Disclaimer: Well...Remy took the part where I say I don't own anything except for Ellen, cuz he said something about it being shiny...so I'll leave you to try to figure what the disclaimer is.

A/N: I got Skysong to do the first chapter of Bambi–now called Piotr– and she says it'll be a while before she gets it up. I did that because I wanna finish this story up before I begin another one.


Ellen and Ray walk in to find a much calmer cast...sort of. Pyro was staring at a lamp flame making shapes out of it. Blob was eating, which meant soon there wasn't gonna be anymore food on the table. Everyone else was reading their scripts.

"Oh, good. You aren't causing mayhem. How wonderful," Ellen deadpaned.

"They're being good angels, for once," Ray agreed.

"Someone call me?" Warren asked, flying over.

"No, Warren," Ray sighed.

"Oh, okay. Oh, Betsy..."

"He's so weird. Don'tcha think?" Ellen looked at Ray, who nodded.

"ACTION!" Ellen and Ray called.

Pietro and Lance came walking into Kitty's cabin with a dress.

"You'll be dining with the captain," Pie said sullenly. "And he requests you wear this."

"Well," Amara said. "You can tell the captain that I'm disinclined to acquiesce to his request."

"He said you'd say that," Pietro said. "He also said if that's the case, you'll be dining with the crew. And you'll be naked." Lance chuckled.

Amara glared at them and grabbed the dress. "Fine," Pietro scowled.

Magneto looked at Amara, "You must be hungry."

Amara began to eat quickly.

Amara grabbed the wine. Magneto held out an apple. "And the apples. One of those next?" he suggested.

Amara looked terrified, "It's poisoned!"

Eric laughed, "There would be no sense in killing you, Miss Guthrie."

Amara looked confused, "Then release me, you have your trinket; I'm of no further value to you!"

Eric held up the medallion, "You have no idea what this is, do you?"

"It's a pirate's medallion." Amara answered with a "duh" look on her face.

"It's one from a set of 882 pieces sealed in a stone chest, all of them cursed; so that any mortal who removes one from that chest shall be punished for all eternity." Eric explained.

Amara laughed, "I'm too old to believe in ghost stories anymore, Captain Magneto."

Eric nodded, "We thought the same thing when we first heard the tale. A chest full of gold buried on an island that can not be found, except by those who already know where it is." He sighed, "We found it. There was the chest, inside was the gold pieces and we took them all." He handed the gold piece to the RLR monkey, who had been serving them, "We spent them on food and drink and other worldly things. The more we gave them the more we came to realize-that nothing would satisfy our hunger or quench our thirst. We are cursed men, Miss Guthrie. Once we were compelled by greed, now we are consumed by it. There is only one way to end our curse. All the gold must be restored and the blood repaid. Thanks to you we have the final piece."

Amara's eyes were wide, "What about the blood repaid?" she hid a knife under her skirt.

Eric smiled, "That's why there would be no sense in killing you...yet." He held an apple out to her, "Apple?"

Amara stood up suddenly and stabbed Eric. She gasped when he bled but didn't react to the stabbing.

"I'm curious," Eric said, grabbing Amara's wrist, "What were you planning on doing after you killed me? The moonlight reveals us for what we really are, not among the living nor the dead. For too long we have been dying of a thirst we cannot quench, we have been starving to death, but have not died. I feel nothing, not the wind on my face nor the spray of the sea. Not even the warmth of a woman's touch." He opened the door.

Amara looked around in shock at the crew, who were all skeletons.

"You should best begin believing in ghost stories Miss Guthrie; You're in one!" Eric growled as he stepped out of the door and into the moonlight. He suddenly changed into a rotted looking skeleton.

Amara screamed, heated up her hand, making Eric let go, and ran inside.

"You know, that really did hurt! Along with that toy knife that she 'stabbed' me with. She pushed down hard!" Magneto complained.

Ellen rolled her eyes and sighed, "Suck it up, you big baby! Get back to the parody."

"Right," Eric and the crew laughed evilly. Eric stopped and frowned at the crew. "Back to work!" he yelled.


"Well, what do you think? Every mutant's worth their powers and crazy to boot." Xavier boasted as he presented the crew he'd assembled for Remy.

"This is your able-bodied crew?" Sam breathed, as he looked the ragtag group of mutants over skeptically.

Remy acted as if he hadn't noticed Lance's tone. "You, there!" He called out to one of the slightly less freakish looking lads.

"Piotr Rasputin, Sir." Xavier inserted.

Remy nodded. "Mr. Rasputin, then. Are you brave enough to follow orders and stay true in the face of danger and almost certain death?" He asked expecting a loud, 'Yes Sir!' but none came. "Mr. Rasputin?" Remy asked turning to look him in the eye, "Homme!" he shouted in a last ditch effort to get some response.

Xavier spoke up for him, "He can't talk. The idiot pieced his tongue and let it get infected, so he trained Ron here to talk for him. No one's really sure how..." He trailed off. Piotr glared at Xavier.

This wasn't what Remy wanted to hear, but he played along all the same. "Okay..." Remy sighed, "Ron. Same question."

"Wind in the sails! Wind in the sails!" The small RLR parrot whistled.

Remy looked over at Xavier in slight confusion. "We figure that means 'yes'." Logan explained.

"Of course it does." Remy muttered, more to himself than anyone else.

"Well, you've proved they're insane." Sam jeered.

Remy was about to comment when another member of the crew spoke out. "And what do we get for accompanying you on this little cruise?" A mutant on the end purred in an almost sinister voice.
Remy winced and cocked an eyebrow as he recognized the voice from some where. He walked up to the mutant and looked him over. He had never seen the guy in his life, but then the person looked up at Remy. "X-23." Remy squeaked before she decked him one to send him sprawling across the dock.

"I suppose you didn't deserve that one either?" Sam laughed as he helped Remy back on his feet.

"No, that one I deserved." Remy muttered sheepishly as X-23 stormed over to him, enjoying her character.

"You stole my boat!" She roared angrily causing Remy to flinch.

"Commandeered... But I was gonna give it back..." Remy tried to explain, taking a couple steps back.

"But you didn't!" X-23 growled aggressively as she poked Remy's chest with her index finger.

"You'll get another one." Remy squeaked as he teetered on the edge of the dock.

"I will." X-23 hissed threateningly. "I like this character."

"That's why I picked you for this part. I knew you would have fun," Ellen smiled as she leaned on Ray, who was slowly turning red.

"A better one." Sam said with an amused smile strewn across his face.
"A better one!" Remy repeated loudly gaining the rest of the crews attention.

"That one." Sam told X-23 pointing out the Interceptor.

"What one?" Remy asked as he turned around. "That one?" He asked Sam earnestly after spotting the Interceptor. Sam nodded and Remy sighed, "That one."

"It'll do." X-23 stated approvingly. At her words the rest of the crew began boarding the ship and readying it to set sail.
Remy as soon as he got a chance to pull the Captain aside from the others.

"It'd be worse if we tried to leave her behind, savvy?" Remy stated eyeing X-23 as though she might explode at any given moment. Xavier still didn't seem to approve, but he boarded the boat and helped them set sail all the same.


Ron sat perched on the mast of the Interceptor.

"Dead men tell no tales." He crowed evilly.

Xavier looked over the side of the ship and shook his head. "Many men have been claimed by this passage."

Sam shook his head and looked up where Remy was looking at his compass.

"How'd Remy get that compass?" He asked.

Logan looked over at Remy then gestured for Sam to move in closer.

"Not a lot is known about the Remy, there, before he came to Tortuga wanting' to fetch the treasure of the Isla de Muerta." Xavier whispered, "That was before I met Cajun. Back when he was Captain of the Black Pearl."

"What?" Sam asked, shocked, "He never even mentioned it."

"Well," Xavier continued, "The man keeps quiet about a lot of stuff now. Cajun learned that lesson the hard way. You see Sam, three days out the first mate comes to him and says if everything's gonna be an equal share then that should mean the location of the treasure, too. So, Remy gives up the bearings. That night there was a mutiny. They ditched Remy on an island to die but not before he'd gone mad from the heat."
Sam looked back up at Remy, "So that's the reason for the…" He mimicked the way Remy walked.

Xavier shook his head.

"Reason ain't got nothing to do with it. When they marooned him on that island they gave him a pistol with a single shot. It won't help much in hunting or being rescued. But after three weeks of starvin' and dehydration that pistol starts to look real nice." Xavier mimed pointing a gun to his head, "But Remy made it off that island and he's been saving' that one shot for his mutinous first mate."

"Magneto." Sam filled in, angrily.


"How'd he get off that island?"

"He waded out to the shallows and waited for three days and three nights 'till the sea creatures stopped noticing him. Then on the fourth day he roped two sea turtles, harnessed them together and made a raft."

Sam raised his eye brow, "He roped a couple of sea turtles?"


"What did he use for rope?" Sam asked, clearly not believing this tale.

Xavier opened his mouth, then closed it looking confused.

"My tongue." Remy said walking up behind Sam and Xavier, "Me and Sam are goin' ashore." He and Sam walked over to the row boat that was ready to be lowered into the water. Xavier followed.

"What if something goes wrong?" Logan asked.

"Stick to the code." Remy answered as he got into the small boat.

"Right," Xavier nodded, "The code."

Xavier watched the Captain and Sam row toward what he knew quite well could be their death.


"Ten years of hoarding swag," Pietro stated reflectively as he and Lance carried a large chest they had stolen, down the passages to the main treasure cave.

"And now we'll finally get to spend it," Lance added with a smile as they dropped the chest. It opened on impact with the ground to reveal that it contained no treasure... instead it held many pretty dresses that belonged to Kitty and a couple parasols. Pietro slapped himself in the forehead. "Did you say swag or drag?" Lance asked as he picked up both the parasols and handed one to Pie.

Pie took the parasol with a role of his inverted eyes. "Once we ditch this curse we will be rich men, my friend. And you can buy a rock set like ya always wanted," Pietro pointed out as he twirled the parasol around absentmindedly.

"My other rocks are starting to break apart," John said sadly, he pulled out his lucky rock and watched a few pieces of rock fall to the ground.

"Stop that," Pie warned Lance just as Juggernaut walked up to them with a slight growl to let them know he didn't approve of their slacking off. Both the younger mutants smiled sheepishly up at Cain and hurried back to work.


"What code does Xavier stick to if something goes wrong?" Sam asked Remy in a hushed tone as they rowed silently into the cavern.
Remy looked up at Sam. "The pirate's code. Anyone that falls behind gets left behind, savvy?" He explained.

Sam shrugged understandingly. "No heros amongst thieves, I guess." He muttered apathetically.

Remy smiled in spite of Sam's apparent dislike for pirates. "For hatin' pirates so much you've almost become one, savvy?" He told Sam receiving a very skeptical look. "You busted me outta jail, commandeered a ship from the Commodore, sailed with a crew outta Tortuga...and you're completely obsessed with treasure." Remy grinned as he watched Sam gaze out at the treasure that had been scattered throughout the passeges, knowing that it must only be the excess that had spilt over the years from many chest that had been carried through the winding tunnels.

Sam snapped his head up at Gambit's last comment. "I'm not obsessed with treasure," Sam growled as he and Gambit dragged their rowboat ashore.

"It's not all silver and gold, savvy?" Remy explained as he flipped up onto a near by ledge and glanced down casually at his old crew and their captive below.

Below, Magneto was making a speech. "Brothers, our time has come! Salvation is here! Our torment is at an end." He yelled out to his cheering crew.

Sam climbed up onto the ledge next to Remy and followed his gaze. "Amara..." he gasped.

"For ten years we've been tested and tried and each mutant here has proven his worth a hundred times over and then a hundred times again! Our punishment was disproportionate to our crime, but now we have every last piece." Magneto said as he beckoned to a knife that seemed to rise on its own accord and float into Magneto's hand.

"Remy!" Sam cried softly in a panicked tone as a RLR monkey handed the golden coin to Magsy and Cain began to escort a struggling Amara to where Magneto was waiting. He really was worried about Amara.

"Not yet," Remy told Sam with a slight frown, "We have to wait for the right moment."

Sam turned toward Remy angrily. "When's that? I suppose when you'll get the most out of it?" He spat pessimistically as he tried to contain his frustration.

"Have I ever given you a reason not to trust me? Just stay there...and try not to do anything stupid." Remy instructed before turning to leave.

"Sorry, Remy, but no ones going to use me." Remy growled as he focused his frustration on knocking loose some rocks from above. Remy barely had time to look back at Sam before one of the stones struck him on the head knocking the Captain unconscious.

"Begun by blood, by blood undone!" Magneto proclaimed dramatically ending his speech. Amara flinched and gasped as Eric took her hand and made a small cut letting her blood flow into the chest of coins.

Amara opened one eye as if she expected her head to be removed from her body at any moment, then she realized he was done with her all ready. "That's it?" She asked.

"Waste not," Magneto quipped.

Everyone waited for a moment as if they expected bright lights and loud theme music to signify the end to their curse. Then suddenly...


Hehe! Cliff hangers. Well...not to those who've seen PotC. Anywho, school has started, and I won't have too much time to work on this, only on weekends. So, pardon if I'm a liitle slow on updates. Skysong should have the first chapter of Piotr up soon, so don't fret. R&R, peeps!