Hello, Love

A/N: This is a little story I wrote when Pirates first came out. It takes place shortly after the first movie.



"'Ello," Jack grinned and waved an arm in greeting as AnaMaria approached. He swayed with the movement of the Pearl, and the gesture made him look rather off-balance. (Though AnaMaria knew that he wasn't). She smiled.

"Bit late to be up, no, love?" Jack finished.

Love. AnaMaria had heard him use that word many times, for he called nearly every female (and the occasional male, when he was drunk enough) acquaintance by that name. Yet she wondered if he ever meant it, if there was anyone that he truly loved.

How wonderful would it be if Jack called her "love," and meant it?

"You're up too, if you hadn't noticed," she returned after a short moment. Love, her mind added silently. But she would probably never have the chance, nor the courage, to call him "love."

Sometimes she found it ironic, that while she was so bold in almost every aspect of life, she was shy in the one she truly cared about. She dreamed of telling Jack that she loved him, imagined exactly what she would say, but the time had never felt right. And it would probably never feel right. Every day, she decided that tomorrow she would have a chance. Tomorrow she would confess her love. Today, though, just doesn't feel right.

"I'm awake? Now that's odd," Jack replied, blinking a few times as if to make sure. "Pinch me and we'll see if I'm dreaming," he added, offering his arm.

AnaMaria laughed and shook her head, pushing the proffered arm back to its owner. Maybe now was the perfect time. They were alone, talking, friendly—but no, no, it wasn't.

"Well, you're quiet tonight," Jack proclaimed. "How rare. Maybe I am asleep."

"I don't think you are, Jack," AnaMaria said.

"There we are!" Jack exclaimed. "I was worried for a moment. But I suppose being quiet isn't such a bad thing. The loud ones, and I won't mention any names, but they do things like slap you, or," he lowered his voice conspiratorially, "burn your rum. Ana, love, never let anyone burn your rum, no matter what they claim the reason is."

Love. There it was again, taunting her. "I think, no matter how loud I got, that I wouldn't burn your rum," AnaMaria laughed. Her voice sounded so normal, even to her ears, that she was surprised. "I might steal a bit, but burn it? Never."

"Well, I'm glad we've got that squared away," Jack said. "So, I ask again: what keeps you up so late?"

AnaMaria decided that the real reason—that she wanted to spend more time with Jack—wouldn't do. She settled for a lame, "I couldn't sleep."

"Well then. If you don't mind, I'm going to do some of that meself, and you can continue your not being able to sleep up. I think my lady," he gestured wildly at the Black Pearl, "is in good hands."

"I think she is," Annamaria said.

"See you tomorrow, then, love."

Annamaria watched Jack as he retreated to his cabin, letting her quiet sigh blow away with the salty wind. She stared out over the dark ocean. Tonight had not been the right moment. As Jack would say, the opportune moment. Maybe tomorrow night…


Reviews are very much appreciated, and will probably make me do a happy-dance.