Title: Kiss

Author: kawaii-kirei "KK"

Rating: PG-13 or T

Pairing: SasuNaru

Disclaimer: Naruto and all of its characters do not and never will belong to me.

Authors Notes: spur of the moment. will probably do another version of this. X3 I'm actually very proud of this. 'Tis a little birthday gift to myself. rawr. i am so yaoi-deprived. o3o I had fun writing this! Hope you guys enjoy too!


What's a kiss?

Naruto has always wondered what a kiss was and why it was so special. When he asked Iruka, the man choked himself on his coffee and proceeded to laugh nervously. When he asked Kakashi, the teacher sported a really perverted grin that made him forget what his question was and slowly inch away. When he asked Shikamaru, Shikamaru said that kisses were troublesome, but Naruto couldn't really take his word for it because to the Chuunin, everything was troublesome.

When he asked Chouji, the guy just shrugged and continued eating his chips. When he asked Kiba, Kiba looked at him as if he had just grown a second head right then and there. When he asked Hinata, the girl squeaked and stuttered for the next ten minutes before squeaking again and running away with a deep red blush on her pale skin. When he asked Neji, Neji blinked at him. When he asked Ino, Ino slapped him.

When he asked Jiraiya, the man had the same perverted grin Kakashi had and began laughing like an insane lunatic while rambling about what to write in his next issue of Icha Icha Paradise! about innocent love. When he asked Tsunade, the woman gaped at him aghast before storming off screaming murder towards a certain Ero-sennin. When he asked Kurenai, the woman blushed and coughed behind her hand. When he asked Asuma, the man merely raised an eyebrow at him. When he asked Ebisu, Ebisu suddenly suffered a severe nosebleed.

When he asked Tenten, the girl blinked and shrugged. When he asked Gai, the man had screamed at the top of his lungs -- and he quotes -- "IT IS THE SYMBOL OF YOUTH AND LOVE!". And mind you, Lee had the same answer.

But even so, that didn't answer his question.

Naruto still wonders, what is a kiss and why is it so special?

Still confounded, he turns to Sakura for help but the only answer he got was a giggle (it made him wonder if the girl was drunk) and a long, dreamy sigh of Sasuke.

Then that gave him an idea.

Okay, so asking Sasuke about this would probably scar him for the rest of his life, and he'll probably humiliate himself horribly in front of the Uchiha, but hey, maybe he can give those fangirls the photos that he took long ago for blackmail purposes of Sasuke naked in his bathroom with his rubber ducky.

And so, with this new plan in mind, Naruto set off for Sasuke's house.

What he didn't expect however, that when he opened the door and the question finally slipped from his mouth, he would find himself shoved inside the Uchiha's house and slammed against a wall.

He didn't expect to feel those lips on his, didn't expect to feel that tongue against his own. He didn't expect to find himself skin to skin with his rival, and he most certainly didn't expect to be molested until daybreak.

But Naruto wasn't complaining.

After all, he got his answer.

Maybe he'll just keep those photos to himself then.

- owari –