DISCLAIMER: I own nothing!

Chapter 1 (Edward POV)

"What if I told you it was all meant to be? Would you believe me? Would you agree?"

"ALICE STOP SINGING THAT SONG! I WILL NOT CHANGE BELLA!" I yelled down the hall. I knew I didn't need to yell to be heard but she was getting on my nerves. She had even stopped letting me see her visions of me changing Bella so I didn't know when or where I would be temped. She had picked up this trick for getting me out of her head. Let's just say I had trouble being around Jasper for a while. Every once in a while I'd push past those disturbing images and find the ones about Bella. All of them showed her either dead at a young age or a vampire. Why is fate so cruel?

I looked over at my pointless wall clock to see how much longer I had to go without seeing my Bella. I happily noticed it said 2:45, only 15 more minutes! A sunny day kept me at home and Bella was in school. She said she'd drive over right after the bell but I was going to meet her anyway. I pulled on a long sweater and a baseball cap then a pair of big sunglasses. I probably looked like a crazy blind person but I'm sure Bella would understand.

I looked at the clock and saw I had 10 minutes to get to the school. I might as well leave early. I ran out the door and cut through the woods surrounding the house. It would only be asking for trouble if I ran down the road. I may be fast but I'm not fast enough to escape notice. Arriving at the school with 5 minutes to spare, I quickly located Bella's senior citizen. I wish she'd let me buy her a new car. This one looked like it could died (or explode, knowing Bella) any day now. But she'd just ignore me. I may have to resort to desperate measures or 'cheating' as Bella so nicely puts it. I sat near the car lazily daydreaming about Bella, not really listening to the voices in my head until I heard her name mentioned. I focused in and growled. "Newton." How dare he even look at my Bella never mind think about her. He's thoughts were even worse!

"Bella... you're so pretty... Cullen doesn't deserve you... I'm so much better then him... I'd do anything for you..." Mike's annoying voice droned on. How dare he suggest he's better then me? And better for Bella? I don't think so! But his next thought caught me off guard. "That's it... Jessica isn't making her jealous... I'm breaking up with her... then I'll ask Bella out again!" I growled again. Not that I cared about Jessica, just the fact that Newton was only using her to get to Bella. I was so wrapped up in Mike's thoughts that I didn't realize the bell had rung until Bella was already in her death trap of a vehicle.

I scolded myself for not paying closer attention to my precious Bella and quickly ran human paced to her truck. I knocked on the passenger side window for her to unlock the passenger side door. She looked up surprised then smiled when she saw it was me. How I love her smile! It was brighter then a million... no a billion stars! I got in and she turned on the monster. The sound was deafening. She looked over at me as I grimaced. Then I leaned in and gave her a gentle kiss on the cheek where she immediately began to blush. How I loved her blush!

"I missed you"I said, but she couldn't hear me. I then had a brilliant idea. I tapped her on the shoulder and she looked over. "How about we go buy you a new car?" I asked with a smile on my face. She couldn't hear what I said but saw my smile so she smiled to and nodded; probably thinking I had said I missed her. She backed out of the parking spot and drove to my house. Before the car was completely stopped I was out the door and on her side of the truck. I helped carried her out and I ran over to help her into my car. Then I was on my side and hopping in. This had happened in the space of a minute and I could tell Bella was still trying to catch up with what just happened. I kissed her again, this time on her perfect lips, knowing the effect it had on her would keep her distracted for a little while longer. We were on the highway heading to Seattle by the time she could speak again.

"Edward, what was that for and where are we going?" Bella asked her curiosity getting the better of her.

"We're going to go where you agreed to go with me."I said simply trying not to laugh.

"And that would be?" she asked again.

"You'll see when we get there" I said and left it at that.

A/N: So, what do you guys think? Is it boring or should I continue? Well let me know! REVIEW, REVIEW, & REVIEW SOME MORE!