Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Samurai 7.

This is my first Samurai 7 fic...hope you like it!

The Midnight Stroll

Katsushiro knelt in solitude. He did not know how long he had been there, but he was glad that no one bothered him. It was all so confusing...he did not like to kill; however, he had an obligation to protect the innocent.

Out of the corner of his eye, he saw someone kneel beside him. He was startled, but only briefly, because he glanced up to see it was Kirara. She met his gaze yet said nothing. She felt there wasn't anything she could say to ease his suffering...so, slowly she placed her hand over his, in an attempt to silently console him. He didn't mind; he felt better now with Kirara to share his grief. And though he didn't know exactly what she could do, her kindhearted company was enough for him.

When she sensed his tension beginning to melt away, she finally spoke to him. "Katsushiro, I know this hasn't been easy for you. I assure you, though, we are eternally grateful for your bravery."

He nodded appreciatively, and she understood. She continued, "There is no shame in wanting to refrain from killing. You only hesitate to take a life because your conscience reminds you of life's value. And compassion is an honorable trait."

Still, Katsushiro could not bring himself to speak, although Kirara's words brought comfort to him. She continued to grasp his hand, tenderly but firmly, to remind him that she was there to share his burden. After a few moments, he found the strength to speak, despite his mind's painful confliction. "If I cannot take a life, then I am not a true samurai," he stated.

"I believe that a samurai is not defined by his physical abilities, but by his heart. You have the heart of a true samurai, Katsushiro. You will do great things, I'm sure of it." With that, she planted a small, chaste kiss on his pale cheek and left.

Kirara walked absentmindedly with no specific destination in mind, however she found herself at her grandmother's house anyways. She stepped inside, surprised to find that no one was there. Oh, well...I just hope Katsushiro is okay, she thought.

"Kirara," a voice said from the doorway. She turned to see Katsushiro extending his arm and holding his hand out to hers. "Will you walk with me?"

"Of course," she replied, allowing him to clutch her hand as he led her into the surrounding forest.

When they had been walking in the woods for a few minutes, he said, "I...don't know if I can do this. Samurai must be strong, but I am weak, and--"

"Nonsense! As I said, reluctance to kill is not a weakness,--"

"What is it, then? It's certainly not a strength!"

"It is a strength. The other samurai need one among them who reminds them that excessive slaughter is not always necessary."

"I...I'm so sorry, Kirara. You've been so kind and supportive to me, and I--"

"Shh." She pressed a finger to his lips. "It's okay..."

"Thank you...for everything." He turned away from Kirara in shame. She's done so much for me, he thought, and this is how I treat her!

Suddenly she grabbed his hand, and he responded by intertwining his fingers with hers. "I want to show you something," she said. She led him towards the edge of the small clearing they were in. The trees thickened significantly, yet she seemed to glide through almost effortlessly before helping Katsushiro through. Night had fallen in the last hour, but she knew where she was going. After walking for about 20 minutes, they came to a larger clearing with a small waterfall pouring into a clear pond.

"I don't think anyone in my village knows about this," Kirara said. "I come here for relaxation and solitude...and now I share my secret with you." She waded into the water to her ankles, and then stepped out onto the grass once more. The water was warm, but the surrounding air was chilly. She shivered slightly, having forgotten how the sun's absence plunges Kanna into cool nights.

Strong, warm arms wrapped around her from behind. "You're cold," Katsushiro said. Indeed, she was cold, and he felt good against her back...she mused, he's so warm, both inside and out...

He put his robe around her, and the two sat on the grass. Kirara could feel his breath on her neck and his chest rising and falling as he continued to hold her. Her eyes fluttered shut, and she fell asleep instantly, collapsing onto Katsushiro's chest. This was not unpleasant for him; her heartbeat soothed his troubled mind.

He began to wonder what he should do...I would carry her back to her house, but I don't know the way out...the sun has not been gone terribly long, however it's dark nevertheless—I suppose I could sleep here, though the others may worry about Kirara...maybe I should wake her up, but she looks so peaceful...Katsushiro decided finally to wait until she woke up, then they would leave.

In the serenity of the scene, he too fell asleep, his head resting on her shoulder. When he awoke, it was still dark. The moon shone from overhead, and he estimated that he had only slept for a few hours. He was lying on the grass now, holding Kirara at his side. He gently nudged her and whisper her name until her eyes opened.

"Huh?" she asked groggily.

"We fell asleep here. I would've carried you to your house, but I don't know the way, and I didn't want to wake you..."

She smiled sweetly. "You're tired. Just go back to sleep, and we'll return in the morning."

I, uh...okay," he replied.

She kissed his cheek for the second time that night, causing his face to redden slightly. He lay back down on the grass, and she positioned herself snuggly in his arms.

"Goodnight, Katsushiro."

"Goodnight, Kirara."

A/N: I originally intended this to be a oneshot, but I need opinions: should I resolve the conflict in a second chapter?