If there was one thing Roxas hated more than anything else, it was school. People hated him there and he didn't even know why. Ok, so he was shy. Alright, maybe he was smart and the top in all his classes. And his older brother happened to be Riku Leonhart, the most beloved person in the entire world, or so it seemed. But just because they loved Riku didn't make them like Roxas.

People shoved him into lockers as they walked down the hall, knocked books out of his arms and made fun of him as he walked by. Sure it stung but the hurt he felt lessened over the years until he barely noticed it at all.

It was his junior year and Roxas was about ready to give up. He was still the best in all his classes but he was still nobody as far as everyone else was concerned. He had no friends, not since Hayner had moved away last year. He couldn't even eat in the lunch room anymore – people always threw food at him – so he spent his break outside on the low stone wall that surrounded the grounds. In other words, he was as far away from everyone else as he could possibly get.

He pulled his lunch out of the wrinkled brown bag that sat beside him and sighed. Someone had put mud in his sandwich again. He tossed it on the ground for the birds and shoved the rest of his lunch aside. He knew none of the other food would be any good.

He opened his book and tried to read to pass the time but it was no good. He closed it again and set it aside. He ran his fingers through his spiky blond hair and was just considering taking a walk around the grounds when someone tapped him on the shoulder. He flinched, his right arm going up automatically to shield his face. He normally would have used his left arm but it was wrapped from elbow to wrist in bandages.

"Whoa, are you alright? I'm not going to hurt you. You can put your arm down."

He did so but kept his face turned away. "Look I'm not doing anything to you so please leave me alone."

"I'm not here to bother you," she said.

"What do you want then?" He was genuinely surprised and looked over at her. She was his age, give or take, about five and a half feet tall with pale skin and short silvery hair that covered her left eye. She was thin but she looked strong. She smiled at him, her visible eye shining. She held something out to him. "Do you want this?"

He stared down at the thing in her hand then looked back up at her. "But…why…?"

She tilted her head to the side slightly. "I saw what happened to your lunch. Aren't you hungry?"

He nodded. "Thanks." He accepted the sandwich from her and started to eat, hardly caring what was in it though it turned out to be turkey and cheese, one of his favorites.

The girl climbed up onto the wall beside him, watching him eat, her smile still on her face. She suddenly thought of something. "Oh! I completely forgot! I'm Fujin. You can call me Fuu." She held out her hand. He hesitated then took it.

"I'm Roxas." They shook hands briefly then let go.

He finished the sandwich quickly and then turned to stare at her. She was watching the people walk by on the street just outside the grounds. Finally he spoke. "You must be new here…"

She laughed. "Yeah. My brother's inside talking to the Headmaster about enrolling me. I just had a meeting with him. Was it that obvious?" He was silent, not wanting to explain how he knew. "What's wrong?" she asked.

"Well, it's just that…no one ever talks to me so I figured you had to be new is all."

"Well there has to be someone who talks to you," she said disbelievingly.

He shook his head. "The only friend I had moved summer before last." Then shrugged. "I'm used to it though."

She bit her bottom lip thoughtfully. Then she grinned. "Well then I'll talk to you, ok?"

"Oh you don't want to do that," he told her only half sincerely.

"Oh yeah? And why's that?"

Before he got the chance to answer someone called out to him.

"Roxas! Hey, Roxas!" They both turned to see a silver haired boy running over to them. He stopped when he reached them. A group of people- his posse one could call them – were waiting right behind him. "Roxas, there you are."

Roxas rolled his eyes. "Yes. I'm always here Riku, you know that."

"So? Doesn't mean you might not be somewhere else. Look, tell mom I won't be home til late, ok? Some friends are having a party and since it's Friday she won't mind." His eyes fell on Fuu. "Who's this?"

She stood, looking up at him. "'This,' as you so rudely put it, is Fujin. Who are you?"

"Riku Hikaru."

"You must be Roxas' brother then?"

Riku was taken aback. How could someone know who Roxas was and not know who he was? "Yeah…You, uh…you must be new here…"

"Why does everyone keep saying that?" she muttered. "And yes, I am."

"Oh, well…" he paused and then asked, "Well, I assume you heard there's going to be a party tonight?" She nodded. "Want to come?"

"So you'll invite a stranger and not him? What kind of a brother are you?"

Roxas put a hand on her shoulder. "Look, Fuu, it's ok. No one would want me there anyway."

She shrugged him off. "Well I would," she shot back. She looked Riku straight in the face and said, "No, that's alright. I don't think I will."

Riku opened his mouth to protest when someone else interrupted their conversation.

"Fujin!" They turned to see a blond haired man in his early twenties wearing mostly black looking directly at her. He had blue eyes and skin only slightly tanner than Fuu's. He wore an earring and a red tie around his left arm. Riku's friends were staring at him, mouths agape. Riku and Roxas both felt their eyes widen. Roxas turned to stare at the girl.

"You know Cloud Strife?"

Fujin giggled.

"The Cloud Strife?" Riku asked.

She grinned. "Of course I do silly. He's my big brother."

"Fujin!" Cloud called again. "Come on."

"I'm coming!" she called back. She turned to Roxas and kissed him on the cheek, much to the amazement of everyone present except Cloud who simply rolled his eyes. "Bye Roxas." She walked off. As soon as she reached Cloud he started talking to her in a very low voice. She smiled and answered as they walked through the gate and onto the street.

They all watched as Cloud pulled on a pair of goggles and handed another pair to Fuu who slipped them on over her eyes. She got behind him on his motorcycle and they sped off. Fuu looked back and waved before they disappeared from sight.