Call Me Lightening

By: Fate's Bitch

Summary: So this is my version of how Jackie and Hyde got together, but it doesn't happen in season 5. This is what would have happened if Hyde hadn't pushed Jackie away in Kelso's Serenade.

Disclaimer: I am a broke college student. I own nothing.

A/N: The title is from a song by The Who.

Jackie sat on the laundry machine while Hyde folded his clothes.

Jackie : You know it's weird, I though that after me and Michael broke up I wouldn't want to hang out here anymore.

Hyde : Yup, that's what we're hoping.

Jackie : But I think if I left you'd really miss me. Right?

Hyde : (coughs) Umm I umm suppose that, you know it's important when you have uh a bad breakup that you uh have friends to uh sympathetic uh stuff umm support and uhh I don't know.

Jackie : Right, so let's go to the mall.

Hyde : No uh I meant friends like Donna or not me. (He walks into his room and Jackie follows)

Jackie: But I noticed you're alone a lot and I'm alone a lot, so let's be alone together. (offscreen) Look, we're alone right now.

(Hyde walks out of his room and Jackie follows)

Hyde: That's not really a very good reason for us to...

Jackie : Wait. Let's go to Sizzler. They've got a salad bar, it's all you can eat plus five different colors of Jello. I'll buy.

Hyde : You've been through a rough time, let's go.

After the two ate, Jackie convinced, well dragged Hyde to the mall.

I can't believe I'm at the mall. With Jackie of all people! Hyde thought to himself.

After a mind-numbing three hours the two sat in Jackie's car.

Jackie: Hyde, those boots look really nice on you.

Hyde : You know Jackie, you buying me boots was just wrong, should've let me shoplift them.

Jackie: No Hyde, I want you to have them. Besides, I'm saving a fortune now that I don't have to feed and clothe Michael.

Hyde: Well, if you insist.

Jackie : I do. So I was thinking tomorrow night we should you know….

Hyde : Whoa, whoa, whoa, ok alright come on now Jackie, this was a one time only thing alright? And if you're trying to bribe me with these boots you can just take them back.

Jackie: I see.

Hyde : Oh what are you going to do now, cry? (Jackie looks like she's about to cry) Oh man, you're crying . (Hyde moves to comfort her ) Hey Jackie, come on man, it's going to be fine ok? (He moves hair back from her face) This whole thing is going to be fine alright?

(Jackie leans in and kisses him, slowly at first but it turns passionate. Hyde pulls back and looks at her. )

Hyde: Jackie what are you doing?

Jackie: You know what I'm doing Steven.

(She looks at him lustfully)

Hyde: Jackie two seconds ago you were crying over Kelso. What the hell?

Jackie: Steven I wasn't crying over Kelso.

Hyde: Oh really? (His tone is disbelieving.) Then what were you crying about?

Jackie: (Looking down) You. (She says with a smile voice.)

Hyde: (A look of shock is on his face.) Why?

Jackie: Isn't obvious Steven? I like you. I really like you. I have for a long time. That's half the reason I stayed with Michael for so long.

(Hyde looks completely shocked.)

Jackie: I knew about him and Laurie a long time ago. I'm not stupid Hyde. Or blind. I found about the same day you did. I saw the two of them get in his van.

Hyde: You knew? (He is getting pissed and his voice gets harder.) You knew the whole fucking time? (He looks up at her and sees how upset she is and his voice softens.) Why did you stay with him? Why put yourself through that?

Jackie: I wanted to be around you. I didn't think that I had a chance with you, and I was with Michael and I knew you wouldn't do anything to betray him. (She looked at him through her lashes.) The Laurie thing didn't hurt me Steven, except my pride.

Hyde: Oh. (That was all he could manage to say.)

Jackie: Steven. Am I ugly?

Hyde: What? (He questioned in disbelief.)

Jackie: Well Michael cheated on me with Laurie. I mean, it wasn't a real relationship but I mean she's a whore. And you don't want me either. (She looked down and she starts to cry again.)

Hyde: Jacks come on. Stop crying. Please. Jackie. (Yelling.) I don't hate you.

Jackie: (Looks at him surprised.) You don't?

Hyde: No. I don't hate you. You annoy the hell out of me, but you're hot and not a skankoid, so plus. (With a smirk on his face.) You're pretty good kisser too.

Jackie: (smiling) You think I'm hot?

Hyde: Shut your pie-hole!

Hyde grabs her and starts kissing her again. She squeaks and then moans into his mouth when his tongue entered her mouth massaging hers. She put her arms around his neck, pulling him closer to her mouth. She grinded herself into him, and Hyde groaned. After a few minutes the two pulled apart. Jackie rested her head against Hyde's forehead, as their breathing returned to normal.

Jackie: So, now what?

Hyde: I'm not opposed to doing it.

Jackie: (Brings her head up to glare at him.) Steven!

Hyde: You were straddling me. (Jackie blushed at his comment.) I'm 17! What do you expect?

Jackie: I'm not doing it with you until we go out on a date and you call me you're girlfriend.

Hyde: I don't have girlfriends Jackie.

Jackie: (Whiny) Steven.

Hyde: Jackie no.

Jackie smirked up at him, and grinded herself on his hard-denim covered sex.

Jackie: (seductively) Steven, you know you want to be with me. (She kisses his neck.) I want you so bad baby.

Hyde: (moaning) Jackie. (She grinds down on him harder.) Shit. Fine, I'll be your damn boyfriend.

Jackie: (Stops her movement and smiles.) Steven!

She leans and kisses him again. Several minutes pass.

Hyde: Jackie, we need to go somewhere else. (Forcefully) Now!

Jackie: (With a smirk.) Let's go to your room.

Hyde: Everyone is there Jackie. (With a smirk on his face) Let's go doll.