
Sora and Roxas stood side by side, staring at the same spot on the ground. Roxas had a bouquet of flowers held loosely in one hand. Both of Sora's hands were in his pockets, though one was holding something very tightly.

"So," Roxas said, breaking the silence, "this is where you decided?"

"Mm." He could feel Roxas lifting his gaze to his face, but Sora's eyes didn't leave the ground. "This is where it all started, really."

Roxas studied Sora's expression for a few moments longer, then returned his stare to the ground as well. "How long's it been since you've been here?"

"Last time I was here, so were you. So was everyone."

"Mm… I thought maybe you came before you came back or something. I guess it's been a while since she had visitors."

"You think she was lonely?" Sora asked, his voice somewhere between sincerity and sarcasm.

"Who, Kairi? Never." Roxas smiled slightly.

Silence fell between them. Sora wanted very much to ask something, but was hesitant to do so. Roxas knew that and waited.

"Roxas?" Sora finally asked.


"You believe in an after life, right?"


"So… do you think…"

Roxas swallowed, thinking how best to phrase his response. Sora could see the muscles in his jaw moving as he thought it over.

"Sora," he said at last, "it doesn't matter what I think. It matters what you think. Even if I told you what I consider to be true, it shouldn't effect the way you feel at all."

Sora took this in in silence.

"Do I believe in the next life? Yes, I do. Do I believe Kairi's left us for good? No. I never have, not even for a moment. I think she's here right now, standing with us, watching over us. She'll never really leave us, and I know that. She loves us and wants us to be alright, so she does her best to ensure that." He paused for a moment. "But none of that should matter to you, you know? Not unless you really and truly believe that yourself. I can't tell you what to believe, Sora. You have to decide that for yourself."

Sora was silent for a long time, considering Roxas' words. Finally, he said, "I think… that she's in a good place. And that… she's happy, you know?" He could feel the tears in his eyes, hear them in his voice but chose to ignore them. Roxas would understand, so there was no need to hide it. "And I…" He had to stop and try to control his emotions a little before he could speak again. "I think she forgives me." He smiled despite the tears now running down his face. "I really think she does."

Roxas smiled, a different sort of smile than Sora's, though they looked identical. "Yeah I know." He bent down and placed the flowers gently on Kairi's grave. "There was never anything to forgive."

He rose and stood back, letting Sora move forward now.

Sora pulled the object out of his pocket and slowly uncurled his fingers, his eyes locked on the star resting in his palm.

"What is it?" Roxas asked, for he'd never seen the object before.

"Kairi's lucky charm," Sora said, his voice threatening to crack. "I… I promised I'd bring it back to her." He closed his eyes and breathed in deeply. After a moment, he opened them again and laid the charm down beside Roxas' flowers. "And now I have."

"I think she wants you to keep living Sora," Roxas said gently. "And not give up because she died."

"Yeah," Sora agreed. "I think so too."

Roxas put a comforting hand on Sora's shoulder and turned the two of them turned away, starting back the way they had come. "Come on Sora. Let's go home."

"Yeah… Home. I like the sound of that."


The End.

Thanks for reading. I hope you liked it.


Eevil Hero