Chapter 2

Disclaimer: You allready know, and I don't own the Matrix, can't sue, byes byes

Roxas freaked out then and there, and before Axel knew what was happening, he was on his back while the blonde boy dashed out the door with bag and jacket in hand.

"Damn...strong little runt" he muttered, rubbing his head where it had hit the floor, before stopping, an evil grin spreading across his face "...oh this is perfect..."

Roxas splashed water on his face, gasping, before looking at himself in the mirror. He realised he still looked terrified. Taking deep breaths he calmed down and hid out till lunch ended.

Axel joined Demyx after a bit.

"Hey remember that new kid?" he asked, sitting down on the grass beside the guitarist who was strumming a tune.


The red-head told him what he'd encountered with great details, and Demyx was gaping by the end.


"Yuuuup..." he said, leaning back against the tree, resting his arms behind his head "damn, I didn't know he'd look so fine up close, body like a chick, just less curvy"



Demyx smirked, pointing the guitar pick at him "you're totaly gay for the new kid"

Emerald eyes narrowed in annoyance "...No I am not..."

"Deeeenial!" his friend said in a sing-song voice.

"You say one more word and I'm going to shove that guitar up your ass" he threatened, totaly serious for once.

"I'll be quiet..."

Axel leaned back again and closed his eyes "like that scrawny brat? No way...that's stupid..."

Roxas got up when he had to go to his next class. Looking at the time sheet he groaned. Gym. How he hated it. That meant short sleeves. And short sleeves meant showing the world his bruises. Lovely.

After getting changed in the bathroom so as not to gather any questions, he headed for the gym, having passed it at lunch in his escape. He was shocked to find the senior class there too, all of them changed and laughing, while the sophmores were on the other side talking amoungst themselves.
"" he mumbled in despaire, looking around. The red-head whom he hated and feared was walking around annoying the shit out of everyone in his class, before going and bugging Demyx, trying to hug him to piss him off.

The gym teacher blew the whistle and everybody stopped, even Axel, who had gotten his goal of hugging Demyx around the waist, shut up.

"Allright today we will be having a game of dodge-ball, the sophmores against the seniors, you know the rules, now move to your own sides"
Roxas slunked off to stand in the very corner, rubbing his arms nervously.

For some reason...whenever Axel and Demyx were in the game...It always got VIOLENT. In less than no time at all, they had everyone down, even though they themselves were the last on their team. And Roxas...was alone.

A ball hit his toe and he picked it up, looking at Axel and Demyx.

Axel grinned and tossed the ball in his hand up and down "wow...girly-man is the last one standing" Demyx looked at the ball, then to Roxas with the same grin. Roxas sighed and suddenly his eyes narrowed and the ball left his hand lightning fast, striking the other blonde in the shin, getting him out.

"Thought I'd even the odds a bit" he said, crossing his arm and smirking.

Axel smiled 'wonder if he's flexible' he was a sure shot at things, and aimed for Roxas as he threw. His assumption was correct when Roxas leaned back almost Matrix style, avoiding the ball, before standing up and stepping to the side avoiding another red ball. This kept up for a few minutes and and Axel still hadn't hit him.

The sound of plastic connecting skin rang through the air.

Roxas caught a ball that had bounced off the floor, grinning as he whiped it at Axel.

Said student dropped to his knees, groaning in pain as the ball...hit him in the balls.

The Gym teacher called for them to start again and Roxas walked over, picking up the ball that was infront of Axel, leaning down close to his ear "that's for triping me..."


Reviews Needed much so thanks