The first thing Daniel saw as he was being led out with Ces and Marr, were the weird egg shaped objects that were set on an altar, behind a man in white robes. As he got closer he saw that each egg bore a symbol, including the sign Daniel and Jack had chosen, the point of origin from Earth.

He glanced over the crowd of people to the other tent where Hacen, Jack and Carter were emerging from. As he continued forward, Daniel tried to get Jack's attention, but after a few feet he realized that Jack was probably so nervous right now that he couldn't even think about much more than attempting to say the right words.

As Daniel moved into place between Marr and Ces, the world around him faded away and all he could do was concentrate on Jack who looked almost pained and pale as he stared back at Daniel. For a fleeting moment, the blue eyed linguist thought that the Colonel might have changed his mind, but he quickly squashed the feeling down and gave Jack a reassuring smile.

"There are many things to say about marriage," the man in white robes said aloud, causing the people before them to quiet, "Much wisdom concerning the joining together of two souls, has come our way through the paths of belief, and from many cultures. With each union, more knowledge is gained and more wisdom gathered. Though we are unable to give all this knowledge to these two, who stand before us, we can hope to leave with them the knowledge of love and its strengths and the anticipation of the wisdom that comes with time. The law of life is love unto all beings. Without love, life is nothing, without love, death has no redemption. Love is anterior to Life, posterior to Death, initial of Creation and the exponent of Earth. If we learn no more in life, let it be this.

"Marriage is a bond to be entered into only after considerable thought and reflection. As with any aspect of life, it has its cycles, its ups and its downs, its trials and its triumphs. With full understanding of this, these pairs have come here today to be joined as one in marriage. Others would ask, at this time, who gives the adseros in marriage, but, as a life is not property to be bought and sold, given and taken, I ask simply if they come of there own will and if they have their family's blessing.

Adseros, is it true that you come of your own free will and accord?

Daniel, Ces and Marr all smiled at the same time, "Yes, it is true."

"With whom do you come and whose blessings accompany you?"

Teal'c stepped forward, "The Adseros come with me, their protector, and I am accompanied by all of their family's blessings."

"Please join hands with your chosen," the each person of the three couples, stepped forward and took their lover's hand, "and listen to that which I am about to say. Above you are the stars, below you are the stones, as time doth pass, remember...

"Like a stone should your love be firm like a star should your love be constant. Let the powers of the mind and of the intellect guide you in your marriage, let the strength of your wills bind you together, let the power of love and desire make you happy, and the strength of your dedication make you inseparable. Be close, but not too close. Possess one another, yet be understanding. Have patience with one another, for storms will come, but they will pass quickly.

"Be free in giving affection and warmth. Have no fear and let not the ways of the unenlightened give you unease, for the true gods are with you always.

"Ahalas, I have not the right to bind thee to your chosen Adsero, only you have this right. If it be your wish, say so at this time." and place your mark in them, where ever you choose.

Jack, Hacen and Sam smiled, "It is my wish," they all said together.

"And place your mark in them, where ever you choose," the man motioned, and the attendants that had fussed around them all day, each handed an egg with the correct symbol on it.

Jack nervously took the egg and came over to Daniel's left side and pulled the fabric away from his upper arm. He made sure the egg wasn't at an angle, and then pressed it into Daniel's upper arm. The egg glowed and then brightened briefly before dimming again. When Jack pulled it away a black symbol for Earth was marked on Daniel's skin. He handed the egg to Daniel and stepped back, looking into Daniel's eyes.

Hacen came forward next. He pulled open the front of Marr's robes at his chest. He leaned in very close and pressed his egg into Marr's right peck, watching as it glowed and then flashed before pulling away and putting the egg into his lover's hand.

Sam blushed, as she kneeled down and raised Ces's robes to reveal her upper thigh. She blushed even more as she heard Jack's cough as she pressed her egg into the woman's thigh, watching it flash and then dim again. She stood and quickly looked into Ces's eyes, as she handed off the egg to the other woman, who looked so happy she was about to cry.

"Adseros I have not the right to bind thee to your chosen Ahala only you have this right. If it be your wish, say so at this time.

"It is my wish."

"And now place the mark on them, wherever you choose."

Daniel really wanted to kiss Jack, because he still looked like he was about to pass out. Instead he pushed away the cloth at the colonel's left upper arm, moving his hand across the his skin in reassurance, before pressing the egg down into his skin. When Jack had done this to him, his skin warmed and tingled, burning almost when the light flashed, but not enough to really be called pain, so he knew when he saw Jack flinch briefly what it was about. He pulled away and smiled at Jack, holding the egg in his hands.

Marr went forward and reached up to pull Hacen's robes open, but first looked up to see that it was alright. The older man nodded slightly, and Marr hesitantly caressed the older man's peck with his finger tips before pressing the egg into his skin. When he was finished, he stepped back, and lowered his eyes to the ground, blushing.

Now that it was Ces's turn, it flitted through both Jack and Daniel's mind for a moment that the red-head would now be pulling up Sam's robes up to her thigh, but they were both surprised when the women chose instead to place it on the blond woman's stomach, just above her belly button.

The man in white robes motioned again and a goblet was brought forth and handed to the Ahalas, "May you drink your fill from the cup of love."

Jack, Hacen and Sam all came forward to their lovers and held their goblets to their chosen's lips. After taking a drink, the other three took the cup from their lovers and pressed it back, allowing the others to take a drink.

"By the faith in all those here, and by the true gods, I now pronounce you Ahalas and Adseros. May your love so endure that its flame remains a guiding light unto you."

And the three couples kissed, and the silent crowd gave a deafening cheer.


Later Jack and Daniel were sitting on a stack of pillows under a canopy of wispy cloth, on the outer edge of what had to be the biggest party SG-1 had ever been in on.

"Hammond's going to radio us tomorrow," Jack mumbled, rubbing Daniel's chest under his shirt.

Daniel smirked, and tipped his head back looking up at Jack, "Yeah…we should probably tell him we're through with our part here…"

"We could lie and stay awhile longer…I mean…it's our honeymoon and all and I'd rather not spend it fighting snake heads."

The linguist chuckled, "Saving the world can be romantic sometimes…"

Jack grinned and leaned downward to give Daniel an up-side-down kiss, "Saving you is more romantic."

The other man smiled fondly at Jack before reaching around behind him and pulling out a leather pouch, and handing it up to the older man, "Your wedding gift."

Jack blushed and untied the leather strings around the package and flipped the leather aside, "Daniel!" He looked at the knife in his hand. The handle was made out of white gold embossed on the surface was the symbol for Earth. Wrapped around the sides of the handle was something written with pure gold in Ancient. The blade itself was doubled edged , but on the edge that curved in, there were long flame like teeth, "What's it say?"

"I take this up to fight not because I wish to harm, but because I wish to protect something near and dear to my heart," Daniel whispered, giving Jack a quick smile. "It seemed fitting for you, since you're only going to use this when you need to save me."

The colonel leaned in and gave Daniel a lingering kiss, before pulling away, "And I'll kill whoever is making you be 'in danger' with it too. Thank you Daniel." Jack wrapped the knife back up in the leather and set it aside, before reaching over and grabbing a large square thing and laying it on the younger man's chest.

Daniel unwrapped it and was surprised to find a large book with an amazing decorated cover, bound in dark brown leather and gold, "What's this?" He opened up the cover and saw Jack's messy scrawl written over one of the pages.

'I know I'm not the best guy in the world to tell someone my feelings, out loud, but I thought you should be able to get them out of me some how. My gift to you is this book, which I will write down, each and every time I can remember from a day that I've thought about telling you just how much I love you. I want you to keep this close to you when we fight and when we're apart, you can remember each and every time I told you I loved you.

Yours Forever,

Jonathan Jack O'Neill'

Tears dripped down Daniel's cheeks as he looked up at Jack again, "Thank you so much…I…I don't even know what to say…"

"You like it? It's not like that cat thing Carter gave her wife or anything but-"

"Jack…" He sat up and pulled himself into the older man's lap, "it's perfect."

The colonel relaxed and cupped Daniel's cheek, "I think I need to write something in it right now…."

"Later," Daniel whispered pulling Jack's lips down to his.

And the other man agreed. After all…this moment wasn't over yet…