Chapter Thirty

The Aftermath

The young doctor gazed at the Hawk Princess. Her body was in perfect condition. Not a bruise or scratch on her smooth skin. All of her vitals were normal and she showed no signs of trauma. Yet she remained in a deep coma, unbroken by any of the ancient medicines or magic. The others were slowly healing. Only the shortest one had regained consciousness the same day of the battle. He said nothing to her or any of the others who begged to know what had taken place in the castle walls. However all he did was wander the woods of the island only to come back late to check in on his companions.

By the second day their prince had awakened, and with him the red blood's leader. They both sustained great fatigue and injury but insisted on getting on their own feet and visiting the others. Late the second day the other man had awakened. It was he who showed the least sign of fatigue. Though upon awakening he resumed a different from, the one she had seen him in most. He had listened to the princess's diagnosis without emotion.

But each night he asked if her condition improved. She had shaken her head and he would not look at her.

On the third night the last one had awakened. Now the princess was the only one who remained in her deep slumber.

All of them were gathered in her room now, talking amongst themselves. "Can I get you anything, my prince?" she asked.

"No, healer. Please leave us for now."

"Of course, my lord." The door clicked shut behind her.

"Dammit." Yusuke spat. "Isn't there anything we can do?"

"No," Kurama spoke. "Her body is not responding to any stimulus. There is no way for us to reach her."

"Is her soul still inside her?" Kuwabara asked. "She could just be floating around like Yusuke did when he died."

"You idiot, don't you think we checked that?" Hiei said bitterly. "Botan has already searched high and low for her weak soul."

Anger flashed in Kurama's eyes at Hiei's insult. But he managed to control it because he too was also feeling the loss.

"She is gone."

Tithe watched his sister breathe softly. The light from the full moon shone through the window and illuminated her face. It was as if she was sleeping. Tithe knew better though. He could feel her soul crying out in confusion and agony. Her very being had been ripped and torn by the darkness, now her spirit was scattered into millions of pieces. No human or even demon could ever hope to reclaim them by the conventional means.

He looked at his hands. Holes were beginning to appear in his ghostly flesh, if you could even call it flesh. Just surviving was getting harder now that Ark no longer supported him. After hearing the words of one of her companions during that horrible battle something in him had cracked. Now Katani lay there in pain and sadness. Though the others sensed nothing in her she still lived. Even though the healers told Kurama and Rayson again and again that she was practically dead they refused to listen. They had been right.

Only Ark's curse kept her from returning and that would be broken soon enough. A translucent hand passed over her face.

"Sister, I am sorry. All this time the wound has never fully healed has it? I owe you so much, so very much. We used to be so close… I just can't believe that I betrayed you like that. If there is a heaven, I don't deserve to be in it. You…you still have so much to do. There aren't many of us left and Rayson can't do it alone. I want you to live on and take care of all the things we should have done together. So I'll try and fix things the best I can before leaving. I'm so so sorry sister. Please, be healed and return to your path."

Katani's eyes blinked open. For a moment she could not remember who she was or why she was lying in a stiff bed in a cold room. In a flood of information everything came back to her. The fight, the Swift One, Kurama, Kurama, Kurama. Every lost memory returned to her and her body was once more whole.

"Kurama?" Katani jerked up and scanned the room. Her heart sank to the floor, he was no where to be seen. Tithe sighed, she could no longer see him or feel his presence. The Creator had forgiven him and now his soul on Earth was no more then a wisp of smoke from an extinguished candle.

The last bit of Human in Tithe seeped to earth in the form of a smoky tear. "Sayonara, Katani,"

Katani left the bed and quickly changed into the first clothes she saw. A wave of fatigue rolled over her. Staying in bed for two weeks had its side effects. She was forced to fall into the bedside chair. As her body hit the cushion a smell of roses filled the air. Kurama's face came into her mind instantly. Was he alive? Oh God, she hoped he still lived.

"Torid!" Katani called. "I made the exchange! You promised me! If he's dead I'll never forget it!"

But then she began to take a closer look at her surroundings. It was the castle. Gilia was once more Rayson's country. Her mouth opened in a large smile. Home, they were home again. The thick cloud of evil was gone, the air was as crisp and clear as she remembered.

Katani decided to leave on her own. Waiting for someone to show up would be a slow torture. She wanted to see them all, Yusuke, Hiei, Kuwabara, Botan, Rayson, Kurama, every single one. Hell she even wanted to see Andrews and hug him. They had won. Every sacrifice, every hardship, had been for a purpose.

Her feet could barely keep up with her as she stepped out of the room. She was barely a foot when a strong hand grabbed her. "My lady! You're awake?" It was a guard holding a long sharp spear. "His lordship will be so pleased!"

"Where is he?" Katani asked quickly.

"He is in his office working, it's on the first floor past the throne roo-"

But she was already gone. A window was open near by and she leapt out, her wings catching her as she fell towards the ground. "Excuse me! Thank you! Bye!" Katani rushed through the front door and flew past the beautifully decorated, and recently repaired, throne room.

"Mithril!" A strong voice called, echoing through the room.

Katani turned. Rayson smiled at her, one hand on the door to his office. His garb was far grander then anything he had worn while in the Hawk Village. The long sleeve shirt was silver with ornate designs of birds and horses that matched the silver slacks. Over his shoulders hung a gold cloak with elaborate gold clasps, it made him look all the more regal and royal. Even the sparkle in his blue eyes had changed for the better. The Gilian girls must be fawning over him, she thought.

"Rayson!" Katani shouted and ran over to him. His strong arms encircled her and they embraced. For a long moment they hugged each other, passersbys stopping for a moment before moving on. "I can't believe it, we did it!" She beamed.

"Yes, everything is ours again. The monsters have been cleared from the forests and the waters are once more running pure. The ones fighting for the Swift One are imprisoned and the castle is slowly returning back to normal. Spirit World has even become an ally of ours."

"You've be in contact with them?" She asked hopefully.

"Of course. The team has new assignments, their education was also starting up again as well. Though they have been coming every few days to help with reconstruction and, of course, so see if you are getting any better. I am surprised just how worried they have been. Yusuke went to see Koenma about your condition multiple times."

"I need to see them, please let me leave."

Rayson sighed and pushed some hair behind his ears. For a moment he was silent as if carefully thinking out his answer. Finally, he spoke. "I do know this much. You have to do what you must. Even if I forced you to stay and rule this land with me your heart would not be in it. I will understand," he took a deep and steadying breath before continuing, "if you wish to leave us. Ark is slain, your memories returned. Torid has saved us through you, which I knew he'd do. Nothing ties you to us anymore. Not even," his stare fell to her scarred wrist, "your blood."

Katani looked away, "How did you know?"

"You gave your gold blood to save him. You whispered two wishes to Torid and I heard the first before passing out. You said, 'I wish for the blood to live through time, for my people to always survive as long as this world does, or even longer.' Because it was in his power, Torid granted you that. But I can guess what you asked him next."

"He was dying," Katani whispered. "I could feel his heart slow and his last thoughts. I couldn't let him die, I wouldn't. I asked Torid to give him his health back, to heal him. But he said a second wish came at a price. He asked if I would be willing to give my golden blood in exchange for Kurama's life. I said yes without any hesitation. Now I have this," she cut the Kail pendent on her arm. Hot red blood slid down her arm. It felt so different from her gold. It was thinner and cooler then hers had been. She felt no connection to the others and her powers were gone. It was harder to breath and even to think, her brain used to the oxygen rich gold blood that had sustained her for so long.

"I was afraid of such. What will you chose? I have no doubt our people will allow you to walk through the river and regain your lost blood. Would you want that?"

"Of course I would! This red blood makes it hard to even breathe let alone fight. I have a whole new respect for Yusuke."

"Katani," he said, "if you do this that means you are bound to your people. Any decision you make will affect not only you but all. This is what being a leader is. Can you go through with the ceremony knowing you cannot be with him again?"

Katani hastened Feer on. He carried her high above the clouds until she had to hold her breath for air. Finally they meet Botan and she led them through a large gate into Spirit World. Katani breathed deeply and sweet oxygen filled her blood.

"Are you alright?" Botan asked.

"No, but I'll get used to it." Katani forced a smile. Botan nodded and led her through a maze of colorful streets to a large blue-gray castle with orange spiral towers. "Colorful place…"

"The spirits like pretty things." Botan didn't mention that she had a say in the recent designs and colors.

Botan knew the castle well and led Katani through chambers and hallways to a large office like building. Dozens of ogres ran in circles around outdated computers. Each beast looked exactly the same, two small horns, deep blue skin, ugly eyes, and an even uglier loincloth. One of the ogres separated himself from the chaos to say hi to Botan and welcome Katani to the building. He led them over stacks of paper and around broken Mac moniters till they reached a large double door.

"He's right inside and waiting, go ahead." The ogre left and returned to sorting files.

Botan winked before pushing the door open and shoving Katani through it. The door shut with a slam behind her. Katani blinked to try in the overwhelming darkness.

"Ah, you came," Koenma clapped his toddler hands and lights blinked on throughout the room. He indicated to a chair which Katani took as he folded his arms over the top of his desk. "I'm surprised you come see me first after your recovery."

"I have no doubt you would call me once you found out so I wanted to get this out of the way. What is the remainder of my sentence?"

"After looking over the report filled by Botan of your activities in Gilia and of way you handled the Swift One I have decided to make you an offer."

"Bargaining with terrorists are we?" Katani smirked.

"Talk like that will land you in jail if you say it to the wrong person!" Koenma's pacifier jumped up and down as he shouted. Had she not know better, the sight would have made her shake with laughter.

"Yes, sir. What is the offer?"

"I am offering you a job as Yusuke's assistant detective."

"What?" Katani shouted.

Koenma folder his arms and closed his eyes. He looked more like a stressed parent then a toddler for that moment. "I'm not saying you have to accept. Your time has been served, as of this morning you are a free person. But-"

"Seriously? I'm free?" Katani's heart leapt.

"However, that does not excuse the murders your people have committed."

Katani bit her lip. What was he getting at? Seriously he did not mean to expose her people to the world. "I'm listening."

"Many of the Spirit World higher ups are considering handling the situation with strict and severe punishment. Because the only Gilians they have seen are assassins they have made rash judgments against the whole race. But if one of your people were to work for Spirit World…"

"Then they would see a whole different side of the spectrum." Katani finished.

"Exactly, so if you work for me I can see to it that your people stay safe and hidden. Do you accept my proposal or not?"

She thought for a moment. Could she stand Yusuke? Yes. Would she like to spend time with that band if misfits solving crimes and kicking ass? Definitely. Perhaps this was the answer, a way to serve her people while also being around the people she loved the most. But would she even be able to fight in of her condition? Reduced to no more then a physically fit human? "Yes, sir. I accept your offer. I will do my best."

"Well done. I think you will prove to be a positive influence on Yusuke."

"Or he may be a negative influence on me,"

"Do not even suggest that." Koenma ruffled through a desk drawer and pulled out a small chain. "I know you have a weapon already but I am giving you this just in case. Think of it as a welcome gift."

"Um… what is it exactly? If it changes into a whip then I think we already have someone with one. Besides, that's a little too kinky for me."

"Just wear it for a little while and you'll see its potential. I guarantee it."

"Thanks Koenma. If there's nothing else I would like to return home. I have a lot of repairs to make." Katani bowed and left.

The gold chain felt cool on her neck and seemed to strengthen her. She felt energized and strong wearing the smooth accessory. Even her blood seemed to thicken with it. Feer whinnied to her and she mounted quickly. The gold horse darted through the roads and leapt over angry employees. As they reached the main gate which opened to a magnificent view of the River Sticks.

"Goodbye, sister!"

Katani and Feer skidded to a halt. Tithe was on the back of Botan's oar waving happily to them. His spirit was no longer empty and gray but full, like a reflection of his true former self. Katani could see the blue in his eyes and his blonde hair move in the breeze.

"Tithe!" Katani laughed and waved. Botan gave her a thumbs up. "Take good care of my brother, Botan!"

"You got it, a one way trip to heaven for this one." She turned the oar and they began to fly away.

Katani could feel the real him now. No longer was she angry at his fate, her brother was finally free. "Goodbye Tithe!" Katani shouted and Feer reared happily. He too had been worried for the boy who had been with his master for so long.

Katani smiled and urged Feer on. Filled with joy and energy she was ready to deal with anything thrown at her. As they flew through the clouds Katani's invisible hair waved behind her like a banner. Tithe's ring granted them protection against prying eyes as they landed quietly in the city. Katani tied cloth around Feer's hooves so they could run through the city without worry. As the stallion skillfully maneuvered his way through the crowds Katani sent him an image of Yusuke's house into his mind. The stallion snorted and turned a corner into a quiet street with small houses.

As they reached Yusuke's apartment building one look told Katani he wasn't there. She felt no aura or even heard nothing. Katani checked her watch. 10:30 am, school was in session. That meant he was on the roof. Feer spread his large wings and took to the sky. Katani wanted to fly to Kurama more then anyone but she couldn't go just yet. She had put him through so much. If she hurt him again she wouldn't be able to live with herself.

Feer alighted silently on the roof top. Yusuke leaned against a wall, eyes closed. Katani masked her and Feer's aura before sliding soundlessly from his back. On tiptoe she crept to Yusuke before slapping him hard across the face.

"Keiko, what the hell?!" Yusuke shouted and jumped up. He looked wildly around but found no one.

Katani started giggling at the look on his face and let the ring's power fade.

"Katani! You're awake?"

"No you idiot, I'm sleepwalking. And that is no way to greet your new partner."

"What is that supposed to mean?" Yusuke cocked a brow.

"Koenma hired me to help you on cases. We're gonna be co-workers!" Katani smiled.

"What? That's…" he thought for a moment. At last a smile filled his face. "Great Katani. Welcome to the team, for real this time."

Katani shook his hand. "Glad to be here of my own free will. Is Kurama still in school?"

Yusuke smirked. "You really want to see him don't you?"

"I can see why you need some help with this detective stuff. Yes, I want to see him!"

"I'm surprised you didn't see him first thing. He's been a foxy wreck lately."


"Yeah, he's got this look in his eyes, kinda like yours now that I think of it. He was furious when Koenma said we had to leave."

"Kurama can get furious?"

"Like you wouldn't believe. He even went to Koenma to talk with him about it but he only managed to get occasional visits. He would be going to see you tomorrow if you were still in bed. He really misses you Katani."

Tears welled up in her eyes. "I want to see him, Yusuke. I was so scared he would be angry with me."

"For what?"

"For all this, putting him through all this crap. But I remember now, I can remember everything."

"Katani, he'd be angry with you if you stayed away. And you haven't seen Kurama when he's angry." Yusuke shivered. "It's a little scary. Tell you what, I'm a little bored so this'll be fun. I'll get Kurama to meet you at that stable you worked at."

"You think you can outsmart Kurama?"

"I can get Hiei to tell him!"

"Hiei doesn't do that."

"Fine, I'll-"

"Okay, Yusuke, here's what you do. Tell Kurama that Feer showed up at Rising Crest, you can say Ty told you or something, but get him to go there. Then I'll have Feer…"

Kurama was lying down in a field near Rising Crest Stables. Tomorrow he would get the chance to go visit Katani again. Between school starting once more and their latest mission he had missed her dearly. A part of him always dreaded making the initial step into the room. He had to face the fact that she might never wake again. But once he was sitting there next to her and holding her warm smooth hand he couldn't leave.

Koenma had been shocked at the nature of the curse on her and had no knowledge of any cure. Yusuke was angry at the whole situation and had yelled at Koenma for quite a while after their new assignment. Hiei was even quieter then before and had taken to avoiding the lot of them. Kuwabara was closer to Yukina then ever. Seeing Kurama lose his love made him feel even deeper for his own.

Kurama's mother had asked about her when he returned but upon seeing Kurama's face she frowned.

"Oh, Shuichi… I'm so sorry. Did she turn you down?"

"No, mother. She… she is very sick. They don't know if she will make it."

"My goodness," His mother had taken him in her arms and he had let her.

After school Yusuke had come and told him something about going to visit Rising Crest. Kurama hesitated, going there would only remind him of what he had lost. Yet Yusuke had insisted and when he got there he thought he saw Feer flit into the woods. Kurama he had followed only to find an empty field.

The sun was starting to set and he watched it from the shade of an elm. The trees enjoyed this last bit of light before the darkness. He could feel the leaves spreading wide to take in its warmth.

The sun sent brilliant streaks of gold across the sky. The same gold that had covered her wings and made up her blood. He remembered her touch and gentle heart, and also they way her inner fire burned when arguing with Yusuke or Hiei. That brought a soft smile to his lips.

"I love you." She had finally said. "I won't die…"

Tithe had been right, Yoko Kurama would never had let her get away. Had being human truly made him that weak?

"No," he thought, "even now my spectral powers are growing. More and more of Yoko's powers are flowing into me. I am becoming more complete with each shift." But what did all of that matter if Katani wasn't here.

A few meters away Katani stood, watching the fox demon's gaze to the beautiful sunset. It broke her heart to see him like this. His face was so fallen, as if he were spent. Jade eyes that once held such brilliance looked dull. Katani felt no blood connection to him anymore but could guess what his thoughts were. Suddenly the scar on her back chilled. Her wings wanted to be released.

The gold chain had vanished, she wasn't sure when or how it happened. At first she had panicked, thinking she had lost a gift from the Prince of Spirit World. But the feeling of prickling in her back brought about a startling revelation. She had her gold blood back. As if to reassure herself that this gift was real Katani took the pendant and made a small prick on her finger. Gold blood dripped down slowly.

Tears welled in her eyes, that was why she had felt her strength back. Soundlessly she released her wings to stretch their tired muscles. If Kurama didn't turn around soon she was just going to run up to him. Thankfully not even making herself was enough to keep a demon of his caliber from noticing her. When his eyes finally found her they widened in surprise.

"I remember," she smiled and ran to him. Her arms gripped him tightly, clinging to him with everything she had. In return he pressed his mouth to her neck.

"Is it really you my Katani?" He breathed, his breath hot on her neck.

"Yes, I'm here. I couldn't stay away forever." She laughed and kissed his cheek. "Thank you for saving me."

"Saving you?"

Katani hugged him even tighter. Her arms clung to his back while his held her waist. "When I was asleep all I heard was your voice, 'Come back to me,' you said, 'people need you here,' That gave me the strength to keep fighting."

Kurama kissed her neck softly. "Every time I visited you that is what I said. How I've missed you, Katani." He brought his forehead against hers. Katani blushed at the rose scent he gave off. "I love you," he kissed her gently on the lips.

Katani kissed him back. She could feel his love in his kiss. It ran through her and kept her feet rooted to the ground. Katani deepened it and pressed her body close to his. As they broke for air she breathed, "I love you too," into his ear. Katani felt him shiver with her words and she rested her head on his shoulder.

The fox demon held her hand and brought her over the elm he had been sitting under. She sat at his side and leaned against him feeling more peace then she had her entire life. The sun was beginning to sink behind the trees as they kissed once more. Kurama gently caressed her check and neck as she moved closer to him.

"Katani," Kurama breathed.


"Would you be willing to go on a date with me?"

The sun seemed to hang in the sky, as if waiting to hear the answer before letting the moon take its grip on the Earth. Her smile spread from her lips to the shine of her eyes. "Yeah, I'd love too."