Well, I'm back from my trip and it was AWESOME, by the way, but I haven't been able to update because grade 10's from PEI came here and then I was never home and finals are coming up and now I have a job that I'm starting soon so I've been really busy! I'm so sorry, but here's the next chapter, hopefully it will make up for my lack of chapters lately.

Chapter 13

History Repeats Itself

Previously on, "What Comes From This New Life"...

Why couldn't you come to us, Gabby?" Nathan asked, upset. He felt like it was the end of the world, there were no words he could say to describe it, he just wanted to find Gabby's boyfriend and shoot him or do something to him that would make him feel how Nathan felt right at that very moment. And then there was Haley, she was just scared for her daughter, she knew what it was like to be young and pregnant, but Nathan didn't know that feeling, he could never know that feeling, neither could Lucas or any guy for that matter.

"I would be able to come to you and mom, it's not that."

"So, we don't get it, what's going on?" Haley asked, confused, going to sit beside her, she felt like she needed to comfort Gabby, she knew she would have loved to have her mom there when she was pregnant, helping her through it.

"Ok, the thing is...I'm not pregnant."


"What?" Haley asked, confused.

Gabriella was almost crying now. "I'm sorry."

"Then who's damn pregnancy test was that!" Haley screamed. "I want answers now, Gabby!"

Everybody in the living room looked at Haley, shocked. In all the time they've known her, they had never heard her yell like that, especially to one of her kids.

"I can't say mom, please don't make me!"

"Gabriella, you're telling someone, either way I am going to find out." Haley said, standing up, frustrated. "Come on Nathan, we'll give her the night to think about it."

Haley and Nathan left in a hurry; Brooke, Lucas and Gabriella just watched them go. "Do you want to sleep here, Gabby?" Brooke asked, still recovering from the shock she was in from Haley.

Gabriella starred at the floor. "Aunty...it's Brittany."

"What, the pregnancy test?" she asked, confused. Right when she said it she put her hand over her mouth, even more shocked. "Oh my god."

"I'm sorry, she was scared and we didn't know what to do."

Brooke was crying, so Lucas came and hugged her. "It's not your fault Gabby, you should go home and tell your mom now."


"Lucas, what are we going to do?" Brooke asked, scared.

"It's going to be ok, Brooke, we don't even know if she's pregnant for sure yet." he said, holding her tight. He was just as scared as Brooke but he couldn't show it, he needed to be there for Brooke.

"I'm scared for Braden, how about we don't tell him until we know for sure." she explained.

"Are you sure?" Lucas asked. He knew it would be a risky thing to do.

"Yes, I'm sure, he's my little boy...omigod I can just imagine how Brittany must be feeling right now." Brooke said, as Lucas held her.

"You can talk to her tomorrow if you want."

"I think I should."


The next day Brooke called Gabby for a favor.

"Hi, do you think you could get Brittany over to your house?"

"Probably, why?" Gabby asked, confused.

"I was hoping I could talk to her, but she'll know why if I call her myself." Brooke explained.

"Aunty she would be so mad at me if I did that to her, she doesn't even know you know."

"Well, I'll tell her that none of this is your fault and I'll make sure she doesn't get mad at you." Brooke said, begging her 16 year old niece to call her friend. As Brooke thought about it, it sounded weird, but she had to talk to Brittany. "Please Gabby I promise I won't even get mad, I know exactly how she feels right now."

"Fine, give me half an hour."

"Thanks, your the best, I'll ask Lucas to bring you home a car for your next birthday." she said, giggling.

"My mom would kill you."

"Yea..." Brooke said rethinking her gesture. "We'll have to hold off on that one."

"Ok, so I'll call when Brittany is on her way." Gabby said, hanging up.

Brooke waited, pacing around the kitchen.

"What are doing Brooke?" Lucas asked, when he came into the kitchen.

"Waiting for Gabby to call back, I'm going to talk to Brittany soon." she said, nervously.

"Do you know what you're going to say?"

"Well, first of all I'm going to ask her why she's as stupid as me, getting pregnant at 16, what the hell is wrong with Braden, no yunno what this is all your fault, he takes after you."

"Ok, I don't even know what you're saying anymore, I think you should sit down, stress isn't good for the baby." Lucas said, ushering her to the table.

"Oh my god, I got so caught up in our kids lives I forgot about me and the fact that I was pregnant, at least if Brittany is..." she paused, not wanting to say it out loud. "...I can help her get through it."

Lucas, noticing how Brooke was getting upset and sat beside her. "Everything is going to be ok, Cheery, you were pregnant at a young age and look where we are now."

"I hope your right Lucas Scott." she said, kissing him.

Ring, ring...

"Finally!" she said, jumping to her feet. "Gabby?"

"Yea, you should come over now, Brittany is on her way...you owe me big time."


Knock, knock

"Okay, she's here." Gabriella said, going to answer the door.

Brittany came inside. "Gabby what is it, it sounded imortant."

"Hi, Brittany." Brooke said, giving her a small smile.

When Brittany saw Brooke she was shocked. "Hi, Brooke."

"I'm sorry." Gabby said, leaving the room.

Brittany was speechless.

"Well, you obviously know why I'm here." Brooke said, standing up. As Brooke stood up Brittany walked backwards. "No, it's okay Brittany, I just want to talk."

"Sure." she said, nervously.

"I know how you're feeling right now, I was pregnant at sixteen, too."

"I don't know if I am for sure...wait, what?"

"Yeah, but I had an abortion, it was the biggest mistake of my life and if you are pregnant you are not having an abortion because I won't allow it."

Brittany just stood there, shocked, trying to think of something to say, but she was speechless.

"You don't have to say anything, I just wanted to let you know I'll be there for you and we can get through this together because I know how you are feeling right now." Brooke said, continuing. "If you are pregnant it's going to be really hard Brittany, I'm not going to lie...but I have one favor to ask of you."

"Okay, anything." she said, quietly, still not knowing what to say.

"Don't tell Braden, please." she said, seriously. "If you're not pregnant that he never has to know, okay?"

Brittany didn't like the idea at first, but she knew she had to agree because Brooke was being really great about everything and she couldn't start arguing about it. "Okay."

"Thanks." Brooke said, walking closer to Brittany. "Now give me a hug."

Brittany accepted Brooke's hug and cried. "Thank you so much, Brooke."

Brooke just nodded.


That night, Brooke and Lucas waited until it was late and all the kids were in bed before they talked.

"How did the talk go?" Lucas asked, getting into his and Brooke's bed.

"I think it went well, considering everything." she continued. "And I told her she couldn't tell Braden if she happens to not be pregnant."

Lucas didn't say anything at first. "Wait, Brooke, do you think that's the best idea?"

"Yeah, Lucas, he's just a kid, my kid, and I don't want him to be scared if he doesn't need to be."

"I understand, Cheery, but don't you think if he finds out sometime down the line, he'll be even more angry and probably even towards you." Lucas explained. He wasn't trying to hurt Brooke, but he wanted her to realise what could go wrong with this.

"I just want to protect him." she said, starting to cry.

Lucas pulled her in close to him. "I know, and I love you for that, but sometimes we have to let him live his life and learn from his mistakes." he continued, while hugging her. "Don't you think if he knows he can learn from this?"

"Yeah, but it didn't work for us." she said, kind of joking.

Lucas laughed. "Well, Brooke, have you been paying attention to our relationship for the past 19 years."

"Okay, I get what you mean, people expect it from us."

"Exactly, that's why we have another one on the way." he said, putting his hand on Brooke's stomach.

She giggled. "And it's exciting everytime, but I feel like I haven't been giving this pregnancy as much attention as the others."

"Well, you have a lot going on right now, plus a whole family that you have to take care of, but if you need extra help just let me know."

"I will." she said, kissing him. "Now lets go to bed."


That chapter was pretty crappy, but it took a long time to right and I would keep forgeting what I was writing about haha, I have so much going on right now it's not even funny, but it's summer soon so I'll try to do better! Please Review!:)