From This Moment On – Chapter VIII

Note: So sorry for keeping you guys waiting! Here is the next chapter; a short but very important one. I hope you guys enjoy!

Disclaimer: I do not own Superman, though I wish I did.

Peter Kowalski was proud of his little syndicate he had running. They got some decent work, but nothing large enough to be dangerous. Peter liked the safe stuff like car theft, prostitution, and a little bit of drug dealing. Of course, danger was apart of the game and he knew it. However, this new job scared him. He couldn't have declined and pissed off the clients. That wouldn't have smoothed over nicely at all. He would just have to sit back and pray that they got through this special job in one piece.

He heard footsteps coming down the hallway.


"Come in." He told the door.

Rick, one of his best men, strode into the room and sat in a chair in front of Peter's desk.

"I hope you have good news for me, Rick. Davidson wants something good and juicy."

Rick shook his head, "Ain't happening, boss. For about two days now I've listened mostly to fucking silence. I've never been so bored in my life."

"What? They don't talk in their house?" Peter didn't like the sound of this.

"They ain't ever at home. When they are at home, all they talk about is work or that kid."

Peter leaned back into the chair. "Nothing of an intimate nature?"

"Nope…Pete, do you think they are on to us?"

Peter picked a cigar out of his cigar box and lit it. "Not sure, but this is interesting information, Rick. Sometimes silence is worse than dark secrets."

Rick looked confused, "What do ya mean, boss?"

"Nothing, Rick. Keep up surveillance and report back to me. I'm taking this info to Davidson. Hopefully, we've snagged something and we'll get a shiny penny for it."

Metropolis Federal Court Complex

Lt. Davidson had told the secretary on his way out that he was going to lunch. It wasn't a complete lie since he really would eat lunch on his way back. This morning he received a call with interesting news that he needed to report immediately.

Davidson was quickly and discreetly escorted into Parker's office. He noted the luxurious office with a tinge of envy. 'Twenty years on the force and I'm still stuck in a cubicle.'

Judge Parker strode into five minutes later and shut the door. "I hope you have news."

Davidson nodded and smiled, "Yes, sir, I do."

"Good, good. You can tell me now…I have made sure that we won't be overheard."

"I hired some old friends to watch her." Davidson tossed a folder onto Parker's desk, "She's clean for the most part."

"No illegal habits?"

"None…Clean rap sheet too."

Parker looked up from the surveillance photos, "So what is 'for the most part' then?"

Davidson smiled, "She has a strange home life. According to the recordings, she and her fiancé only talk about work and their kid. If anything else comes up it sounds strained and uncomfortable."

"So her relationship is going bad? How is that supposed to help me, Lieutenant?"

"Sir, let me explain a bit further. We are talking about Lois Lane here. Who exactly is her favorite subject to write about? Who, I might add, helped make her into the star reporter she is today?"

The Judge rubbed his chin, "Superman?"

"Exactly." Davidson slid to the end of the chair, "Think about it for a minute: her history with Superman, his sudden appearance, and a strained-almost-marriage."

The judge stood up and looked out the window, smiling.

"This is good, Davidson. You have done well. I'll be in contact with you shortly on how I'm going to use this information."

After Lt. Davidson left the office, Judge Parker picked up his phone and dialed a number.

"Hello, Mr. Luthor, I heard through the grape vine that you made it back from your vacation?"

Yes, very short I know! I just thought this would be best in its own chapter. As you can probably tell, I'm setting up something...So, stay tuned! Feedback is wonderful as always! -Kristina Leigh