A/N: So this if my first Furuba fanfic and it will be based on the pairings Yuki/Tohru and Kyo/Kagura. The most important thing I want to stress is that this is going to be a serious fic. Yes, there will be some funny, humorous parts, but as you will see… it will get darker each chapter. So if you're in the mood for this kind of fic, give this one a shot! I hope you like it! BTW, it is set after the Anime ends :) I really didn't read the manga hehe…

Inner Spirits

Chapter 1

The sun was shining and the air was cool with a scent of fresh rain. It had been a few weeks after the storm and the dramatic events that had taken place. Things seemed to be going well and everyone had a chance at a new beginning, but the past wasn't locked up and taken care of. Even though Tohru was folding the laundry with Kyo as if nothing had happened, the stillness after the storm was a bit unsettling. As she took a sheet off of the line, Kyo took the other ends and helped her fold it. He took the sheet and put in a nearby basket. Suddenly he turned around and his eyes widened as another white blanket went hurling straight at his face. Tohru giggled and ran to go take it off of his face.

"What the? Get this thing off of me!"

Tohru smiled angelically as she tried to untangle the sheet. Her loose hair flowed gracefully from side to side as she rushed to snatch the sheet before Kyo became any angrier.

"Hold on, stop moving! I've almost… got it!"

She stepped away from him and the sheet spread itself in between them on the soft green grass. Kyo's frown disappeared and he laughed slightly as he saw Tohru's cheerful grin. Suddenly, she opened her eyes as she heard footsteps in the distance. Kyo turned around quickly and then narrowed his gaze. Tohru dropped the sheet and waved.

"Yuki! You're home! Do you want to help us with the laundry?"

The quiet rat boy with his dark silver hair walked past the annoyed cat with a hint of animosity. But for some reason, the two of them let their emotions slip away. Ever since the day Tohru had gone to see Akito, everyone was a bit less hostile towards each other. Yuki stopped near the smiling girl and shook his head just a bit as he looked to the sheet on the ground.

"That is quite all right Miss Honda. I think that you and Kyo will be able to finish it up. I'm a bit tired, so I think I will head in and get some rest."

She nodded sympathetically and watched him tread towards the back door. When she heard the door slide shut, Tohru turned back to Kyo and her eyes widened. He had already folded the sheet and put it in the basket. She stepped nearer towards him and put a hand on his shoulder.

"You're getting better at this Kyo! You'll be a housekeeper in no time at all!"

Tohru laughed innocently and he looked at her with adoration. She was so much like an ignorant child; there was nothing that could stop her from being happy. So he smiled at her and the two of them continued to do the laundry. Yuki had made his way upstairs and he walked slowly over to his window. As he peered down to the backyard, he saw the wind rustling the sheets on the lines. Kyo and Tohru tried their best to keep the sheets from flying off into the tall trees. His eyes gazed over how happy their laughter was and he envied it with all of his heart. He could never be so carefree with her; it wasn't in his nature to let his true emotions slide out into the open. Yuki continued to observe the two of them and then when he saw that they were finished, he sighed. Both Kyo and Tohru had picked up a basket and started to make their way towards the house. For an instant their arms brushed, and inside, Yuki's heart flamed. Each time the two of them were that close, he flinched, but he hid his emotions well, as he had been trained to do all of his life.

Down below, Tohru finished laughing at Kyo's remark about how cats seem to never go away from him. Suddenly, she spotted a flicker upstairs in one of the rooms. A curtain had slowly swayed and she looked up puzzled. Kyo noticed and cocked his head so that his orange hair fell into his eyes.

"What's wrong?"

As if she was taken out of a daze, she turned towards Kyo and smiled once more.

"Nothing! Let's go inside and I'll make something to eat!"

He nodded and shrugged.

"Sounds good to me. I'm starving!"


"What? There's no food?" Kyo asked flabbergasted.

Tohru chuckled sheepishly and then stood upright with her hands at her hips.

"Well that just means I'll have to go to the market and get some more food!"

The kitchen door slid open and Shigure popped his head in cheerfully.

"Did someone say they were going to the market? I'm in the mood for a little trip!"

He walked in and saw Kyo leaning next to the fridge with his arms crossed. Tohru took her apron off and nodded.

"I did! Do you want to come with me Shigure?"

He ran his hands through his hair and nodded enthusiastically.

"All right then, you will be fine by yourself for a while right Kyo?"

Shigure elbowed the sulking figure and Kyo rolled his eyes.

"Of course I'll be fine by myself! Just hurry back will ya? I want to eat sometime today!"

Tohru walked over to the door and she opened it with a gentle shove. Shigure stepped out of the kitchen and shut the door. Kyo sighed deeply and then went to go lay outside idly. The sun shined down on him brilliantly, and soon enough he dozed off.


She slipped into the dreary house with her heart pounding in her chest. Kagura hadn't really talked with him that much, and if so, it wasn't about anything serious. When he had summoned her to meet him one on one, she didn't know what to think. But as each second passed by in the Sohma house, she grew more restless. As she turned the corner, she found the door to the main room and she slid it open carefully. Kagura sighed with extreme relief to see that he wasn't in the room yet. The door slid shut behind her, and she made her way to the center of the room. She sat down with her feet tucked under her legs, and began to twirl her hair in her fingers. After a few moments passed by, she jumped nervously, hearing a few noises outside. Her wide eyes gazed over towards the trees outside and it was then she realized the door to the courtyard was open. Suddenly, she bowed her head hurriedly and kept her eyes on the floor as his footsteps came closer to her. When the echoes stopped, she finally looked up and found herself staring into his dark cold eyes. Akito smiled as warmly as he could and then sat down in front of her. His loose robe hung on him as if he was a hanger and then he sighed as he stared off outdoors.

"Lovely day today, isn't it Kagura?"

She shivered slightly when he said her name and then she managed to smile, the tension inside of her building.

"Yes it is. May I ask to what I owe this visit?"

He turned on her sharply and lifted her hand to her chin. Akito grasped it tightly and pulled her head closer to him so that they were looking at each other on the same eye level. Kagura's breathing was quickening, but she tried to remain calm. He looked at her amused but then his smile vanished into thin air and he leered at her.

"I've heard about your silly little emotions for that estranged cat."

The sweat on her brows began to surface and she swallowed hard.

"What do you mean Akito?"

He let go of her chin and she sat back as straight as possible. Her mind began to race with thoughts and worries, but Akito took no notice, or that's what she thought.

"Don't play dumb with me. It's been going on for some time now and I am sick of your antics. Can't you see he doesn't feel the same way? He thinks you are worthless; the mere mention of you repulses him. You are wasting your life away. That damn cat will never return the affections you show for him. To him, you are invisible."

His sheer delicacy and harsh whispers bore deep down inside of her. Kagura took every word in; each time another attack came out of his mouth, she felt a blow to her heart. She couldn't take it any longer, and the pain seeped out of her heart, her tears spilled down her cheeks. All she could do was look at him; she couldn't move a single muscle and it seemed as if Akito had taken over her soul, causing it to rot in misery. The worst part about it though, was that he was right. He was undoubtedly right.

Akito saw the drops of water form two identical lines on her face. She sat unmoving and still, her sobs subdued and buried inside her entire body. At first he smirked, but then all of a sudden, he stood up and knelt beside her. His arms twisted around her thinly and he patted her back once.

"It's all right Kagura. You don't need him in your life. You can always turn to me."

She looked up at him to see that he was smiling, just like when he had entered the room.

"I'll always be here to guide you."


Shigure and Tohru were done with all of their grocery shopping and they went to the line to go pay. They were in a cheerful mood and then all of a sudden, they heard an exasperated sigh.


The couple in front of them left and a familiar face came into their view. His golden eyes lit up at once when he saw his two friends. Ayame leaned forward and Shigure laughed boisterously.

"Well if it isn't Shigure and Tohru! What a pleasant surprise!"

Tohru smiled and cocked her head to the side.

"It's so nice to see you too!"

Shigure frowned out of the blue and then Ayame questioned him.

"What's wrong my dear friend?"

"I'm just rather puzzled… why are you behind the counter working here? Did something happen to your store?"

Ayame sighed sadly and closed his eyes. He leaned his cheek on his hand and stared off into the distance.

"Oh yes, something terrible happened! I lost my passion for my beautiful costumes and I drastically decided to have a career change! Oh how awful it was, those lonely moments of gloom, but alas! I have come back and tried many new occupations, such as the one I am honored with now. I am now a simple and admirable cashier, who is given the honor of selling these priced goods to the hundreds of people who come my way!"

Tohru smiled and sighed happily. Ayame was always such a dramatic and humorous person. Shigure laughed heartily and put a hand on his friend's shoulder. Several beeps were heard and before they knew what had happened, Ayame was showing them their receipt.

"My my… you sure do have a talent for this Ayame!"

His light silver hair flowed as he turned his head towards Tohru.

"Yes, but as I look at you now dear, you look so dab in that outfit."

"Who? Me?"

Tohru looked at herself and noted that she was wearing a white short sleeve shirt and a simple carnation colored skirt.

"Oh, I think I have found my inspiration once again! Tohru, you are simply amazing!"

She waved her hand and shook her head while smiling.

"No, really, I'm not that great! You are the great one Ayame!"

Suddenly, he took off his uniform and stood in his plain sleek suit. He twirled out from behind the cashier area and then bowed to Tohru.

"I am through with this marvelous opportunity! Until next time all of you humble customers!"

There were many groans from behind the group as agitated customers shifted to the next line. Shigure put the money down on the counter and then pushed Ayame out of the door. Tears streamed down his cheeks as Ayame waved back hopelessly.

"I will miss you all dear people! Farewell!"

Tohru brimmed as the sun shined down on them.

"Oh Ayame! You are so funny!"

The three of them laughed together as they headed back home.


They walked through the woods joyously. Ayame and Shigure walked a bit behind Tohru but she didn't mind. Their careless laughter boomed throughout the foliage and Tohru smiled to herself. But as they were walking, she heard a light sob and her head turned left and right trying to figure out who it was and where that person was. She stopped abruptly and Shigure almost bumped into her.

"What's wrong Tohru?"

"Oh nothing. The two of you can go on without me. I just want to walk around for a bit."

Shigure eyed her suspiciously but nodded. Ayame's shrill voice could be heard as they marched off.

"Hurry back soon Tohru! We will miss you!"

Tohru smiled and waved but then set out to look for the person whose sob she heard once again. As she made her way through the woods, the trees began to thin out and then she stood at a clearing. The sobbing was at its loudest yet and then she knew why it sounded vaguely familiar. Tohru turned her head and she saw Kagura sitting on a rock, hugging her knees and crying. The breeze blew by calmly and lifted her hair out of her eyes. Kagura didn't even look up when Tohru sat down next to her, but she oddly felt a bit better because of the unknown person's presence.

"Kagura? What are you doing out here by yourself?"

She looked up and saw that Tohru was looking at her with a small smile. For some reason, being near the loveable, kind girl made Kagura feel better, although then she remembered what had happened about two weeks ago. Sadness overwhelmed her heart to know that Kyo didn't care about a stupid boar like herself, especially when he had Tohru Honda to be with. Her sobs came back and Kagura looked away. Tohru put her arm around the crying girl's shoulders and reassured her.

"Do you want to talk about it? That always makes me feel better. What happened?"

Kagura stood up sharply and pointed at her furiously.

"It's you! You're the problem! Ever since you showed up, Kyo has done nothing but ignore me! That day, remember? When it rained and he transformed? I told him that I accepted it, but he didn't care what I thought of him, he only cared about you! And then I stood upstairs, looking down through the window as you ran off after him. Don't you care about other people's feelings Tohru? It's not fair… it's not… fair…"

She broke down again and fell down on the ground with her legs bent. Tohru sat there gaping at the girl. It never crossed her mind that Kagura could have felt that way. She always seemed like such a strong individual, she was never weak and torn apart like this. Tohru stood up slowly and went to Kagura. Her whisper was carried along the wind softly and it reached Kagura's ears with a much yearned softness.

"I'm sorry Kagura, I never meant for Kyo to do that to you. But I'm surprised you are acting like this… I've never seen you cry before."

She looked up at her and then sighed, the tears ceasing to flow.

"I know, I haven't really cried, ever. But since I talked to him…"

Tohru looked at her curiously.

"Talked to who?"

Kagura closed her eyes and wiped away at her cheeks.

"I talked to Akito today. He told me that Kyo thought I was worthless and that he hated me."

Tohru stood up instantly with her fists in the air.

"I can't believe he told you that! That is so mean of him! Don't listen to that nonsense Kagura! Kyo doesn't hate you!"

She stood up slowly and managed to smile.

"Tohru, you know it's true. He always runs away from me and then he can't stand to be near me. When he does stay, it's because of pity."

Tohru looked at the ground and Kagura laughed.

"See! You know it's true! This is so unfair! I care about him so much and he doesn't…"

She looked up at Kagura and an idea sparked in her brain.

"Kagura, how would you like it if I helped get Kyo to notice you?"

Her eyes brimmed with happiness when she heard the words come out of Tohru's mouth.

"Really? You would do that?"

"Of course! You're my friend and I want to help you!"

Kagura leapt at Tohru and hugged her fiercely.

"Thank you so much Tohru. You're the best!"

She smiled and nodded.

"Okay, then listen up! We are going to go back to the house, and when we get inside, don't talk to Kyo and don't go near him."

Kagura's mouth dropped open and she threw her arms in the air.

"What? Why would I do that? I don't even know if I can do it!"

"Kagura, you said you wanted Kyo to notice you, correct?"

She nodded her head and listened silently.

"And you trust me, so do as I say, and I will guarantee that Kyo will notice you a lot more!"

Tohru winked at her and then linked her arm with Kagura's arm. The two of them walked through the woods and back towards the house. Kagura looked on eagerly, full of hope.


Kyo woke up sometime later and then walked into the kitchen lazily. He scratched his head and opened the fridge to see that it was still empty. He jumped back and put his hands to his head.

"What? They aren't back yet? I can't believe it! Do they want to starve me or something?"

Suddenly, the kitchen door opened and Kyo rolled his eyes.

"Not you! I thought you were Tohru with the food!"

Yuki cocked his head and went to go sit down at the table.

"I really don't understand how you could have thought that I resemble a cheerful girl like Tohru."

Kyo stepped towards him with his fists clenched.

"Are you trying to make fun of me? You want to start something wise guy?"

It was at that moment that the door opened once again, but instead of Tohru, Shigure stepped inside.

"Finally! Could you two have taken any longer?"

Kyo took the bags away from Shigure greedily and he merely laughed. His laughter was echoed by another, which was livelier, and it was louder as well. Yuki's head turned sharply and his mouth dropped when he saw that his brother followed Shigure inside of the kitchen. Ayame danced inside cheerfully when he saw his young brother look away.

"Oh Yuki! My dear brother! I come here once again and hope that our bond can be deepened!"

He stood up abruptly and pushed his chair aside. Yuki passed his elder brother swiftly and walked out of the room. Ayame stuttered when the door slammed shut.

"My dear Yuki! Something is wrong with him! I must go and find out what it is!"

And with that, Ayame was out of the kitchen with a bounce. Kyo was already eating something and he shook his head.

"Those two are really different."

Shigure laughed and began to put away the groceries.

"So you can tell?"

Just then, the kitchen door opened for about the tenth time that day.

"We're back!"

Tohru's voice was melodious and Kyo smiled when he saw her. Shigure turned around and then peered behind her shoulder.

"Who's that there?"

When Kagura stepped into the light, Kyo jumped away instantly. She closed her eyes and tried to contain herself.

"Kagura! It's so nice to see you again!"

She opened them and smiled at Shigure.

"Hi… I hope you don't mind… is it okay if I stay here for a couple of days?"

Kyo's mouth twitched and his heart began to race. There was no way that crazy woman was going to jump all over him again for a couple of days! But after a few moments, he didn't feel his head throbbing, or his body being pummeled to the ground. He grew confused and then startled when he realized that Kagura wasn't even inching towards him at all. In fact, she hadn't even spoken to him. Tohru saw the new dawning of knowledge in Kyo's face and she smiled.

"Of course you can stay Kagura! I put all the groceries away Tohru."

"Great! Kagura and I will make dinner!"

She took her by the arm and led her to the fridge. Shigure stretched his arms out and then scratched the back of his neck.

"Well then, I guess I'm going to go read. Will you call me when dinner is ready?"

Kagura looked back at Shigure and smiled broadly.

"We will!"

The door opened and shut. Kyo stood near the corner like a statue. He observed the two of them and then came to the conclusion that Tohru must have hit Kagura over the head and she had lost her memory temporarily. The first thing Kyo needed to do was get out of the kitchen before she regained it, but then again, it was so amazing to just be in the same room as her and not receive a mauling from her. But the choice was clear, and he snuck out of the kitchen as fast as possible. Even though he was light on his feet, and he had closed the door very quietly, Kagura heard him move and she let out a big sigh of frustration.

"I can't do this Tohru! It's too hard to pretend like he's not there!"

"But you have to! Trust me… after a few days, he will be the one who goes up to you."

Kagura smiled and then went over to the sink.

"I'm going to wash all of these for you because you are so nice!"

She put her fist in the air and then began to scrub at all the dirty plates. Tohru just smiled and started to prepare dinner.


Ayame found his brother in no time at all. Yuki saw him following him into the forest and he growled furiously.

"Can you please stay away from me? I really am in no mood to talk to you right now."

"But Yuki! I'm your brother! Please tell me why you are so upset! I want to help!"

He turned on his heel and then pointed a finger at his older brother's chest.

"You want to help? You are crazy and eccentric! Ayame, you are never serious and have never once suffered the way I do!"

Ayame stepped back astonished at Yuki's commanding yells. He had never seen him act that way. He looked away and then the playful smile vanished. Yuki looked at him, his gaze softened a bit.

"I'm sorry. I guess I have never really been serious. You are right."

The sun was beginning to set and the red-orange colors swept through the top of the trees.

"I just want you to know that even though I seem a bit bizarre at times, I do mean the best for you. I'm always here for you, even though I wasn't when you were younger."

Yuki hung his head and then his voice became a hushed whisper.

"Do you think that she will like me as she likes him?"

Ayame turned his head towards his younger brother and he heard the sadness in his voice.

"I don't know who you possibly could be talking about, but if a girl didn't like my younger brother, it would be a personal attack on me! So I won't have any of this talk, do you hear? There's no way that a girl wouldn't like you Yuki! It's just not humanely possible!"

Yuki lifted his head and for the first time, he chuckled while in the presence of his older brother.

"There now! That's the Yuki I want to see! How about we go back and see if dinner is ready? Tohru bought some delicious food you know!"


The kitchen was filled with a warm smell of fish and Kyo couldn't wait any longer. He and Shigure were already sitting down at the table in the dinning room. The door opened, but it was Ayame and Yuki that came inside.

"You two? Where's the food! This day has been completely unbearable."

The four men sat in silence as Ayame drummed his fingers on the table. Suddenly, they all jerked up when the door opened. Tohru came in first with a tray of fish that steamed its warmth up into the air.

"Who wants some fish for dinner?"

Yuki rolled his eyes and sighed. But he couldn't complain because it was food after all. Kyo sat up straight and licked his lips.

"Finally! Some good food!"

Suddenly, Kagura came in with another tray and his smile froze in midair. He looked away quickly and Kagura managed to keep her cool. She set the food down on the table and then sat next to Tohru. Kyo was all the way on the other side at the other end and she couldn't really see him. Tohru kept talking with her and she became distracted easily. As Kyo ate, he kept eying Kagura intensely. Something was seriously wrong if she had not even said a word to him all day and all night. They all finished dinner and no fight had ensued between anyone. Tohru and Kagura gladly cleaned up the dishes and with a bit of elbow grease, they managed to finish rapidly. The two girls walked upstairs and Tohru showed Kagura to an unoccupied room.

"Here you go. I hope you sleep well tonight!"

As she was about to close the door, Kagura put her hand on Tohru's arm and smiled.

"Thank you so much for everything Tohru. I really appreciate your help."

"No problem! Just stay strong and stick with it! Have a good night!"

Tohru closed the door and then walked down the hall to her own room. Once she closed the door, she fell onto her bed with a sigh. Her eyes opened when she felt something underneath her back. She sat up and then saw a note crumpled up on her bed. She took the paper into her hands and then walked over to the window to get some light. Outside, a bird chirped and then fluttered away. Tohru seemed confused but unfolded the note and read it.


I must meet with you again to discuss urgent matters. I will meet you tomorrow morning, just after dawn at the Sohma residence. Tell no one of this note or of what I ask of you.


She read the note about five more times until she accepted its validity. It was indeed a note from Akito and then she crumpled it up. First he had talked to Kagura, and now he wanted to talk to her. She had no idea what he had in store for her but she knew that she wouldn't let him get to her.

"I will tell him what I think of his little talk with Kagura! He has no right to treat her like that."

Tohru slipped into bed and lay awake with her eyes wandering towards the white moon in the dark sky. Something was nagging at her, maybe it was because he wanted her to keep it a secret, but it made sense too. If she told the rest of the family, they wouldn't let her go without them to escort… just like last time. Perhaps he had unfinished matters to discuss with her, matters that couldn't be spoken of in front of other Sohmas. As her eyes began to droop and as she yawned, she hoped that it was only that.

A/N: Okay, so that is the first chapter… I don't know how long this will be maybe around 8-10 chapters… I don't think much longer than that. I hope this chapter was good… I really don't have that much experience writing a fic ….a true anime based fic :) I hope most of it was in character… I know that some of it probably wasn't like Kagura… YES, I know she would never be like this… but I believe that something changed inside of her after that last episode… so that is why I'm going to have her act like this ….

So I really hope that you liked it… and the next chapters will be better! I promise! Thanks for reading and have an awesome day!
