Okay, I told you in the AN of the first chapter that I missed a good chunk of V-force and only saw one episode of G-Rev.

The problem: with a few encounters planned between individual characters, I need to know what happened if I want to write a decently long chapter, in fact, if I want to update at ALL!

You do want that, do you?

So, if you want the next chapter, could you please send me a few links to places where I can see the episodes? Or where they have immensely descriptive episode summaries'? Please? I need them!

And if I get enough info…I'll…um…make a chapter with…at least…1500 words! That good enough?

Or…I could update short chapters and give them too you…say…every three days? Just tell me in a PM or review which you'd prefer.

…And don't forget the links! Or no chapters for you!

Sira Selene Black