Found At Sea

A/N: I'm back! Sorry it's taken sooo long but I think I'm getting there. Let's keep those reviews coming!

Chapter Fifteen: Tempest

Elizabeth woke in the middle of the night, the bed next to her empty. Océane had disappeared. Elizabeth got dressed as a young sailor and left the inn, heading towards the cove where the Star of the Sea was anchored.

A calm wind blew across the sea, rustling the decaying sails of the Flying Dutchman. Had there been any Royal Navy troops aboard they surely would've been spooked. But the crew of the Flying Dutchman paid no attention to the calm breeze and the slowly flapping sails. They did not notice the new presence among them. But the captain did. He sat at the large organ piano in his cabin, tentacles poised, the last notes slowly fading. Davy Jones stood and walked out on deck. He watched the sails and listened to the wind. It had definitely changed and he could tell that the weather was about to get a lot worse. She was here, he could tell. He returned to his cabin and she was sitting at the piano, holding both lockets and looking right at him.

"You locked away from me what was not yours to take Davy Jones," Calypso said quietly, not taking her eyes from his. "Now it has been taken from you. What will you do?" she asked, turning her gaze to the twin lockets.

He didn't answer. "Where have you been? I've not felt your presence for centuries. I'd all but lost my love for the sea without you."

"I've been trapped in this human body, reborn many times. It was Jack Sparrow who freed me and got my locket back for me and with it my spirit. But I have always kept my heart. I ask you again, what will you do now, Davy Jones?"

She looked at him again. The captain of the Flying Dutchman remained silent but Calypso could feel his anger.

"Do not concern yourself with Jack Sparrow. He freed me as I saved him from the sea and cared for him. He's killed your beast. The Locker could not claim him. Now, do not concern yourself with the matter any longer. How will you get your heart back?"

"I can do nothing? Do ye think I've not tried? You come to me and talk of Jack Sparrow and expect me to sit idly by? I've some mind as to what's been going on with the two of you." He towered over her young form, anger shaking his voice.

"Do not let petty jealousies get in the way of what must be done. You were not the first to love me and nor will you be the last Davy Jones. As long as man has lived he has loved the sea. You took this path and I could do nothing about it." The wind howled outside the cabin. The Flying Dutchman swayed violently in the rough waves. It was the first time Calypso had raised her voice and still he stepped towards her.

"It is not petty jealousy. You've forgotten yourself Calypso. You could have brought this to an end any time you wanted. You could flood the earth or boil the seas but you choose to do it his way. Why?"

"You know," she said quietly.


"Do not begrudge me this. I know you think I was unfaithful. I was not. I am the sea. It is man's fault for loving my but it is my fault that I let them. I've never stopped loving you Davy Jones. I've never stopped loving any of them, no matter how they've wronged me."

A single tear fell to the deck.

The turbulent weather was beginning to worry Jack. He had picked a very sheltered cove to anchor in but nothing could keep Calypso out. He had been dreading she would unleash herself since their arrival. The way she looked at the Flying Dutchman gave him chills.

There was a pounding at his cabin door.

"Aye, what is it?"

"Elizabeth burst into the cabin. "Jack, she disappeared. I've no idea where she went."

"Thanks luv, I'd gathered that much meself."

"What shall we do?" The rest of the crew had turned up.

"We do nothing." Barbossa came in from the storm last. "What ever she needs to do, she must. There is nothing any of us can do to stop her anyway."

"Aye," Jack agreed. "Elizabeth, just go back and wait. Come in the morning if she's not returned."

Elizabeth hurried back to Port Royal and the crew returned to their hammocks belowdecks. Jack took out his compass and watched it spinning wildly as the Star of the Sea rocked in the angry waters.

Elizabeth woke to a terrifying sight. The storm of the night had continued and doubled in ferocity. Lightening streaked across the dark, rainy sky. Many of the ships in the harbor were in ruins. Redcoats swarmed the wharves. The guns of Fort Charles were firing without effect at a churning wall of water surrounding the Flying Dutchman and other ships of the fleet. The citizens of Port Royal were in a panic. By the time she arrived at the Star of the Sea, she was completely distraught.

"Jack! Jack, you've got to do something, she'll destroy the entire city!" she wailed when he opened the cabin door.

"Easy, luv. What's going on?"

"You've got to come see for yourself. I don't know what to do."

"You mean to say that the storm's gotten worse?" he asked, puzzled.

"Yes! Can't you feel it?" She had been holding onto the doorframe but then realized that the weather in the tiny cove was perfectly calm. There wasn't a single ripple in the water.

"What's going on, we heard yelling," Will asked, entering the cabin with the rest of the crew.

"Will!" Elizabeth cried, running to him.

"What'd you do to her Jack?"

"No. It's Calypso. She's tearing apart the harbor. James is on one of those ships. Jack, I've got to go to my father," she whispered.

"He thinks you're dead, luv."

"No, Jack, let her go to her father. We've got to be able to do something."

"Well—," Jack began.

"Turner, you take your wife to her father. The rest of us will return to The Blue Mermaid and figure something out. Cotton stays with the ship," Barbossa said.

The rest of the crew looked from him to Jack.

"This isn't a matter of who's captain. Move!"

Everyone left the cabin. Jack took out the compass; it was pointing towards Port Royal. "There's got to be some way to get to her," he said to himself as he gathered weaponry from around the room. "Hmm. Aha!" He ran from the room and climbed over the rail before anyone had noticed he'd gone.

Calypso felt the disturbance before she heard him calling. She shut her eyes. Jack, what are you doing?, she thought.

Jack watched the surface of the water before running his hand over it again. "Océane? Do you hear me? What are you doing? Elizabeth says you're tearing up the harbor." He watched the water. Nothing happened. Jack stuck his hand under the surface and flailed it around. He quickly withdrew it and watched the ripples. He could have seen a face or just a reflection from the bottom, but either way the next time he touched the water it would not let him go.

"Hey! Let go. This is not what I had in mind."

The water pulled Jack in up to his elbow. "Will! Will, there seems to be a bit of a hitch! William!"

"Jack, what are you doing? We've got a bit of a tight schedule," Will asked, looking over the rail.

"She won't let me go!"

"You mean the water?"

"Aye, the water!" He pulled at his arm again. It wouldn't come free. The wind whipped around his face. The sails rippled. The wind called his name. "Did you hear that William?"


"The wind, it said—."

The water began to bubble.

"Oh bugger."

Jack disappeared under the water.

"Jack!" Will climbed over the rail.

"Turner! What're ye doing? Time to go!" Barbossa yelled.

"But, Jack..."

"She knows what she's doing."

Calypso smiled as she pulled one last time and Jack came flying out of the water, landing spread eagle on the deck.

"Ye could at least give a man some warning before you pull a stunt like that," he sputtered, sitting up and shaking his hat dry.

"I missed you," she said, watching him fidget with amusement.

"You look like you've been busy to me."

"Yes. But Mr. Norrington has become a nuisance and I want you to take him out of here and get the heart while Beckett is distracted with—."

"Bloody hell." Jack was looking at the harbor.


"You've made quite a mess out there."

Calypso shrugged. "One could say Beckett's done the same."

Jack frowned. "Where's Jones?"

"In his cabin, staying out of the way. He's too vulnerable at the moment."

Jack scoffed.

"Sparrow! What're you doing here?" James Norrington had appeared on deck.

"I might ask you the same thing. Calypso says you're a nuisance. We're going to steal the heart, since you got us into this mess in the first place. Now, how do you propose we get out of this swirling vortex of water?"

"Like this," she said and blew them through the wall of water.

Jack and Norrington landed on the wharves in front of The Blue Mermaid just as the crew of the Star of the Sea arrived. They were stunned.

"How did we survive that?" Norrington asked

"Dunno mate, but I think she likes me," Jack said, shaking the water from his hat again.

The wall of water gave a terrifying roar and threw a frigate into the walls of Fort Charles, sending soldiers flying.

"I'd say it's time we got that heart back from Beckett."