Author's Note: Short drabble for miss Kettering.


This or That

by Silver Miko

"So if ye had to pick one...that butch bitch that kicked yer balls in or Auld toothless Mrs. Fishpole back home?"

Murphy winced at the given choices, and took a healthy swig of beer.

"Now when ye say kiss, do ye mean like a little peck like one I'd give Ma or like tongue and all?"

"Tongue and all, of course!" Connor replied with a smirk, enjoying Murphy's disgusted expression.

"Probably...Mrs. Fishpole followed with a bottle of whiskey!"

The two fraternal twins laughed, seated at their usual seats at the bar on a friday night. The only unusual thing about it was now they had to go outside if they wished to smoke thanks to new goverment regulations...which did not please the MacManus brothers too much.

"Alright, my turn. What would ye rather have to do? Clean a stable with yer tongue or swim in a bath full of spiders. Big hairy ones, not those wee little ones I could crush with my pinkie."

"That's easy! Spiders."

Murphy took another swig. He hated this game sometimes because Connor seemed to have no difficulty is picking a choice whereas Murphy always took a while. There had to be something...some set of choices that would finally make his brother take pause. It was then he noticed Connor reaching for their pack of cigarettes from his pocket and he felt a grin form. He just had to wait his turn.

"Ok Murph...which would ye rather drink? Meat blood or deer piss?"

Murphy was glad he didn't have a mouthful of beer, because he'd hate to have it ruined by that particular set of choices.

"I suppose deer piss'd be a less dangerous choice."

Connor nodded in agreeance and drank more of his beer.

"Now my turn, dear brother. If ye had to choose only one for the rest of yer life- smoking...or me."

Connor choked on his beer, and Muprhy felt his smirk grow.


"What are ye deaf? Smoking. Or. Me."


"Oh ho! What's this? Connor not deciding right away!"

Connor frowned at him.

"Oh shut up, this game is stupid. I don't want to play anymore."

"Suppose that means I win then."

Connor grumbled and Murphy delighted in it, althought he was rather curious as to what Connor's answer would be, but he had a feeling he wouldn't ever get that answer.