Title: Split

Disclaimer: I don't own Supernatural, or Sam and Dean. If I did, there would A LOT more Dean angst, trust me :)

Summary: In an explosion caused by a nutjob in a hospital, Dean is split into 2 personalities, good and evil. Now Sam's stuck trying to deal with them both, and ends up finding out a thing or two about his brother. A sequel's currently in the works.

The little blonde nurse ran through the halls, checking on each of her patients. Most were sound asleep, some were watching TV, and still others just glared at her with contempt. She had never liked working in the psych ward.

Millie finished her final round of the day, smiling as she passed the small office at the end of the hall.

Her coworkers watched her bustle about, trying to gather all of her things before heading home.

"Millie, Hun," the head nurse began calmly, "did you check on Peter?"

Millie sighed. "No, I forgot. But what can he do, Dee? He's tied to his bed."

"You know he likes you, Mil. Wants to say good-bye to you before you leave each day. Just go see the boy."

"Fine," Millie conceded, "I'll go see him."

Peter Hemming was her least favorite patient. He was a thirty-something year old with a multiple personality disorder. Good Peter liked her, evil Peter threatened her. Just the thought of him, so deranged, made Millie sick to her stomach.

"Hey, Peter," she whispered, sticking her head into the room, "you awake?"

He turned to her, smirking evilly, "I'm gonna kill you," he hissed viciously.

Millie shook her head and turned to leave the room just as Peter tossed a lit match towards the tank of oxygen that was keeping his roommate alive. The hospital was engulfed in fire.

Sam Winchester woke up screaming, cold sweat running in rivers down his face, chest and back.

"What now?" Dean asked, slightly perturbed. He loved his little brother to death, but when the guy's psychic dreams woke them both up at one a.m., well, that was a different story.

"Hospital fire," Sam muttered, wiping his brow, trying to recall every detail of the dream.

"Our kind of thing?"

"If I'm having a dream about it, it probably is," he replied, panting.

Dean sighed. "Any idea where?"

"I think it was somewhere in Montana. There was a patient that threw a match into his roommate's oxygen tank."

"So we're dealing with a genius," Dean replied sarcastically, "awesome."

"It was in a psych ward. Maybe something's haunting the guy. His name was Peter Hemming, I think."

"We'll Google him tomorrow," Dean said, laying back down and closing his eyes.

"We're going to Montana, Dean," Sam insisted, "and we're going tonight." His older brother moaned and pulled himself out of the motel's soft bed, scratching his head.

"Whatever. You Google, I'll drive."

So, any comments? Reviews? Please, I'm seriously desperate for approval here, people!