1Under the Manhattan Lights - She bumped into him on the street... literally. They met again later at a coffee shop. Could a simple, everyday accident lead to love? Brooke & Lucas.

Author's note: This is one of my first fanfics. If you think it's completely horrible or it's got potential, please let me know either way by reviewing! Oh, and anything written in italics is usually a thought, unless I note it otherwise. Thanks for reading!

Disclaimer: I don't own anything.

Chapter 1 - Feeling a Moment

Beep. Beep. Beep. Beep.

Twenty-year-old Brooke Davis rolled over and hit the snooze button on the sleek black alarm clock that the Carlyle hotel in New York City provided for her. She knew she had to get up, but was never one to jump out of bed, so hitting the snooze button a few times was just normal. After what felt like the millionth time that the piercing beeping noise filled the room, Brooke happened to open her eyes and glance at the time. 8:11.

"Shit!" She screamed as she scrambled out from underneath the covers and ran into the bathroom. At nine o'clock Brooke had an interview for an internship at Seventeen Magazine and it was really important that she made it on time. She took a quick shower and immediately got out and started blow drying her hair. As soon as that was done, she plugged in her straightener and went into the bedroom looking for something to wear.

Way to go, Brooke. Smart move by not unpacking last night. She told herself.

She unzipped her pink suitcase and grabbed a dressy pink tank and a pair of brown slacks. Noticing neither was ironed, she went into the closet and found an ironing board and an iron and turned it on while she searched for a pair of shoes. After flinging them here, there and everywhere, she found a pair of brown Marc Jacobs pumps that matched perfectly. She then returned to the ironing board and quickly ironed each item. She slipped them on and went back into the bathroom.

After 10 minutes of straightening her hair, putting on makeup and adding a few accessories, Brooke grabbed her bag and suitcase before running out the door as fast she could in her heels. She took the elevator down to the first floor, and quickly walked across the lobby, her heels clacking against the shiny black marble floors. She greeted the doormen outside the hotel and easily hailed a taxi.

8:40. This is good. I'll be perfectly on time.

Or so she thought. As they pulled up to West 57th Street, there seemed to be a traffic jam. The cab sat still for a full five minutes before Brooke decided that since the office was only down the street, she'd just get out. She paid the driver and got out, practically twisting her ankle as she got out onto the uneven pavement. She got up onto the sidewalk and started walking down the sidewalk as her cell phone rang. She continued walking as she searched through her Dior bag for the ringing object. Not looking ahead to where she was going, she bumped into a man in an white button-up shirt and khaki shorts. Her bag fell to the ground causing everything to fall out of it.

"Omigod! I'm so sorry! I wasn't paying attention to where I was going!" Brooke apologized as she was bent down picking up what had fallen from her purse.

"It's okay. Let me help you." The man said as he bent down next to her, gathering things and handing them to her. They stood back up in unison and looked at him, noticing his short blonde hair and his piercing blue eyes through her big brown ones. It almost sent a shiver down her spine.

"Thank you." She told him as she started walking again. "I'm sorry again."

"No big deal." He replied, standing there watching her walk away.

Forgetting about what had just happened, she brushed herself off and walked into the office building confidently, hoping that everything would go well. Luckily, Brooke didn't get nervous about these type of things. The gold-lined revolving glass doors brought her to a lobby, and she walked up to the front desk.

"Hello. I'm Brooke Davis. I'm here for an interview with Courtney Jacobs for Seventeen Magazine." Brooke told the secretary.

"Okay. Seventeen's offices are on the third floor. There will be a desk right in front of you as you get off the elevator, and the secretary there will tell you where to go." The woman told her.

"Thank you." Brooke said, strolling towards the elevator. The elevator opened and she was the only one in it, so she pushed the number 3 and leaned against the wall until she arrived. As the doors began to open she could see Seventeen in big bold letters across the wall, with a modern-looking desk underneath it.The place was gorgeous.

Wow. I would kill to work here.

She casually made her way to the desk and told the secretary the same thing she told the previous one, and she was soon brought to the office of Courtney Jacobs, an editor of the magazine. The woman seemed very personable. Brooke handed the woman her resume, and a series of questions about her college and previous work experience followed.

Once everything was done, Courtney explained to Brooke, "Okay. Thank you so much for coming. Someone will be in touch with you within the next two days."

"Sounds great. Thank you so much." Brooke said, smiling.

She walked out of the building feeling good about what had just gone on. She then decided she needed a cup of coffee since she didn't get to have one yet because of her crazy morning. She remembered that she saw a coffee shop on her way, so she walked down a few blocks into Natalie's Café. After ordering a large coffee, she decided to sit down at a table so she could read the documents that Seventeen had just given her.

While flipping a page over, she happened to look up and saw the guy that she bumped into an hour ago sitting with a darker-haired guy and a light brown-haired girl at a booth across the room. She watched him for a second and then he caught her stare. She quickly looked back down at her paper, hoping he didn't notice her. Trying hard to not look back at him again and pretending to be reading her papers intently, it wasn't until she was about to get going that she saw him walking over to her.

"You know, in this huge city, it's not very often you see a stranger twice." The guy told her as he sat down in the chair across from him.

"Well, yes, but we're in the same area as we were before." Brooke responded, still not looking at him. "How do you know that seat's not taken?"

"I've been watching you vicariously through my friend over there," He said, looking over to the direction of the booth he had. She looked up at him, then over to the booth, where the other two people were still sitting and talking. "And from what I heard I don't think anybody's been sitting here, nor does it look like you're waiting for someone to arrive."

"Well, you're very clever." She said, putting her paper down and leaning forward so that she held her head in her hands as her elbows rested on the table. "So, what's your name, anyway?"

"I'm Lucas. Lucas Scott. How about you?" He responded.

"Brooke Davis, nice to meet you...again." She told him, extending a hand to shake his. "Do you live here?"

"I'm currently a student at New York University, but I came from North Carolina." He told her. Her eyes widened.

"No way!" She exclaimed. "I'm from North Carolina too. Where about?"

"Tree Hill. It's a small town not far from the coast. Where are you from?"

"Raleigh. Small world, huh?" She said, smiling.

"Definitely." He agreed. "Do you live here, now?"

"Actually, I was just at an interview for an internship with Seventeen magazine, that's why I was in such a rush this morning and ran into you, and if I get it, I'll be moving here and transferring to the Fashion Institute of Technology from University of North Carolina in September." She explained.

"Wow. Sounds good. What year are you in?" He asked.

"I just finished my junior year." She told him.

"Me too!" He exclaimed, laughing.

"Really? That's so funny." She said back.

The two talked for another twenty minutes, throwing in some obvious flirting. Soon the two other people that were sitting with Lucas came over to the table to tell him they were leaving. The dark haired man tapped Lucas on the shoulder.

"We're gonna head out, are you going to join us?" He asked Lucas.

"Oh yeah, but wait, let me introduce you to Brooke." He replied. "Brooke, this is Nathan and Haley, my brother and my sister-in-law, and Nathan and Haley, this is Brooke."

"Hi, how are you?" Brooke said, getting up to shake hands.

"Good. Nice to meet you." Nathan responded. Haley smiled.

"Brooke's actually from Raleigh back home in North Carolina, and she's also a junior." Lucas told them.

"Really? What a small world." Haley said.

"Yeah, that's actually what we just said before." Brooke told her.

"Go ahead out to the car, I'll meet you guys there in a second." Lucas told Nathan and Haley.

Brooke and Lucas sat back down for a second to finish their conversation.

"Well, I'm not usually one to do this, but since we seem to be so much alike, how about we grab dinner sometime?" He questioned her, hoping she'd say yes.

"That sounds great. I'll give you my number." Brooke said, grabbing a pen and paper from her bag and writing it down. She then handed it to him. "There you go."

"Thanks. I'll call you soon." Lucas said, getting up.

"Okay. Bye." Brooke said as she watched him until he was out of her sight. She smiled thinking about what had just went on and how crazy it was they had to many similarities. She hoped he'd call soon because she really wanted to see him again. She then picked up her belongings and made her way back to the hotel.