Yumi Ishiyama woke up the way she hated the most. The alarm clock. Reaching over she pressed snooze and then rested her head against her pillow and hoped the nine minute snooze would be enough. It wasn't, she hit snooze again. The third time it went off, someone else in the bed turned it off.

" Yumi, three times," her fiancé said to her. Yumi then rolled over to look at him, then looked at the ring on her finger. Last night he proposed, and she said yes. They had been dating for nearly a year, and living with each other for two months, so he figured it was the right time.

" So what, I like the snooze button," Yumi said with humor in her voice.

" Yeah, but your boss doesn't," he said to her. Yumi had slept in a few times and because of that she was on thin ice with her boss. Though she was only ten minutes late most times, he had threatened to fire her. Yumi knew that was actually very unlikely, because she was a valued employee, and very seductive.

" What are you going to do if you sleep in again?" He asked her.

" Wear a skirt," she said to him. They both smiled then kissed. " Then get him coffee, drop the cream pack and slowly pick it up. Trust me, he's not firing me anytime soon."

" Ever feel guilty that's how you keep your job. Teasing your boss," He said to her. Yumi thought about it for a second.

" You do the same thing," Yumi said to him, his boss being a woman attracted to charming hansom men.

" Fair enough," he answered then slid his feet off the bed. " I'll be in the shower. Could you get the coffee ready?"

" Yeah, then I might join you," Yumi said to him. They both smiled, kissed again, then went to their tasks. Yumi walked through the apartment and walked into the hallway. The apartment was decent, but once they got married in a few months like they hoped, they'd move to a more suitable place to raise a family.

Yumi walked out the hall and into the living room which wasn't too messy but when you walk in you say, " I need to clean this," then forget five minutes later. Opening the cabinet above the coffee maker Yumi filled a filter with the ground coffee and then poured the water in. Turning it on she then thought about joining her fiancé in the shower. She usually didn't, but since they were engaged now, it would be nice to have fun.

As the coffee pot began to fill with the addicting drink not suitable for children, Yumi walked back to the bedroom then looked in the bathroom were he had purposely left the door open. Walking into the bathroom she closed and locked the door behind her. Even if she knew no one could possibly walk in on her, she'd still locked the door. Made her feel better in a way.

Pulling the glass door to the shower open she looked at him with water dripping down his hair and slithering down his body. She had to admit he looked good wet. Stepping closer to him she allowed him to grab the bottom of her shirt and pull it up and off her body. She never slept with a bra on so that was one step out of the way already. Placing her thumbs on the waistband of her pajama pants and panties she slipped then both off them stepped into the water with him.

Half an hour later they were in the kitchen at the small table eating breakfast. Yumi's fiancé had his reading glasses on and was reading the newspaper. Yumi knew traffic would be hell and because of how long the shower was she knew she'd be late. Thus why she wore the skirt.

" I should just buy as many skirts as I can then come into work when ever I want," Yumi said to him.

" Knowing your boss you'd get away with it," He said not looking up from the paper. Yumi smiled. Even if he was reading he was still aware.

Yumi looked at the clock. Seven a.m. Monday. She knew she'd hit rush hour getting out of the complex. Five minutes just to get to the next block. Five to get on the ramp to get downtown, and twenty to get to the parking lot outside of her building. Work starts at Seven thirty, so it'd be a close call.

" I need to go," Yumi said to him then grabbed her keys placed on the key rack next to the notepad on the wall for phone numbers. She kissed him then walked out the door of the apartment. Twenty seconds later she came back in.

" Wrong keys?" He asked like it was routine.

" Shut up," she said then grabbed her keys. She placed his back on the rack then left again.

Traffic was worse than she thought it'd be, so ended up in her building twenty minutes late. Yumi looked down the hall then quickly and quietly made for her office. No one was in the hall, everyone already at their computers typing away their lives.

Yumi opened her off door and stepped in. Placing her coat on her coat rack she walked in.

" Your late," a mans voice said from behind her. Yumi jumped and dropped her purse on the ground.

" Jesus christ!" Yumi shouted from the shock. Her boss, Mr. Panagopolis was standing behind the door waiting for her.

" Twenty minutes today," he said to her.

" I know, traffic was hell," she said to him.

" How do you think I got here. Helicopter?" He asked sarcastically. He had a point. " Now give me a good excuse today or..." he began to say before he noticed something. The skirt.

" Sir?" Yumi asked with a small smile, because she knew why he stopped talking. Mr. P looked up from Yumi's legs to her face.

" Any particular reason you took an extra ten minutes at home?" he asked. Yumi smile the held out her left hand.

" My boyfriend proposed," she said to him. He walked across the room then held her hand to take a better look at the ring.

" Nice. Is he rich or something?" Mr. P asked.

" Well, a little actually. His father is, but he has his own job and didn't take his father's company, but I think he opened his trust fund for this one," she said, also impressed by the ring.

" I'll let you off the hook if you show a new employee around. He's new, just started, but isn't too uninformed about his job." Yumi thought about that. It was worth it.

" Alright fine, send him by anytime," she said then sat at her desk and looked through the papers placed there by her secretary. Mr. P left a moment later. " Pervert," Yumi said under her breath. Yumi was the youngest executive at the age of twenty six in her company that made slogans, and ad campaigns for any company that needed advertisement, at a price that was possibly a little too high, but necessary non the less. She wanted to keep her job, so put up with her boss.

" Ms. Ishiyama," the secretary over the intercom said to her " The employee from Mr. P is here."

"Send him in," Yumi said then ended the intercom. Her phone on her desk rang and she answered it. " Yumi Ishiyama, Billboard advertising."

" That's how they make you answer the phone," Her fiancé said on the other side of the line.

" Sadly," she answered. " Can I help you?"

" Just wondering what are we doing tonight. I was thinking we could go to my parents house to tell them the news," He said to her.

" Sounds alright," Yumi said to him. A knock came at her door. Yumi placed her palm over the receiver and said, " Come in...I'll see you when I get off. Love you...now what's your name Mr...Ulrich?"