Title: Light

Summary: One brother becomes lost and does something terrible. He leaves his family to find salvation. Can he find his way home again?

A/N: This story is completed, though I can't promise I won't tinker on the way. That being said, I'll be updating this along with the other two until it's finished. And it isn't nearly as long as the other two.

Disclaimer: The Thunderbirds belong to other people, though the plotline is mine. And the line from the 3 Doors Down song "Landing in London" that is quoted belongs to the band and is off their CD "Seventeen Days"

I'll use your light to guide the way.

-3 Doors Down "Landing in London"

Chapter One: The Trap is Set

Virgil was in his studio, working on a painting with extreme concentration. But it was soon shattered.

"GORDON!" Scott's voice resounded throughout the house.

Virgil jumped, and the brush and palette hit the floor. He quickly cleaned up the mess, then stormed out the door to find Scott stalking Gordon on the patio.

"C'mon, Scott," Gordon said. "It was a joke!"

"Not a funny one," Scott replied.

"What the hell is going on?" Virgil asked.

"Ask him," Scott answered, pointing to Gordon.

"Scott can't take a joke," Gordon said. "It seems he misplaced his sense of humor."

And just when Scott was about to pounce on Gordon, the emergency alarm went off.

"Saved," Gordon breathed, quickly ducking around Scott.

"For now," Scott replied.

The three brothers ran into command & control to find Brains behind the desk with Tin-Tin and Jeff looking over his shoulders. Alan was already by his portrait.

"Mine collapse in the Czech Republic," Jeff stated. "Coordinates have already been downloaded. Virgil, you'll need the Mole for this."

"FAB," Virgil replied.

"Thunderbirds are go!" Jeff called; watching four of his sons disappear in their chutes. It was a relatively fast and uneventful flight to Eastern Europe for all on both Thunderbirds One and Two. John had updated them on their way, and Scott provided further updates once he had assessed the situation.

"Virgil, use the Mole to start digging an alternate route. The one we have isn't too stable. Alan and Gordon, you'll follow and set up supports to keep that route steady," Scott ordered.

"FAB," the three others said at once.

In the Mole, Virgil carefully and slowly made his way alongside the other mine. He came out on another side and drove back to Mobile Control. Once the Mole was safely stowed in Thunderbird Two, Virgil went into the mine and helped his brothers get people out.

After the first group of men were out, Alan stayed behind to provide assistance to the emergency care workers on hand. It was a few hours before things starting winding down. All four were tired, and Scott, Virgil, and Gordon all needed rest and a bath. Scott and Gordon were about to head over to Alan when they saw Virgil talking to the shift supervisor, and waited for their brother's report.

"The supervisor says there are still two people unaccounted for," Virgil reported, jogging over. "I'll head back in since he told me about where they'd be."

Scott nodded. "Get in there, get them, and get out. Call if you need any help."

"FAB," Virgil replied, then reentered the mine.

Scott and Gordon went over to help Alan while they waited for Virgil. But after half an hour and no word, Scott began to worry. And his worry only increased when Virgil didn't answer his communicator.

"Mobile Control to Thunderbird Five," Scott said, anxiety creeping into his voice.

"Thunderbird Five," John's calm voice replied.

"I need Virgil's GPS," Scott said. "I've been trying to contact him and he isn't answering."

It took a minute, but John was able to provide the GPS information. Since Gordon had taken a few hits from debris, he stayed outside while Alan went in with Scott. They made their way to the GPS coordinates, keeping an eye out for anything out of the ordinary. But once they reached the coordinates, they found nothing.

"John, are you sure about those coordinates?" Scott asked. "There's nothing here."

"I'm sure. I'm still reading that he's there," John answered.

Alan flashed the light around the area, and saw two things that disturbed him.

"Uh, Scott, we have a problem," Alan said.

He knelt down and brushed some dirt around. Then he left the light shining on the object so Scott could see it.

"Damn it!" Scott exclaimed.

"What is it?" John asked.

"Virgil's communicator…in quite a few pieces. And there's blood nearby too," Alan answered.

"John, call Dad and let him know what's happening," Scott said. "And fill Gordon in too. I want him to stay out there for now. I don't want him walking these mines alone. Alan and I are going to take a look around."

"Be careful!" John said before signing off.

"Look at this," Scott said after shining his own light around for a few seconds. He was kneeling on the ground, looking at something.

"What?" Alan asked, kneeling next to Scott.

"Drag lines," Scott answered heavily. "I think Virgil got knocked out and dragged away. C'mon, let's see where they took our brother."

They talked to John along the way, keeping him updated so that John could keep Jeff and Gordon updated.

"This goes into the tunnel that Virgil made when we got here," Alan pointed out, seeing the beams that he and Gordon had set up.

"Which means they probably took him out the exit he made too!" Scott deduced.

Both brothers broke out into a run, sprinting toward the opening they knew wasn't too far away. But they were met with nothing, only vehicle tracks.

"We following?" Alan asked.

"Not on foot," Scott answered. "Let's head back to Mobile Control and see what vehicles are around."

They raced to Mobile Control, and while Alan told Gordon the plan, Scott went and found a Jeep for them to use. Scott drove with Alan next to him, and Gordon stood in the back to keep an eye out. Scott easily found the vehicle's trail, but it soon ended once the dirt road met pavement.

"Now what?" Alan asked.

"We call Dad," Scott answered.

After a brief discussion with their father, the trio headed back to Mobile Control. Meanwhile, Jeff alerted the local authorities, who set up road blocks and checkpoints. Alan was the first one inside Thunderbird Two so he could get cleaned up and put on a fresh uniform. Then it was Gordon's turn, and then Scott's. Virgil had been missing for four hours with no trace.

At the six hour mark, Jeff recalled his sons. He wanted them back so that they could get some rest and then revisit the scene with fresh eyes. He also wanted the Thunderbird crafts back at base. The local authorities were investigating and promised to keep them in the loop.