A/N: Urgh...School is about to start in two weeks (We only had 2 months of summer break . no fair!) I'm going have to be ready for 8th grade XP -Sigh- In a few months, I'm going to carry sugar babies that cost like 75 of my grade (-.-;) and watch health videos -shivers-

Anyways, I like to thank astarte lea for being my beta! XD


Naruto reached down to his right pocket and grabbed a set of keys. He opened his apartment door and quietly closed it. He takes off his shoes and rested his aching feet on the carpet floor. The blonde threw his keys on the kitchen table and walked towards his bedroom door.

Once he reached to the side of his twin size bed, he practically slammed his body onto the bed in exhaustion. 'Soooo tired.' Naruto thought. Naruto flipped over his body so that he was facing the white ceiling.

Naruto turned his head slightly to his left, and looked at his red alarm clock. '11:00 P.M' Naruto read. He felt his eyelids closing on their own and fells asleep.


'Where...am i?' Naruto thought curioustly as he look at the japanese room that he suddently appeared in. The room had sliding doors instead of regular pull and push doors. The places had painted pictures of what looked like from the Feudal Era. Most of them were of sakuras trees, but had blue color petals instead of pink. Also, it had dragons that looked like they were floating in the skies; they had a look of contentment and enjoyment in their eyes.

The most interesting painting that Naruto saw, was of a giant red fox that was looking down at a village. Naruto felt a shiver go down his spine as he saw the fox's eyes, filled with inasnity; as if it wanted to destroy the village. 'The person did one hell of a good job on these paintings.' Naruto thought.

The blonde heard the door behind him slide open and froze. 'Oh shit! I don't think I'm suppost to be here!' Naruto thought, his mind in panic. He quickly turned around and rubbed his head sheepishly.

"I'm sor-" Naruto started, but stopped.

There were two people, one of them looked like Kakashi, except he had black hair and showed both of his eyes. His right eye was black and the left was blood red. There was another man next to the look-alike Kakashi. He looked exactly like Naruto, except he had brown hair and his pupils were slightly slitted. Naruto snapped out of his trance. 'Naruto! Apologize already!' Naruto shouted in his thoughs.

"Look-" Naruto started again, but was interrupted.

"Rikuno, what did you wanted to talk to me about?" The look-alike Kakashi asked as he faced towards the look-alike Naruto.

"Wait a minute Tanaki-sensei." Rikuno said to the older man as he turned to close the open doors.

'Eh? Can't they see me?' Naruto thought as he walked up to Tanaki and raised his right hand to wave at Tanaki's masked face. Tanaki continued to look at Rikuno, ignoring the hand as if it didn't exist.

"Helllllloooooo?" Naruto stressed out, as he snapped his fingers in front of Tanaki's face.

Tanaki still ignored Naruto. 'Why can't he see me? Is this some sort of...oh man!' Naruto thought as he groaned. 'Don't tell me this is a dream. Anyway, might as well wake up.' Naruto thought as he raised his left arm and pinched his exposed skin.

Nothing happened

'What the hell?' Naruto thought as he continued to pinch his arm. Still, nothing happened. He was still in the room with a person who looked like Kakashi and the other who looked like him. 'Wake up!' Naruto shouted in his brain. He slapped his cheeks.

Still, nothing happened.

'What kind of dream is this?' Naruto thought, feeling fear surge throughout his body and mind. 'Is there an actual dream where you can't wake up from?' Naruto heard the doors behind him close. The blonde turned around.

"Hey-" Naruto started.

"What do you think about demons, Tanaki-sensei?" Rikuno asked, as he turned around and walked towards Tanaki.

Naruto's jaw opened in surprise as Rikuno passed through the blonde's body. 'What the fuck?' Naruto thought. 'Remember Naruto, this is a dream. You can get out of it. Right now though, might as well watch what happens next.' A small voice in the back of his mind said. Naruto sighed. 'Might as well anyway.' The blonde thought as he looked at the two in front of him.

"Well..."Tanaki trailed off, thinking of the question.

"I think of demons as a higher evolution than us. We can either adore them or despise them. But, almost all humans hold respect demons. Even if the demon is Kyuubi himself." Tanaki explained.

"Some demons also have respect for humans as well." Tanaki said.

Rikuno stayed silent for a few seconds.

"What do you think of a homosexual relationship between a human and a demon?" Rikuno asked.

"Well, I wouldn't really care of the same gender having a relationship. To me, their just having a normal relationship. The same goes for a human and demon relationship." Tanaki said.

Naruto saw a flash of hope in Rikuno's eyes, but it was gone as quickly as it came. 'Huh, must've been my imagination.' Naruto thought as he stood and listened to more of the conversation.

"Are you in a relationship with a human, Rikuno?" Tanaki said.

"N-No!" Rikuno said, his eyes slightly widened in surprise.

Tanaki looked at Rikuno, his eyes half-lidded in suspicion. Rikuno shifted his body slightly under the uncomfortable gaze.

"Really! I was just curious." Rikuno said.

Tanaki opened his mouth to speak, but was cut off by a voice.

"Rikuno-sama, Tanaki-sama. I am sorry for the interruption, but we have a problem." A deep, quiet voice said through the door at their left.

All three boys immediately looked at the door.

"What is the problem." Tanaki demanded.

"A small party is coming towards us. At first, we couldn't see if the party was neutral or hostile. After a watching them a few seconds later, the scouts confirmed that the people in the party were indeed from Kyuubi's army." The man stated.

Rikuno let out a curse under his breath as he opened the door. A man with dark sunglasses stood in front of the brunette. He was wearing a white trench coat that reached to his knees. The coat also had a high collar, which covered his lower face. He was also wearing brown slacks and had black hair.

'He looks familar...' Naruto thought, his eyes squinting fox-like in thought.

"Do you know which way is the party coming towards us, Aburame-san?" Rikuno asked.

'Aburame?' Naruto thought. A clicking sound at the back of his head, when he realized.

"Shino!" Naruto shouted with a surprised look on his face, his eyes wide like saucers as he stared at one of his close friends.

'This is really weird.' Naruto thought as he continued to stare at Shino. The Aburame nodded, not hearing the outburst from Naruto at all.

"Follow me." Shino said as he sprinted off into the halls.

Rikuno began to follow him, but was stopped when a hand grabbed his left arm. Rikuno turned to the person and looked into a pair of serious mismatched eyes.

"Well, talk about this later Rikuno." Tanaki said.

Rikuno nodded and ran out of the room. Tanaki quickly followed, and left Naruto alone in the room. 'Great, just great. Now what am I suppost to do?' Naruto thought. In the corner of his left eye, he saw something black seep into the left corner of the room. It quickly spread into the room, until half of the room was covered with darkness.

'What the-' Naruto's thoughts were cut off when the darkness came out from the ground and covered his feet. He felt something pull him under, as if something was trying to drag him into the darkness. Out of reaction and fear, Naruto struggled. The darkness pulled even harder at him. Soon, the darkness pulled him so hard, that Naruto's eyes only saw a flash of the paintings on the walls and then black.

-------------------------------------------------------------- End of Dream-----------------------------------------------------------

Naruto shot up from his bed panting hard, as if he ran five miles . Sweat formed around his forehead, as he clung to his blue blanket. Naruto took long deep breaths and closed his eyes. Only to snap his eyes back open once he saw darkness. After a few minutes, his panting ceased into calm, quiet breaths.

'That was one weird dream.' Naruto thought as he ran his right hand through his blonde hair. 'I never thought any of my friends would be in a serious dream.' Naruto chuckled at a dream he had where his friends were attacked by pink, rabid bunnies in a forest. All of them were running out of the forest with a high-pitched scream.

The blonde kept chuckling until he saw his clock. His eyes changed from happy to fear. 'Oh shit! It's 8:15 A.M. I'm late for school!.' Naruto thought as he franticly took off yesterday's clothes and changed into a pair of baggy camouflage pants and a black short sleeved t-shirt. He grabbed his navy blue backpack and rushed out of his apartment.

About fifteen minutes later, Naruto stood in front of his history class with his cheeks flushed and panting. 'Thankfully, my apartment is close to this school.' Naruto thought as he opened the door, hoping that the teacher wasn't there.

Fortunately, he wasn't. Naruto noticed his friends at the back and Kiba quickly waving at him to sit with them. Naruto was about to take a step when the door behind him opened.

"Naruto? Class already started. So, shouldn't you be at you seat?" A voice behind him said.

Naruto jumped slightly at the voice and turned around. The blonde met eyes with Kakashi.

"H-Hi, Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto said as he scratched the back of his head, grinning nervously.

"Eh! Your late!" Naruto said as he pointed to the clock on the wall.

"So are you." Kakashi said as his eye curved, making him look like he's smiling beneath the mask.

"But, aren't teachers suppose to be here earlier than students?" Naruto said shot back.

"Ahh, but you're wrong." Kakashi said replied.

"Huh?" Naruto mangaed intelligently as he blinked at Kakashi.

"Teachers can either be late or early." Kakashi stated.

"But-" Naruto started.

"Dobe, just sit down. Your wasting our time." Sasuke said as he glared at Naruto, clear annoyance in his eyes.

"I told you not to call me that, Teme!" Naruto said as he glared at Sasuke.

Kakashi watched in amusement as the rivals went into a glaring contest. A few seconds later, Naruto's glare faltered and Sasuke won. 'Cute.' Was the only word that described Naruto right now, at least, that's what Kakashi thought. After the losing the glaring contest, Naruto puffed up his cheeks into a childish, yet cute pout and walked towards his friends in the back.

"Now, open you books and turn to page 105. Read chapters 1 to 5." Kakashi instructed as he walked behind his desk and sat down.

"Oh and there will be a quiz about it tomorrow." Kakashi said, which recieved groans from some people.

"Aw man! It's not even the third day of school and we already have a quiz." Kiba groaned.

"I knew this was going to be a troublesome year." Shikamaru said as he crossed his arms on the desk and rested his head on his arms.

"You won't have to worry, Shikamaru. You can pass the quiz easily." Chouji said.

Shikamaru had an I.Q of over 200. He could've gone to college, but said it's too troublesome to study and talk to people older than him. Besides, he wanted to enjoy life and didn'tt want to leave his friends, no matter how troublesome they are.

"Nah, I'm going to skip the quiz and just sleep. Thinking about that troublesome quiz is annoying." Shikamaru said as he closed his eyes.

"Anyways, why were you late for school Blondie?" Kiba asked as he turned towards Naruto, who was at his left.

"I had a dream and over slept." Naruto simply said.

"Was it about us being attacked by pink bunnies again?" Kiba said.

"No. It was some kind of old fashion Japanese room, like from the Feudal Era. Two guys came into the room and talked about humans and demons." Naruto said, not saying that both the guys looked like Kakashi and him.

"Feudal Era? Humans and demons? Dude, you've been watching too much anime." Kiba joked.

"Yeah, maybe. Anyways, after a few minutes, a guy that looked like Shino walked through the door and said something about a guy named Kyuubi." Naruto said.

"Jeez, out of all of us, you had to dream about Buggy here." Kiba said as he pointed at Shino, who stayed silent.

"Naruto-kun, your dream talked about Kyuubi? THE Kyuubi?" Lee asked as he turned around and looked at Naruto.

"Yeah, I guess. Who's Kyuubi?" Naruto asked.

"Kyuubi was a powerful and evil fox demon in the Feudal Era." Lee explained.

"He conquered three fourths of the continents: Fire, Water, and Air; which left the only one continent: Earth. The leader of the Earth continent: The Rokudaime, prepared for the upcoming war with Kyuubi."

"The war, I believe, lasted about four hours. Until a half-demon sacrificed himself and charged into Kyuubi's stronghold. He used an unknown spell that exploded the center of the stronghold, where Kyuubi was at and perished." Lee finished.

Naruto blinked, trying to stuff the information into his brain.

"Well, nice talk about this Kyuubi dude, but it's not going to help us on the quiz. Since it's going to be about-" Kiba paused as he looked at the first page of chapter 1.

"'The Jomon Period.'" Kiba read.

"What's that?" Naruto asked, blinking in confusion.

"Don't know." Kiba shrugged.

Just then, the bell rang and everyone rushed out.


A/N: I finally typed a long chapter for this story: D Please Review!