And Then there was Hope

Chapter One

Things were quiet in the loft as Mimi stood there in their dirty bathroom holding the white stick in her hand. Things were quiet in the loft which was good because that meant she was still alone. The pregnancy test took ten minutes and Mimi paced around the tiny bathroom restlessly waiting for 5 more minutes to pass so she could finally found out if her assumption had been right.

"Maybe I'm wrong," she said quietly to herself. "Maybe I'm not pregnant. I could be wrong. I mean, I have been wrong before," She said trying to reassure herself as she thought back to a time when she was in high school.

She had been late with her period. Almost two weeks late. At first she brushed it off as nothing, but as time went on she started to worry. She thought about it and remembered that a couple of weeks ago things with her boyfriend got a little more intimate. They had been alone in his house and were making out when he lead her into his bedroom and slowly started to take off her shirt. She hadn't protested. She had wanted to have sex with him and she did, but when she thought about what had happened she thought that maybe it was more then nothing. She had decided that she was going to buy a pregnancy test after school and take it before her mom got home. It turned out that she didn't need to though because during the school that day she started to bleed and knew that everything was fine.

"I've been wrong before," she said again. "It's probably nothing." But when the 5 minutes were up she nervously looked at the stick and saw that she was indeed pregnant. "Oh shit," she said still looking at the stick. Finally she ran out of the bathroom out on her coat and slid the door open and left. The last thing she thought before leaving the loft was, Jeez someone needs to clean this god damn bathroom.