Discliamer: wait…I don't own Fruits Basket…? But I do have creative control over except for Daihiroko (Pronounced: die-hee-row-co). His name means (or at least used to) big-wise-child!


"Uo-Chan! Hana-Chan! Did you hear! They say a new student is coming to the school!" Tohru bubbled to her friends over their school lunches.

"Yeah, so what" Uo-Chan shrugged, "We've had new kids come here before"

But Tohru was not to be deflated in the subject "Well…yeah but…not kids like this!" she said nearly bursting with eagerness to tell her friends.

"What's so special about this new student?" Hana-Chan asked calmly, she could use her waves to detect if there was anything…unnatural about a person. Many times she had detected the strange waves of the Sohma family but had not discovered their secret, "If there is anything special about him, I will find out".

"Well!" Tohru whispered excitedly, "I heard that-"

"LISTEN YOU DAMN RAT. I'VE PUT UP WITH YOU LONG ENOUGH AND NOW I'M GOING TO-" Kyo yelled, walking into the lunchroom followed by Hatsuharu and Momiji. Yuki was walking ahead of Kyo, ignoring him (Kyo) and looking serene as usual.

"Save it orangey" Uo-Chan said bored, this wasn't a new thing for Uo-Chan and Hana-Chan to hear "We both know that you wouldn't stand a chance, and the 'Prince' would pulverize you"

"WHAT! I WOULD NEVE-" Kyo shouted indignantly but was interrupted.

"Would both of you please, we're late for lunch and I'm hungry" Haru said slightly annoyed, he hadn't eaten breakfast or dinner last night, and was ravenous.

Kyo just grumbled to himself and sat down, for as mad as he was at Yuki, he was hungry too. Momiji was already seated at the table and began laughing at Kyo. (Unfortunately he got a whole new fresh batch of threats)

Yuki sat down, the picture of grace and elegance. After his first bite, he remembered that Tohru had wanted to ask him something. "Oh yes, wasn't there something you wanted to ask me?" he said politely, Yuki had the pleasure of seeing Kyo fume silently to himself.

"Well," Tohru said shyly, "I was wondering if you could tell me if there really is a new student coming to the school!"

"Why do you care anyway?" Kyo asked Tohru gruffly, still grumpy because he couldn't fight Yuki.

"Well…" Tohru blushed a little, she didn't' really have a reason, she just thought it was exciting that a new student was coming!

"Tohru just likes to know she can make them feel welcome when they come!" Momiji said to defend Tohru, although it sort of didn't' make sense. (XP)

"Anyway" Yuki continued unaffectedly, "The new student is a transfer student-"

"So? Most of them are" Uo-Chan said unimpressed,

"…from London" Yuki finished. This got Uo-Chan impressed.

"No way! Really!" Uo-Chan asked incredulously.

Everybody at the lunch table raised an eyebrow or looked questionably at Uo-Chan. But she didn't notice, she was to busy thinking of something (She kept smiling to herself and occasionally giggling!)

"Wow…" Tohru got this far off look in her eyes. She had never met anyone from London before, she expected another American transfer student.

"Hmm…so it's true" Hara said, everybody almost jumped when he said that, he was so quiet, they had almost forgotten that he was there.

"Hatsuharu-San, you know about the transfer student?" Tohru asked.

Haru gave a careless shrug, "Yeah, it's some kid who was born in London but came here for a few years with his parents. He learned Japanese and then had to go to a boarding school back in London, and now he's coming back again for some what reason"

"Wow" Tohru said again, clearly fascinated with the new student. Kyo was starting to get a little jealous and really wanted to hit something. Even Yuki was looking uncomfortable. The only ones who were normal were Hana-Chan (does anything ever bother her?), and Momiji. Uo-Chan was back in her fantasy land with who knows what.

"So when's he coming?" Momiji asked Yuki excitedly, he couldn't help but be excited when Tohru was.

"I'm nor sure, tomorrow, I think…"


So what'd u think? I was really scared to do this one cause I wasn't' sure if it was as good as my first one (Scary Movies) and that it'd be horrible in comparison. Flames will be used to light fire crackers:) It's going to be sooo much fun writing this story! Review and tell me how you want the new kid to come in, what he should look like and stuff.