My Lovely Life

AC: Man, I got like, no reviews! Geeze people! Haven't I given you enough? Why can't you review me! DAMN YOU ALL TO HELL!


Sorry about that, just a little depressed. In fact, I'm so depressed that I have decided to become emo and dress in drag. Please don't call me a fag! Mheh heh heh…that rhymes!

Sorry once again, I have the emo song stuck in me head! (don't own it)

000000000hhhhhhhhhhh! But thankyou for the, I think two, that did review me! I love you! Even if one was just a STUPID FRICKEN SPELLING MISTAKE! Hahaha! Don't be offended, actually, when I read over what I had done, I laughed really hard. I need a life.

Now if you'll excuse me, I'll go gay, wear eyeliner and shave my legs! (emo song) Oh yeah! Emo guys are smexy!


Chapter three:

Anzu woke to the sun beating on her face. Her room filled with sunlight was a warm welcome from the nightmare filled night. She sunk into her covers as she looked out her grand window into the sunny sky.

Ruffling her hair, she stood from her bed yawning.

I have council today. Darn!

She thought half heartedly. It really didn't matter that she go, she didn't have a say in anything anyway, but it was custom.

A servant entered the room with fresh linens and today's attire.

"Here my Lady. Are you ready to be dressed?"

"Yes." Anzu said solemnly.


Atem was waiting, impatiently tapping his foot by the front entrance to the council room. He lay against a pillar as the sunlight streamed through one side of the hall.

"You're late." He said angrily upon seeing Anzu hustle down the hall.

"Sorry my dear pharaoh, but I over slept."

Atem took her hand high and started walking towards the door. It was custom they walk in together hand in hand.

"Hmph. I suppose that's only to be expected of an idiot."

The insult didn't faze Anzu. Over the pass couple months they had been married, Atem had insulted Anzu on every account. She had gotten used to the verbal abuse, and after deep thoughts and thinking, she was just glad it was only verbal. The only part that fazed her, was the fact that Atem would always say such cruel words without expression or remorse. As if the insult meant nothing.

Sighing, they walked to the head of the table.

All the men around the table rose with the pharaoh, and sat with him.

"Council will begin session officially now." Atem spoke. "So Ceicel, what is it you bring to me today?"

"Oh great pharaoh, we have problems out in the west. Raids and thievery have been plaguing the land."

"How many thust far?"

"thirty odd, and the number still rising."

There was a harp intake of breath at the news. So many scandals going on, and with no avail at stopping them. No one had been caught yet.

"Do we have word on how many thieves are causing this mayhem?" The pharaoh asked leaning in.

"Well…yes." The man started fidgeting in his seat.

"Than what is it? Spit it out."

"There is… there is only one man."

The pharaoh leaned back in his chair, and seemed to smirk. "One man?"

The man gulped and nodded his head.

"One man is bringing this nation down to its knees. One man is causing me all this trouble. One man." Atem sat still thinking about these words for a moment. Than out of the blue he started to chuckle. "That's ridiculous. I've never heard of such nonsense."

"But sire, it's the truth."

"I'll believe that when I see it myself. Until then, we must put a stop to these raids. I want guards stationed at every pub in the towns. Have them eavesdrop on any suspicious conversations. Double the guard duty and triple the threat. If any person is caught steeling, man or women, have them killed on the spot."

"You can't do that!"

Every man turned to the voice. "Anzu…" Atem said testing the words on his mouth. "I beg your pardon?"

"You can't do that! Do you have any realization the uproar that will bring in the public? Have you even thought of the consequences?"

"You have no say over what I do. Now keep quiet…" He hissed.


"I alone am responsible for my country. I alone know what burden I carry. Don't think for one second you can even come close to understanding what I go through." Atem had started to rise from his chair, glaring at his wife.

Anzu met him rising.

"I am Queen of this land pharaoh. I do have one ounce of understanding!" She glared at him, her cheeks going pink.

"You are nothing to this land, or to me! You are merely a decoration, to keep a custom going."

"I am no decoration! I am a human being! I am your wife!"

Atem backhanded her across the cheek. Anzu stumbled back to the floor. Tears formed in Anzu's eyes as she clutched her cheek. She could still feel the heat from his palm on her cheek.

She scrambled to her knees and made a dash for the door.

Many hallways later, she sprang into her room sprawling on her bed. Clutching a pillow tightly, she cried her heart out.

"I miss you papa, " She sobbed to the cushion. "I want to go home, my real home"

She needed a walk, that's right. A stroll would clear her mind. She ran to her water basin and splashed her face. Brushing her hair, and removing the last of her eyeliner, Anzu quietly went out her door. She didn't want to attract attention.

Her mind was full of thoughts, so she didn't pay much attention to where she was going. "I'll go to the shrine." She told her self. "I'll pray to the Gods for deliverance."

Anzu made her way to the temple, and collapsed on a cushion. She was married in this very temple, and she couldn't stop the memories from flooding back.

She remembered that night, before she cried herself to sleep, thinking if that would be the only time he would kiss her, or even touch her. A tear fell from her sky blue eye.

(AC: you don't have to read this!... OMG! Just now, I went to the hair dresser for an apappointment, and I totally love my hair! I should be telling my friends now, but I don't really think they'll appreciate it! Aheh heh heh… Anyways, I went against all me friends wishes and cut it short YEAH! I took the red streaks out and replaced it with vanilla, caramel and espresso! Who's smexy? ME! Thankyou for letting me waste your time with this pointless notice)

Anzu looked around the temple. It was pretty much the same as it had been on her wedding night except for the lack of decorations. A shadowed opening caught her eye.

"I don't remember a stairway here, must have been covered by a tapestry." Anzu slowly made her way towards it at the back of the temple. It was a plain stairway, headed skywards. She looked around herself to see if anyone was watching. When she was certain she was all alone, she started descending the stairs.

The stairs spiraled, and there was the occasional window letting in bright light. The floor, ceiling and wall were all made of stone. Where does this lead to?

Finally, the stairwell ended on a high level, opening into a plain bright stoned hallway. She stepped lightly gazing around herself. Pillars lined the walls and hieroglyphics decorated odd spaces.

Anzu ducked behind a pillar when she heard footsteps headed her way. A man in priest clothing walked by her holding what seemed to be a mass goblet. When he was out of sight, Anzu continued to explore the floor. She was gazing at a grand entrance when a tiny hallway caught her eyes. She gazed down it.

The corridor was narrow and dark. It looked as if it wasn't supposed to be there, or was meant not to be seen. Anzu was drawn to the mysteries awaiting her at the end of the corridor. Taking a gulp, she tiptoed down.

As she neared the end, large bright windows started to line one wall, making the corridor more welcoming. A wooden door came into sight. It was reinforced with steel bolts and had pleasant designs along the side. Anzu could here small noises coming from the door.

She placed her ear against the side and was surprised at what she heard.

Moaning. Gasping. Pleading.

What could have been going on in there? Anzu drooped to her knees to peek through the key whole. She didn't dare open the door itself.

Immediately, Anzu's face turned red. The inside of the room was decorated with pillows, drapes and a large plain pillow rug.

A man was holding a women down on the rug, roughly kissing her neck. Anzu couldn't help but notice the lady was naked, but the man was still fully clothed. She bit her lower lip gently taking in the sight.

She had never seen anything like this in her life. She had learned about sex and the body, but due to her husbands 'boldness', she had never spent a single night with him. She was getting wet in between her thighs.

Anzu knew this was wrong, what the man was doing to the women, but she couldn't help herself. She just watched the intimate scene before her, full of shame, but also hunger. This was what she was missing. Well, in a slightly less intense way, but she needed love. More than love. She needed passion.

She swallowed, and felt her cheeks faintly. They had grown rather hot, probably because the sight before her was making her flustered. She was snapped out of her trance upon hearing a scream from the woman.

Anzu knew, even though she desired to watch more, this had to be put to a stop. The door was locked, but she banged upon it, yelling to the inside.

All went quiet from in the room. Not a sound was heard. Anzu ceased her knocking, upon hearing quiet footsteps make their way to the door. She was caught off guard when the door swung open, revealing the man before her.

Anzu stumbled backwards onto the floor. Fear crossed her face as she stared up at the menacing figure growling down at her.

He had sharp icy eyes so blue, they were almost white, and his chestnut hair fell casually over his brow. His mouth was thin in anger, and his skin was tan like sandstone. He was taller than Atem. Taller than most men, and slightly built, but lean. His torso was slim and his legs long. He crossed his hands over his chest when he saw Anzu on the ground, revealing his spider like fingers.

Anzu was completely mesmerized.

Such a beautiful man wasn't possible to exist in the world. He was even more handsome than Atem, without any special features.

"What is it?" He hissed with an annoyed voice. Anzu snapped from her stupor.

"Umm…uhhh… I heard screaming, and I…"

"What seems to be the problem?" A high voice said, slithering out from behind the man. The nude female appeared, covered in a thin bed sheet. Anzu had seen her before, she was one of the hallway servants.

"Seto dear, it isn't time for me to go already?"

The man looked at her threateningly. "You go when I say so. I set the time limits here."

"What's…what's going on? Weren't you in trouble?" Anzu asked, confused that the woman didn't seem to want to leave.

The woman threw back her hand and laughed. "In trouble? Well, I suppose that's a way to put it but… let's keep that between us, OK?" The women winked at Anzu than looked out of a near window. "Oh dear, Ra tells me it's time to go." The woman sighed. "Well, I hope to see you some other time Seto."

The man, apparently named Seto, just grunted at her coldly as the lady picked up her uniform and hurried down the hall.

Anzu stared after her dumbstruck.

"Well, what do you want?" He barked at her, staring down his nose at the creature scattered on the floor.

"M-Me?" Anzu asked pointing to herself.

"No, the five foot dung beetle." He sneered. "If you're here for a session you better come in quickly. I have things to do."

"I don't understand." Anzu called to him, following him into the strange room. Oh why in hell did she do that?

He shut the door quickly behind her and stood in front of it. "Now, what's your name?" He asked in a bored tone as if he was tired of asking this question.

"A-Anzu." She stuttered. She dusted her dress and stood straight, feeling the need to look composed.

He snapped his gaze at her, than a smirk played on his lips. "My dear." He said giving a slight bow. "I would have never expected to see someone so younge here in my layer. Although, you seem to be of adult age. I usually end up with housewives and middle aged maids." He slowly glided towards her, taking in her appearance.

"-I got lost." She muttered feeling wide open.

"What can I do for you?" he asked just above a whisper, smirking all the same.

"Oh, I…I just-ummm…Nothing really. I just…stumbled upon here…and"-

Seto held a finger to her lips. Anzu was shocked by this action. No one had ever touched her since she became Queen. Everyone seemed just too…afraid. But than again, so far, this man didn't seem to know she was the Queen. Anzu knew she should tell him, but something made her keep her mouth shut.

"Tell me, has your husband been good to you?" He grabbed her hand and brought it up to his mouth, gently kissing the finger beside her wedding ring.

So that's how he knew…

"Such an expensive looking ring means a fine husband. Why would the dear Anzu be coming to see me than?" He asked leaning ever so slightly forward.

"But my husband doesn't love me." It came out of her mouth before she could stop herself. She had been dying for someone to tell all her problems to for a while now, but everyone acts so delicate around the Queen. So, when for the first time someone asked, even indirectly, she couldn't keep her big fat mouth shut.

Anzu couldn't believe what she said. Saying it aloud to someone else, made her world a reality. Her eyes started to sting, as she covered her mouth with both her hands. "He-He doesn't love me." She whispered more to herself.

"Hush now, come, let me show you what love is. Let me show you what you really want." He grabbed her hand and slid his arm around her waste.

Anzu gasped in surprise as he started pushing her over to the bare wall.

"W-What are you doing?" She asked frantically.

"I know why you came to me dear Anzu, you came for intimacy. You came for the desire that wasn't in your life." He pushed her against the wall.

"N-No…" Everything was moving so fast. What was happening? Anzu seemed to have lost her voice.

He gently pushed her up against the wall, and led her hands to touch the brick surface. His long spidery fingers massaged her back. Skimming the sides of her breasts.

Anzu's pulse quickened. The heat was rising in her face as a rush of adrenaline spread through her veins. This was wrong. Every fiber in her being was telling her so, but every fiber in her being was doing nothing to prevent it.

Seto leaned his head down to the crook of her neck, and gently nibbled the sensitive skin. Caught off guard, Anzu gasped and involuntarily threw her head back. Seto smirked into her neck.

Anzu felt pressure applied to her body. She was pressed into the wall with steady intervals as Seto grinded into her lower half, only being prevented by the fabric in his way.

Stop! Anzu screamed in her mind. Why wouldn't her voice work? "S-Stop…" Anzu choked out barely above a whisper. His hand led up her thigh and worked its way in between her and the wall. He gently led it up to squeeze her breast.

Tears started pooling in her eyes. "STOP!" She pushed away from the wall with all her might, shoving the man aside. Even though he was caught off balance, Seto managed to catch himself before he fell, although Anzu wasn't as lucky. She tripped over a silken pillow, and bumped to the ground. Her skirt riding up her leg a bit too high for modesty.

Seto looked at the girl, his eyes tracing her legs up. His gaze stayed there for a while before moving to her face. He stayed motionless when he saw a single tear fall from her fear stricken eyes.

He bent over low to her face, grasping her chin between his thumb and for finger, and forcing it upward. "What's wrong?" He whispered with a smirk.

"I-I…" Anzu was lost for words at the same time she was frightened out of her wildest dreams, she was also captivated by this strangers eyes. It almost seemed like the ice they were made of was freezing her in place. "I have to go!"

Anzu snapped her head back and scrambled to stand. She scurried to the door, stumbling on her skirt. As she reached the handle, she took a gulp and looked back. Seto was staring after her, smiling, no, smirking.

"You'll come again, won't you?" He asked, his words almost testing and menacing.

Without another glance back, Anzu ran through the door and down the hallway.

Seto watched her run away. He wasn't particularly upset at her reactions; although it wasn't often he'd get a face so fresh and young. At the back of his mind, he hoped she would come back for more than arousing. He licked his lips.

He turned away from the door, to the dressing counter. It was time he got ready for his priestly duties.


AC: Bwahahahahaha! Priestly duties! OHHHH! He's a naughty one alright!

I am sooo hungry! But I'm too lazy to go down stairs and make breakfast! ACK!

I just came back from my cruise and man am I pissed off!


I am a big anime fan, but I live in Canada, so, when I went to America and went to a US mall, I got sooo depressed! I went into a tincy book store, and they already had twice as many manga series as we carry in Canada! Even the one I desperately love but can never know what happens cause my book stores don't have it! I almost cried! But they were having a sale so I managed to buy four! YEAH!

God bless America………………..and especially Canada:P