A/N: Okay, before we get started I wanna make one thing clear: This is gonna be a really long term project, and I wont be surprised if it ends up having quite a few chapters. This started out as a drabble, then CoffeeAndCherryBrandy suggested I extend it. I got to thinking, and now it is a very complex ordeal, though I think it'll turn out pretty well. I had a whole lot of trouble comming up with a title, but I have finally decided on one, so I hope you like it.

Title: Prisoner of Memory

Genre: Angst/Science-Fiction/Romance

Pairing: Holly/Artemis

Rating: T (PG-13 to low R for Violence)

Warnings: Angst, Violence, Implied Non-Con, Character Death(s), might change to M-rating in later chapters.

January 15, 2259

"Wake up! I said wake up!"

Holly held back a retort, keeping still. She knew it wasnt wise, faining sleep at a time like this. But she wanted to be alone, to dwell on her memories. Besides, it wasnt like it mattered. They were going to kill her either way. So, maybe they would torture her now. But who cared, really? Her back was already a mass of scars, and her body was covered in bruises. She just wanted it to be over. So she could finally rest. So she would no longer have to think about him.

A sudden jolt of pain interrupted her train of thought. She opened her eyes, sitting up on the cold stone floor. There was someone glaring at her through the bars of her cell, holding a Taz-Spear. A Taz-Spear was the human's variation of a Buzz Baton. Of course, being an invention of man-kind, it's primary use was to cause as much pain as possible. There was even a shock level on it that could kill. The only fairy to ever survive that level had had his life shortened by about a thousand years. He was now hardly nine-hundred, and already they could all sense his life was comming to an end.

Holly sneered at the man holding the Taz-Spear. She knew his face well. It was one she despised. "Vinicio Butler." She snarled. (1)

Vinicio Butler. Decended of Domovoi Butler, and probably the most ruthless of the guards in this hell-hole the humans called a prison. He was known for his cruelty, and for the terrible rumors about what he did to female prisoners during the night shift. Rumors that Holly knew, only too well, were true. He smirked down at her, taking out a set of keys and opening the cell door. "G'morning, Holly." He growled, leering down at her as he approached.

She tensed slightly as he pulled her to her feet, unlocking the shackles that chained her to the wall. "Dont you dare call me by my first name, Mud Man!" She hissed, trying to pull away from him.

"Oh, but we know each other so well, Holly." He replied, stroking her cheek with one massive hand. "Why dont you tell me some more lies about how you knew my great-great-grandfather?" Holly was about to respond with something venemous when the small band on the human's wrist began flashing red. "Oh, but perhaps another time." He continued. "You're wanted elsewhere." With that, he slapped a set of hand cuffs on her and dragged her down the hall.

As they moved down the hallway, Holly looked up at her captor. She couldnt help being reminded of the Butler she had known over two hundred years ago. The one who had saved her life so many times. She sighed softly, looking away. Though Vinicio greatly resembled his ancestor, Holly knew Butler would be ashamed to call this man family.

As they reached the end of the fall, the human opened a door and shoved her into the room. She stumbled, and fell hard on the floor. She remained where she was, knowing what was comming. Sure enough, she felt another jolt of pain shoot through her body as Vinicio hit her with the Taz-Spear again. As she lay there, twitching slightly, a deep, strong voice sounded from a corner of the dark room.

"Jetzt, Jetzt, Vinicio. Seien Sie mit ihr leicht. Ihr Leben ist weit mehr als Ihr." (Now, Now, Vinicio. Be gentle with her. Her life is worth far more than yours.)

There was a time, Holly remembered, when those words would have meant something to her. But, after five years in this prison, they were just words. Nothing more. She pulled herself to her knees, looking behind her to see Vinicio bowing deeply.

"Verzeihen Sie mir, Meister. Ich verwirklichte nicht." (Forgive me, Master. I did not realize.)

Holly pulled herself to her feet, something registering in her mind as she did so. Meister. She had been confused the first time she heard the guards speaking of a man they called "Master". But she had learned that the one whom they all answered to, and feared beyond anything, was known only as "The Master", and so that was what they called him. Holly forced back a weak laugh. Talk about vanity.

"Das ist weil Sie ein Idiot sind, Vinicio. Lassen Sie uns jetzt! Ich möchte mit ihr sprechen." (That is because you are an idiot, Vinicio. Now leave us! I wish to speak with her.)

Vinicio bowed once more, and left, closing the door behind him. Holly looked around the room, biting her lip. The only light came from a barred window. There was a shadowy figure sitting in a chair near the back of the room. Holly squinted, trying to make out his face. She saw the outline of a scar on his cheek, but nothing more.

"You have information that I want." The man said suddenly.

Holly closed her eyes. "Luetenant Holly Short of the LEPreconnasaince squad. Elf. Inmate number 20795. Magic termitated February 29, 2250. Born..."

"No, no, Luetenant." The man interrupted. "That is not the information I am after." He pointed at a second chair, near the center of the room. "Sit." He ordered.

Holly sat, utterly confused. "I have no information about any LEP activity." She whispered. "I have not been in contact with anyone. I swear it to the gods!"

The man laughed. "Calm down, Luetenant. I know you have been icolated, do not fear." He paused, and when he spoke again, his voice was calm. Gentle. "I wish to now about something that happened quite a few years ago, Luetenant. Over two hundred and fifty years ago, infact."

Holly tensed, suddenly understanding. She sighed softly, shaking her head. "No. Please, no. That information is of no use to you."

"Oh, but it is." Insisted the man. "I wish to know about Artemis Fowl the Second. You know what became of him, do you not?"

Holly closed her eyes, forcing back tears. "Yes." She breathed.

"I do not expect this information without giving you something in return, of course." He continued. She looked up at him, surprised. He laughed again. "I have something you desire, and I believe you will tell me all I need to know in order to have it in your possesion."

Holly frowned, thinking hard. What could this human possible have that she desired? As she watched, he lifted something from his pocket, holding it out so that the light from outside caught it, revealing what it was. She gasped.

"Where...where did you get that?" She choked, staring at it longingly.

Another chuckle. "So I was right in thinking that you wish to have it?" He slipped it back into his pocket. "Where I acuired it is not important. What is important is that you have something I want. And I have something you want. I believe it is an equal trade, dont you?"

Holly closed her eyes, and sighed, defeated. "All right. All right. " she whispered. "I'll talk. But I want your word that you'll give me it as soon as I have."

The man nodded. "Of course, My Dear. I swear upon my Mother's grave. You will recieve what you desire as soon as you tell me everything I need to know."

Holly smiled bitterly. "It's quite a long story."

She looked up, just intime to see what could have been a smile on the little of his face that she could see, seconds before he moved into complete shadow. "Luetenant, I have all the time in the world."

Holly sighed, and began her tale.

(1) I had some trouble coming up with a name for Butler's decendant...his character will make more sense later. I only have one or two named made-ups in this story. The rest are mostly guards, who are all faceless. Now, about this dude. Vinicio was the first name of a cruel dictator in Guatemala. Vinicio is more the part of stupid evil henchman, but you get the idea.

A/N: Okay, first chapter done. What do you think? I want brutal honesty here, folks! I know it's a bit strange, but it'll make more sense as the story progresses. Also, who thinks they know what the guy's got that Holly wants? I betcha no one will be able to guess! I'll update soon as I can. Just remember: I'm on vacation.