Uzumaki Wolf

Disclaimer: I Don't own Naruto, if I did: Gai would be a tooth paste model with Rock Lee as his fashion designer!

Requested by: chibbi-han

Created by: NoCareChakara (ME X3)

Dedicated to: EVERYONE WHO LOVES KIBA AND SASUKE! (like me X3)

Summary: Hi, I'm Uzumaki Jade. You know the tale of my brother don't you? The story of Naruto and the Kyuubi? Well, what you weren't told was that the day the Kyuubi was sealed in Naruto, its mate was sealed in me… Kiba x OC and Sasuke x OC, Minor OOC.


Somewhere in Konoha:

Jade, Naruto and Aka are sitting at Ichiraku ramen. Jade challenges Naruto to a ramen contest, once again. Aka is invited to join in, but she gets bloated after just three bowls while Jade and Naruto battle it out all the way to their twenty first serving. Jade wins the match and boasts about it while Naruto pays the bill as loser tradition. The three of them stroll through the Konoha streets until they notice a little square box with eye holes following them…

"Oh… it's you Konohamaru." Naruto states once Konohamaru and his friends reveal themselves, "What's with the goggles?"

"Didn't you used to wear them before you got your hiata-ate?" Jade inquired, Naruto nodded.

"HEY NARUTO-NIISAN!" Konohamaru yells to Naruto. Jade and Aka look to Naruto in question,

"I'll explain later." Jade and Aka nod.

"WATCH THIS NARUTO-NIISAN! Oh, Meogi, Udon, cover your eyes." Meogi and Udon do as they are told… and Konohamaru does the worst thing imaginable… "HAREM NO JUTSU!" Aka and Jade yell bloody murder at Naruto and Konohamaru and chase after them. Jade runs after Naruto while Aka chases after Konohamaru. The said boy soon runs into that puppet master we all know and love; Kankuro, who is accompanied by his sister Temari. Kankuro lifts Konohamaru by the shirt.

"That hurt, you little piece of shit." Kankuro sneered as Konohamaru struggled in his grasp,

"Don't! We'll get yelled at later." Temari scolds.

"HEY! DROP KONOHAMARU-SAN NOW, YOU DRAG QUEEN!" Aka screeches. She is soon joined by Naruto and Jade,

"HEY! Put Konohamaru-san down, FAT ASS!" Naruto and Jade yell to the puppet master. Jade looks at his hiata-ate, "You're from Suna…" she states calmly, Kankuro turns his angry glare away from Aka (since she called him a drag queen) and cocks an eyebrow at Jade, "What are you doing in Konoha." Jade demands firmly.

"YEAH!" Naruto yells. Kankuro then tightens his grip on Konohamaru's shirt,

"Let's have some fun before the boss comes." Naruto then charges at Kankuro in fury, only to trip on what he thought was air, "WHAT THE HELL!"

"Feh, leaf genin are weak…" Kankuro scoffed.

'String must've tripped otouto-san and judging by that thing on that guy's back, he must be a puppet master' Jade summarized

"Basically, I hate midgets. Especially younger ones that are rude… it makes me want to kill them." Kankuro sneered, Jade, Aka and Naruto froze.


"Well, I'm not involved." Temari stated blankly.

"Well, once I'm done with this midget, I'll take care of that other annoying midget." Naruto charged at Kankuro, fists clenched and eyes narrowed. Kankuro's fist was seconds away from Konohamaru's face when…


Konohamaru fell to the ground. Kankuro gripped his wrist and a small stone bounced on the street…

"What are you bastards doing in our village?" Sasuke inquired emotionlessly, tossing another stone in the air and catching it. Kankuro glared at him angrily while Temari blushed slightly. Konohamaru ran and hid behind Jade, his hands digging into her trousers for dear life.

"Sasuke." Aka smiled in relief.

"Ah… another guy who pisses me off…"

"Get lost…" Sasuke retorted demandingly

"I hate show off's like you the most…" Sasuke glared at him angrily, Kankuro then took his large wrapping off his back.


"Kankuro," an emotionless voice sounded from behind Sasuke. Everyone turned in the direction of the voice to find a red haired boy with large circles around his eyes standing on a branch upside down, a large gourd on his back, "Stop it. You're an embarrassment to our village."

"Ga… Gaara…" Kankuro stuttered. Sasuke, Jade, Naruto, Aka and Konohamaru were amazed at his sneakiness,

'That's Kakashi sensei's level of sneakiness…'

"Losing yourself in a fight. How pathetic. Why do you think we came to Leaf?"

"Lo-Look Gaara, they started it and-"

"Shut up or I'll kill you." The five genin from Konoha froze along with the two sand genin. The red head then let sand wrap around him, 'To be able to hit Kankuro with a stone… he's good…' He then disappeared and reappeared in between his siblings. "Looks like we're here too early, but we didn't come here to play around." The boy scolded,

"I know…" Kankuro stated, putting his hands up in case he pulled something.

"Let's go-"

"HEY! WAIT!" The boy turned to face Jade, "Judging from your headbands, you three are from the sand. You may be allies of the leaf, but it is forbidden for shinobis to enter each other's villages without permission." Jade stated, hands crossed firmly over her chest.

"State your purpose, depending on it; we may not be able to let you go." Aka finished, hands on her hips. The red head known as Gaara rose an eyebrow at Aka.

'Does she even know who she's up against?' Temari asked herself in worry. "Talk about clueless." She stated, reaching for her pocket to pull out a pass, "Don't you know anything? We are from the sand, we have come to your village to take part in the Chunnin exams."

"Chunnin exams?" Naruto asked, Aka raised one hand and hit him on the back of the head, keeping he other on her hip.

"You seriously don't think you become a Chunnin, or any other level of shinobi, without an exam DO YOU?" Aka yelled to Naruto, "Sigh… The Chunnin exams is were outstanding genin from Leaf, Sand, Water and other neighboring countries assemble to take an exam to become a Chunnin-"

"But why in one country?" Aka hit him again,

"I WAS GETTING THERE!" Aka then cleared her throat, "It is said to strengthen the relationship between nations and maintain a balance or power and-"

"HEY! KONOHAMARU! Do you think I should enter this Chunnin exam thing?" Aka was now fuming, she shot a death glare at Naruto. All the others, besides Naruto, noticed and the leaf genin took a step back, causing the sand siblings to raise an eyebrow in her direction. Jade then quickly hit Naruto on the back of the head to calm her down, "HEY! WHAT WAS THAT FOR ONEE-CHAN?" Jade gestured over to Aka, who was cracking her knuckles. Naruto quickly hid behind Jade and the said girl sighed.

"It's your own fault-" Jade stated calmly


"YOU BAKA! OF COURSE IT WAS!" Jade yelled back. The two quarreled while the others just sweat dropped at their childish behavior. Sasuke then appeared next to Aka, his hands in his pockets.

"Their compulsive arguments are, what, their second thing in common?" Aka inquired. Sasuke shrugged and the two turned to the sand trio. They were about to leave.

"Stop. What's your name?" Sasuke asked the red head. The three sand nin turned to him and the red head glared at him.

"Who, me?" Temari inquired, blushing.

"No. The one with the gourd." The red haired boy deepened his glare at the Uchiha.

"Gaara of the Desert." He paused, "I too am interested in your name."

"Uchiha Sasuke."

"And you?" Gaara gestured towards Aka,

"Sora Aka of the Sora clan." Gaara smirked slightly, Temari and Kankuro saw and widened their eyes in disbelief

'Uh oh… either Gaara has half a mind to kill her or half a mind to like her… I'm going with the first one…'

"I'll see you later…" Gaara said as he turned around and began walking away. Temari and Kankuro followed in suit. Sasuke narrowed his eyes in Gaara's direction while Aka shrugged and turned around. Jade, Aka, Naruto and Konohamaru began towards Ichiraku ramen while Sasuke stood there. Aka turned to Sasuke,

"Hey, you coming?"

"I'll be there in a minute."

"Ok." Aka shrugged and ran up to her friends. Sasuke turned to follow, then, threw a rock where Gaara once stood. Seeming satisfied, Sasuke smirked and followed the four to Ichiraku ramen. Once there, Jade remembers something...

"Hey, what happened to Moegi and Udon?" The other four shrug, meanwhile, in an alleyway two blocks away from Ichiraku ramen, two academy students had their eyes covered...





Sasuke: grrrrrrrrrr…

Me: SEE!

R&R Please