him?

Am I his... bitch?

Suddenly, Sasuke broke the awkward silence that had enveloped them both, startling Naruto back to reality.

"That... is not why I was angry."

Naruto slowly glanced up at Sasuke's face, noting how the blush across his cheeks had receded somewhat. His neck and ears were still in their reddish, adoring hue. Sasuke kept his eyes averted.

"Get up from the floor, you idiot," he murmured.

Naruto gulped and scrambled to get up, looking crumpled and flustered. "Heh... okay." He laughed anxiously and sat down in the bean bag again. "Why were you pissed off then?"

He figured that talking about Sasuke's temper was far safer than venturing further into what could easily be described as lewd and risqué banter. Sasuke wasn't ready for that. Naruto was beyond ready, but he had to be considerate and tactful.

He relaxed somewhat when Sasuke rolled his chair over to the desk, turning his back to Naruto for a short while. It gave him a few moments to gather his thoughts and slow his breathing. There was nothing he wanted more than to touch Sasuke now. He knew that for a fact.

It screamed in his ears, pulsated in his body; making itself heard and known. Hormones.

His raging hormones were at an all-time high now and they were an amazingly encouraging force when regarding matters of the body, but not welcome when taking into consideration what is appropriate and sensible. No matter how much he felt the need to, now was not the right time to grab Sasuke, rock against his hard body and kiss his lips till they turn all swollen and glistening against his own. Nor was it time to confess to these feelings.

Confessing? That is a death-sentence... and a cruel way to go.

He frowned, that time would probably never come. Sasuke would need to want it too. He would need to want Naruto back, otherwise it would be pointless.

"You shouldn't be out in the cold, is all," Sasuke said eventually and spun his chair around to look straight in Naruto's eyes. He had scooted down in the chair, supporting his body on the armrests with his elbows.

"Neither should you," Naruto answered without delay, slightly thrown by the statement.

"You know what I mean." There was frustration his voice now.

"I don't." He was lying. "Explain it to me."

"Idiot," Sasuke muttered and threw an icy glare his way. "You'll get sick."

"Are you worried about me?" Naruto countered with a cheeky smile.

The scowl on Sasuke's face was neither strange nor unexpected. "No way."

He laughed under his breath. "You're a lousy liar."

Sasuke only glared warningly.

"Fine." Naruto met Sasuke's piercing look with a soft smile. He knew that Sasuke cared. The boy had shown him on multiple times already. Denying it, questioning it now would be a fool's mistake. As was provoking and forcing Sasuke's admission. "Thank you, though. You're a good friend." Anything else would push him away.

Sasuke looked away. "Friend."

"Yeah! I told you before, right?" Naruto felt how his own words stung his heart. "We're friends."

It hurt to lie. It hurt to hold himself back, when he wanted so much more. It was like tying his hands and duck-taping his mouth, in order not to spill and thus scaring Sasuke.

Sometimes he wondered if being friends was enough. The term set such definite boundaries and unyielding limitations, which hindered him from being what he truly wanted to be. More so than any friend could ever be, he wanted to be Special.

The resentful feeling was unwanted. It was merely a faint prickling at his senses, manifested far back in his subconscious – not yet ready to strike but not ready to fade away either. For now, the feeling of jealousy and unjust could be kept at bay, preventing it from moving closer and contaminating him completely. For now, it would sleep.

Friendship would have to do. It was his mission; the only outcome. It was insane to hope for anything else, still... he did.

Naruto was confused, though. Why wasn't Sasuke looking happy about their friendship? Sure, he wasn't the type to express happiness in the same way but it still made him wonder if Sasuke thought he didn't need any friends. Why did he spend time with him, if being friends freaked him out still?

"Are we friends because I know about your condition?"

No, because that's all we can be, Naruto thought bitterly.

"Yeah, I guess."

He told himself that lying would be kinder.

"I see."

He felt the need to explain, since worry kept scratching around his heart. "You're the first to really get me, okay? I appreciate it. And I have fun with you. What more do you need?"


"You sure?" Naruto asked, unconvinced and worried by the look on Sasuke's face. It looked strained and uncomfortable. "Because I can probably come up with a thousand reasons why I'm an awesome friend... you'll be so won over by me that you'll crown me as your best friend in no time!"

There was a slight twitch to Sasuke's lips, and Naruto rejoiced.

"You do want to be friends at least, right?" Naruto asked, hoping.

"Yeah... fine," Sasuke said calmly.

Despite those words making him happy, for an instant he felt a void opening in his heart and that he was sinking.

"But, I want to hear those reasons. Otherwise I won't be able to face my peers."

"What!" Naruto started, insulted. "I thought you didn't care about what people thought, you bastard!"

"Idiot," Sasuke snorted. "I don't... that was a joke."

He thought his eyes were going to pop out of his skull.

"I didn't know you had it in you," Naruto laughed and smiled broadly. "There's hope for you still."

"Don't push it," Sasuke said with a smirk playing on his lips.

"I won't!" Naruto beamed and waved his hands nonchalantly. "Anyway, if you hated me being here, you probably would have kicked me out by now. So, I guess you've come around?"


Naruto sighed good-humouredly. "And here I thought were we're making progress. I guess we have to go back to basics, starting with your vocabulary. Say after me... I finally recognise the awesomeness that is Naruto and cannot say no his superhuman –"

"I am this close to punching your face in."


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Next chapter is coming up soon...!