A/N: Wow. This chapter has been sitting on my computer for ages. Sorry it's been so long since the last update. I've kinda forgotten what exactly I've written. Might have to go back and reread. I'm getting confused as to what I've actually written and what is just in my head. Haha. Well, here's another chapter. It's kinda short. Anyway, sorry again for the long wait.

Disclaimer: All characters and plots property of Meg Cabot.

Chapter XII

When I awoke a few hours later, I knew exactly where Jake was. My heart thumped wildly in my chest as I realized I would be sentencing the poor guy to death. But what choice did I have?


A groan sounded from my side and I remembered that Rob was in my cabin now, poisoned.

"Rob?" I asked worriedly, twisting on the bed until I lay on my other side, facing him. I held his pale face in my hand. His eyes were closed but I knew he was awake. "Rob," I said, my voice cracking. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you." Rob's face blurred as my eyes filled with hot tears.

His arm lifted with a groan of great effort and rested on my waist. He opened his eyes slowly, weakly, and looked into my eyes. I wiped the tears away quickly and leaned forward slowly to kiss his forehead. Rob's eyes closed again and he gave my waist a slight squeeze, trying to assure me that he was okay. Then he went limp, unconscious again.

The tears came back to my eyes. This time I blinked and let them fall, leaving wet trails down my cheek. Rob's face was still held between my hands. "I love you," I whispered as I withdrew them.

I sat up in bed and wiped away the tears again, preparing myself for the inevitable talk with Marie.

Sure enough, a couple of minutes later there was the sound of a key turning in the lock. The door creaked open and light shone into the room. Marie walked in, alone. She looked at me expectantly.

"Do you have any information for me?" she asked. There were dark circles under her eyes, as if she hadn't slept in days. But that didn't detract from the menacing look she gave me, as if daring me to say no. I didn't disappoint her.

"Yes," I said simply. "I do."

Surprise flitted across Marie's face. Obviously she'd expected me to be difficult. Her eyebrows rose ever so slightly and her eyes widened. The change in expression lasted only a moment before the familiar serene mask replaced the expression.

"Where is he?"

I hesitated for only a moment. "Texas," I answered. "At his uncle's farm."

Marie waited for me to say more. I didn't, and rage replaced the calm expression.

"Where in Texas?" she prompted.

I pretended to think hard, though I knew exactly where he was. "Somewhere in Southern Texas, I think. Out in the country." This much was true anyway.

"Uh huh…" Marie said, obviously not satisfied with the information. "Is that all?"

I nodded, and her expression gave nothing away. Marie didn't know how my powers worked. She couldn't possibly know that I knew exactly where Jake was. She couldn't know that I could find him with my eyes closed. Marie strode from the room, locking the door behind her.

"Wait," I called after her, but she was already gone. A key turned in the lock and then there was silence for a moment. I knew she'd be back soon wanting to know if I had any more information. I could get the antidote for Rob, Ruth, and Cody then.

The sound of whispered voices floated into the cabin. It sounded like Marie, arguing with the guard outside my door. I could only catch a few words, but I gathered that she was going to Texas with a few of her cronies. She had a specific place in mind from the sound of it, but if she mentioned where, I didn't catch it.

After the whispers died down, I lay back in bed next to Rob, stroking his cheeks. "I promise I won't let anything happen to you," I told him again, though he was still unconscious.

Later that day Marie appeared in my doorway again, asking if I had any new information, as I knew she would. I told her I didn't and demanded that she give Cody, Ruth, and Rob the antidote that would save their lives.

Marie pulled a small vial of bluish potion out of her pocket, and I thought she was actually going to fulfill her side of the arrangement. I told her where Cody was (sort of anyway) and she would give me the antidote. Of course, she didn't give it to me. "Not until I find the kid," she said, stowing the vial back in her jacket pocket.

Only an hour later, there was the sound of an engine coming to life outside my cabin. I rushed to the window, but it was facing the wrong way for me to see anything.

I listened to the engine fade into the distance, straining my ears long after it was out of hearing range. I thought about what I'd just done. What if Marie knew where Jake was? Had I just sentenced him to death?

I decided I'd better warn him.

But first, I had to escape this cabin.

"Nnnn," said a voice from the bed.

"Rob," I whispered, crossing the room to sit beside him. I pushed his hair off his forehead gently.

"Nnnn," he repeated.

"I can't understand you," I said, annoyed at myself and disappointed that I couldn't help him. "Say it again."

It took him a moment to gain enough strength to open his eyes. "No," he said finally.

"No? No what?"

He pointed at me and his finger shook. "Not going," he whispered.

I frowned. "I have to go," I told him. "She's going to kill him."

Rob shook his head and reached out, grabbing my wrist with a force that surprised me. He held on tightly, though I knew it must cost him great effort due to the poison.

"Rob, listen to me." I held his face in my hands and turned his head toward me, forcing him to look into my eyes. "I have to go. Jake is at his Uncle's farm, just south of Pleasanton, Texas." I wrote down the address for him. "I'm leaving tonight."

Rob broke his grip on my wrist and looked into my eyes. "Be careful," he mumbled, closing his eyes as the drugs kicked in again. He reached into his pocket and handed me the keys to his motorcycle. "Helmet," he murmured.

"Thanks," I said, taking the keys.

When the guards switched again, I was gone.

Please review. I need at least five before I update again. Still, it might be a little while. I still have to go back and reread everything. Hope it was worth the wait...Thanks to those of you who have stuck with me.