Hello everyone! I figured that, being a Dragonlance fan (my favorite series of all time) (Margaret Wies is a goddess of fantasy!) I would post a Dragonlance fanfic sometime. But, all I could find was sad poems about Raistlin I had written a long time ago. I was trying to rhyme 'kender' with other words for a poem to my sister (who is the human equivalent of a kender, to be honest) and I figured out: Kender In The Closet

My friends and I have a bit of a series: I have already written Elves In The Shower, a LOTR fic, Pyraterose has posted a few chapters of Pirates In The Pantry, and we have two others coming up from fellow friends. I am the only one who reads Dragonlance in my group of friends, so I figured that Kender In The Closet would be my own project! Go and read the other two under my profile and Pyraterose's profile to get a feel for Chelsea, Alicia, Kim, and Jessica or just start in on this one right away!

Here we go!


We thought it was going to be a normal weekend. Honestly, all we wanted was some sleep, some food, and some fun. We had two weeks to ourself, the four of us lounging at my house. Our parents were either out of town on business, vacation, or a wedding (as in my case), and we were allowed to all stay at my house. None of us wanted to be alone for two whole weeks and thus, bags were packed, suitcases were dropped down steps, pets were boarded or brought to my house, and my three best friends ended up as my house mates. What more could we want? It was the summer between our junior and senior years of high school, our last summer before we graduated. Marching season was well underway and all four of us were as happy as could be.

As happy as we could be until it happened. Again.

For the past few years, we had had the unfortunate luck to be visited by characters from our favorite books and movies. We didn't know what it was or what caused it or what we could do to stop it, but so far, the four of us had been visited by Jack Sparrow, Frodo, Will Turner, Legolas, Elizabeth Swann, Elrond, and a handful of others who had touched our lives. No one believed us, and so we stopped telling them, keeping our little secret to ourselves. What made us think that this summer would be different?

Jessica groaned as Alicia sat up in the bed and nearly fell out, rubbing her eyes. Taking a pillow, she hit me in the shoulder, mumbling something under her breath. Checking the alarm clock, I realized it was five in the morning. I had to get up to feed the animals in another hour and, angry at being woken up, I grabbed the pillow from Alicia and smacked her with it.

"What'd ya want?"

"I heard something."

"No you didn't," Jessica muttered, a snore coming from Kim on the opposite end of the room. "Alicia, just go back to bed, please?"

"I heard something. Chelsea, remember that-"

Instantly, I sat up. No, it couldn't be happening. Not again. We had already been through elves, hobbits, pirates, and more. We didn't need anyone else to surprise us with a visit, not when the first night of our two week vacation had gone so well.

"Chelsea, can you check with me?"

"Alicia, really, this is insane! Just go back to sleep. You probably heard one of the dogs upstairs. Brody and Ozwald are probably growling."

"No, this isn't a growl."

"Then what was it?"

"A giggle."

Jessica struggled to sit up in the bed, rubbing her eyes.

"A giggle?"

"Yes, a giggle," Alicia answered, grabbing her stuffed moose from her suitcase near the bed and getting out from under the covers. Her orange monkey pajamas were almost glow in the dark, the faint light of the sun coming up over the trees coming in through the window to shine dimly on Alicia's pants. As Alicia managed to trip over her own suitcase, I got up and caught her arm, rolling my eyes as I untangled myself from my own blankets on the floor. Jess and Alicia had gotten the bed, Kim had gotten the couch, I had gotten the floor, being the hostess.

"You actually brought that thing?"

"Yes. You never know-"

"-when you are going to need a stuffed moose to battle the imaginary giggle in the hallway closet?" finished Jessica, groaning at being woken up so early. "Alicia, there-"

That time, we all heard the giggle, the faint laugh of some small person in the hallway closet, the closet where we kept the spare blankets and candles and game boards. Any fog that clouded my head was gone as I jumped to my feet, Jessica's eyes growing wide with fear and surprise. Kim continued her light snoring from the corner, oblivious to the danger.

"There's something in the house!" I screeched softly, looking around for the nearest weapon. If it was a robber, or a- I shook my head. It was happening again. A robber would not come into the house just to lock himself in a closet and then giggle at how pleased he was with himself. This was something worse.

The three of us, armed with Jessica's color guard pole, my heaviest book, and Alicia's moose, walked out of my room, creeping to the closet. We were ready to call the cops, and no one wanted to open the door.

"Well, I found elves in my shower, Jess has found pirates in her pantry, and now we're at your house. Your turn to find out who it is."

Agreeing with Alicia's rationality this early in the morning, I grasped the knob the the closet and, all of us bracing ourselves for what was inside, I flung the door open. All three of us were screaming without even knowing why we were screaming, probably to scare whatever was in the closet, I think, now that I look back on it, but we were all surprised when a fourth voice was added to our screams. Opening our scrunched eyes, we all saw what had been giggling.

Tasslehoff Burrfoot sat in the bottom of the closet, his topknot swinging back and forth, his many pouches laying open on the floor around him. He stopped screaming and smiled at us.

"Hello, how do you do? I'm Tasslehoff Burrfoot and I really don't know how I ended up here? Who are you? Where am I? What smells in here?"

"Um..., Um..." said Jessica, terrified, about to whack Tasslehoff with the pole until I grabbed it and held it steady. Alicia, with eyes as big as saucers, kept staring at the little creature and he kept staring back at her, a smile brighting his face. Neither of them blinked and it would have been a cute sight, had we not been so scared.

Finally, I whispered, "It's a kender!"

"Not just any kender! Tasslehoff Burrfoot at your service! I think I already told you my name, though, right? Say, thanks for letting me out of here. I wasn't tall enough to reach the handle and I was starting to get bored. That wasn't very funny of Flint to lock me in here."

"Flint is here? Who else is in my house?" I screamed, practically grabbing Tasslehoff by the shoulders and shaking him. Jess and Alicia just exchanged glances, unsure of what to do.

"Oh, Raist and Caramon and Tika and Laurana. Oh, and Kitiara, although I really didn't think she would come with us. And-"

"Enough, enough. We'll find them for ourselves!" My head hurt and I wasn't about to listen to the high pitched voice of a kender rattling off a list this early in the morning.

There was a scream from the bathroom. Kimmie was awake.

Okay, that was the first chappie! I swear that it will pick up. I just needed to get this chapter over with so that everything is set up and that we can leap right into the fun! Sorry if this one was boring, but I can't help it at this point. I can just assure you that the next chapter is going to be great! Please, please review and tell me what you think. Thanks for reading and I look forward to hearing from you!