Wow. So I know most of you think I'm a douche right now, for waiting so long. Has it really been a year already? Gah. It seems like just yesterday.... Alright, so no it doesn't, but w/e. I really just had no interest in writing this story anymore. And I don't know why, because it was my most popular one. But anyway, this is the end.

"Alright. Now you promise you won't be so long to come visit again?" Olivia asked as she hugged me.

"I promise." I replied.

"And I'll hold her to it. You guys were way too cool to not come see again." Bam replied, grabbing me by the waist and pulling me into him.

I smiled up at him before saying goodbye to the rest of my friends. I was so thankful that they weren't mad at me or anything about leaving. Blake had pulled me aside for a few minutes, where we ended up in the hallway, talking about how I had left that night. He didn't yell, but he used the "disappointed" voice that parents use. I almost wanted him to yell, scream, or something. But we resolved our issues and everything was cool between us all now. It felt like a 20 pound weight had been lifted off my chest.

They had stayed at our hotel over the weekend, and all we did was catch up and hang out. It was the most fun I'd ever had, my old family and my new family coming together and becoming my complete family. I'd even called my parents and my sister, talking to them for an hour or so, and promising to stop in and see them on our way back to Pennsylvania. There was just one thing that I still needed to do.

"Hey, I'm going to take the van for a little while. I'll be back before it's time to head off." I called out as I grabbed the keys.

"Where you going?" Bam asked, sticking his head out from the bedroom.

"No where important." I smiled, going over to give him a quick peck on the lips before walking out the door.

I took the elevator to the lobby and walked out to the parking lot, looking around for the van. I finally found it and got in, pulling out my iPod and hooking it up to the stereo. I turned it to Band Of Horses and the sounds of "The Funeral" played softly out of the speakers. I started the van and headed out.

After 20 minutes of being stuck in traffic, I finally reached my destination. I turned the van off and climbed out. As I made my way through the gates, "The Funeral" was still playing in mind. I couldn't help but think it sort of fit my mood right now.

I finally reached the place I was looking for and leaned down. I ran my hand across the stone, the words almost burning but I didn't remove my hand.


BORN APRIL 16, 1986

DIED MARCH 26, 2001

"Hey Mike. It's me, Scout. I know I haven't been to see you since you've been here, and I'm really sorry about that. I've just been scared. I know I had no reason to be, but I was. But I got over that. I've been to see all the guys. I missed them so much. You have no idea. But you know I've missed you more. I still can't believe you're gone. And I can't believe I tried to make myself forget you. That was selfish of me, and I'm so so sorry. But I know that you're up in Heaven, and I hope that you will forgive me. But anyway, I guess let me tell you what I've been up to these past few years."

And I managed to recount my past three years, up to today. I sat for about 45 minutes, just talking and sitting in the sun. It was really peaceful and as I stood up to go back to the hotel, I felt the last ten pounds lift off of my chest. I felt better than I had in three years.

I skipped back to the van and hopped in. I picked up my iPod and looked through my music. I put on The Monkees and happily sang along to their upbeat and poppy tunes, feeling the mood. I got to the hotel and hopped out of the van, smiling the whole time.

I ran up the stairs and burst into the hotel room. Glomb and Raab both looked up, startled.

"Hey guys!" I laughed, running over and kissing both of them on the cheek.

Their shocked faces followed me as I ran into the bedroom.

Bam looked up from packing and smiled at me.

"Hey. Take care of everything?" he asked me as I barreled into his chest.

"Yup." I said, snuggling into him.

"You seem extremely happy." He looked down at me.

"I am. I've faced my past, faced my mistakes, and overcame them. I feel so much better than I have in three years." I smiled up at him.

He just smiled and leaned in to kiss me.

"I'm really glad to have you in my life. Seriously. Like, I don't think I could have ever come back here had it not been for you. So I want to thank you, Brandon Margera, for saving my life."

Alright, so I know this is the worst ending ever, but I figured I owed it to you to at least give you something. What inspired me to do this? A rerun of Viva La Bam earlier. Would you believe that I had actually kind of forgotten about this one? Well, I'm sure you're not surprised, as it's been over a YEAR. Yeah, I really am sorry about that.